CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 新冠疫情下的瑞典——   一败涂地 — 2022年4月12日

Sweden, the COVID-19 Darling, Bites the Dust

新冠疫情下的瑞典——   一败涂地

By Larry Romanoff, April 12, 2022




“The Swedish approach to the Covid outbreak has been a failure. This is what emerges from the first systematic scientific study on Sweden’s strategy in managing the pandemic carried out two years after the first infections, published in Humanities & Social Sciences Communications through” (1)


Many uninformed observers, including some on this website, were not very long ago fulsome (complimentary and flattering to an embarrassingly excessive degree) in their praise of Sweden as a model of effective and rational dealing with COVID-19. However, as we say, “It isn’t over until it’s over.”


Well, it’s more or less over now, and Sweden has been soundly condemned on virtually every aspect of its handling of the coronavirus. Sweden’s litany of sins in this regard is almost too long to list, but includes incompetence, reckless disregard for medical science, secrecy, lack of transparency, cover-ups, manipulation of data, destruction of evidence, euthanasia, shocking medical mistreatment, deliberate death sentences of the elderly and infirm, criminal malfeasance, and much more. These are in addition to the fact of a failed policy that appears to have been guided mostly by incompetence.


These conclusions are the result of a comprehensive study done by scientists from universities in Belgium, Sweden and Norway, billed as a “multidisciplinary group with a background in epidemiology, medicine, religious studies, history, political science and human rights”. The study was not superficial or trivial. The group attempted to collect all communications, emails, notes of internal meetings, and all information involving the Swedish decision-making processes. The study group was assisted by a separate advisory body consisting of “independent national and international experts”, and was subjected to a peer review at the end. It was not all smooth sailing; the study group was often forced to resort to Freedom of Information laws to obtain necessary data and, even then, discovered that much information was simply being withheld and, in many cases, being deleted or otherwise destroyed to prevent release.


It seems that several years earlier the Swedish government delegated pandemic management to its Public Health Agency, and then dismissed almost all the staff. If you recall, this is precisely the path taken by the US when John Bolton eviscerated the only US pandemic agency. This left Sweden with its main health authority that “lacked competence and could ignore scientific facts”. The report stated, “The Public Health Agency did not base its advice on scientific evidence but on preconceptions about influenza pandemics and herd immunity, relying primarily on a small advisory group with a narrow disciplinary focus and too limited expertise.”

 似乎几年前,瑞典政府将大流行管理委托给了公共卫生机构,然后解雇了几乎所有的工作人员。如果你还记得的话,这正是美国在约翰·博尔顿(John Bolton)切除美国唯一一个大流行机构内脏时所走的道路。这使得瑞典的主要卫生机构“缺乏能力,可能忽视科学事实”。该报告称,“公共卫生机构的建议并非基于科学证据,而是基于对流感大流行和群体免疫的先入之见,主要依靠一个小型咨询小组,该小组的学科重点狭窄,专业知识太有限。”

The report stated further that this central body was “systematically incorrect in its risk assessments, and ignored scientific evidence”. As one indication, Anders Tegnell, the so-called epidemiologist who devised Sweden’s strategy to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic, stated firmly, “What we are doing works. With us, there is no lockdown and no second wave”, this while immediately heading into the second wave. Tegnell also “labeled the advice of national scientists and international authorities as “extreme positions”, causing the [Swedish] media and political bodies to accept [Tegnell’s] own policy instead.”

 报告进一步指出,这个中央机构“在风险评估中系统性地不正确,忽视了科学证据”。作为一个2019冠状病毒疾病的流行病学家Anders Tegnell,他坚定地说:“我们正在做的事情。我们没有锁定,没有第二次浪潮”,这一点正直奔第二次浪潮。泰格内尔还“将国家科学家和国际当局的建议称为“极端立场”,导致(瑞典)媒体和政治机构转而接受(泰格内尔)自己的政策。”

Worse, the study found that the Swedish people had been kept in the dark about the fundamental facts of the virus, perhaps in large part to disguise the apparently deliberate euthanasia policy that Tegnell appears to have designed. For one thing, as the report stated, “Many elderly people were given morphine instead of oxygen . . . effectively ending their lives.” The report doesn’t mention Midazolam, but it is almost a certainty that this respiratory suppressant was also used, since it appears to have been almost universally applied in all other Western nations.


“The decision to provide palliative care to many older adults is highly questionable; very few elderly people have been hospitalized for Covid 19. Appropriate (potentially life-saving) treatment was denied without medical examination, and without informing the patient or his family or asking permission.” Many individuals were refused admittance to hospitals and thus simply died at home. The study group discovered triage instructions given to hospitals that individuals with comorbidities and advanced age should not be admitted to hospitals since they were “unlikely to recover” anyway. They were either left at home to die or sent to nursing homes where they were plied with morphine (and very likely Midazolam), and simply sentenced to death.


There were also multiple reports of inequalities and social injustices in Sweden’s response, with the elderly, people in nursing homes, immigrants, and the poor (even the very young), all particularly affected by excess mortality. Tegnell and his officials later repeatedly denied any responsibility for Sweden’s high death toll.


There was something even more sinister in Tegnell’s pandemic policy: the study group uncovered a series of internal emails documenting that one of Sweden’s [Tegnell’s] goals was that of “using children to spread the infection in society.” Tegnell and his group publicly denied the fact that children could be infectious, and assumed they would not develop serious illnesses, but concluded that they could be used to “drive the spread of infection in the population”, thus taking Sweden to its goal of “herd immunity”.


In addition to questionable health decisions, the study highlights the Swedish authorities’ lack of transparency, and even speaks of “secrecy, cover-up and manipulation of data”. The report stated that the State Epidemiologist began automatically deleting any emails requested by journalists or others. One report stated, “Although this is illegal, the practice of withholding information and deleting emails has become widespread among [Swedish] official agencies during the pandemic leading to so-called “shadow management”, as apparently the risk of legal sanctions is very low for power holders.”


The report’s conclusions are an undefended (and indefensible) condemnation of Sweden’s policy that casts disturbing shadows over its government as well. According to the report, “This pandemic has revealed several structural problems in Swedish society, at the political and judicial level, in health, in the official media and in the bureaucracy, with decentralization, lack of accountability and independence, and the rejection of accurate and complete information to the public as recurring problems at different levels.”


They stated further that “Critical questioning, even by internationally renowned scientists and experts, became risky, even dangerous, in a country where conformism was encouraged by the national media.” According to the authors of the study, there was a “problem of evasive accountability, autocratic governance, cover-up and secrecy”. The policies designed by Tegnell and his group were no only anti-social and discriminatory, but would almost certainly support criminal charges of manslaughter, at least in a civilised country.


Anders Tegnell, the author of these policies, resigned just a few days prior to the release of this report. According to the Swedish media (defiant and supportive to the end), Tegnell had resigned to go to work as a “senior expert of the World Health Organization” to coordinate Covid vaccination in poor countries. Unfortunately, the WHO had no knowledge of such an appointment, the Swedish media then backtracking to the extent of claiming that “the process had not yet been settled.”


This was the final result, as of early April, 2022:


Sweden Norway Denmark
Population 10,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000
Deaths 18,500 2,500 5,700


瑞典 挪威 丹麦
人口 10,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000
死亡 18,500 2,500 5,700


If Sweden is a success story in dealing with a pandemic, we don’t want to know about the failures.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

* 罗曼诺夫的著作被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站以及100多个英语平台上。拉里罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他是上海复旦大学的客座教授,向国际EMBA课程提供国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼新集《当中国打喷嚏》的撰稿人之一(第二章。2-对付恶魔)。

他的全部文章可以在以下看到 +


* 笔记





Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2022

版权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮上海之月, 2022



Benjamin Fulford 2022 April 11th


Khazarian mafia leaders being systematically rounded up


The world revolution against the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with the systematic round-up of top KM agents worldwide. At the same time, the KM is trying to shut down the internet, cause a starvation crisis and promote a fake alien invasion as it fights to survive.


Let us start with a look at all the prominent US and Western power brokers who have recently “tested positive for Covid” ie been arrested:


Prince Charles

Nancy Pelosi

Attorney General Merrick Garland

Christine Largarde – President of the European Central Bank & puppet head at the IMF (International Monetary Fund)!

Hillary Clinton 

Barack Obama

CIA Director William Burns

Debbie Wasserman Shultz

Adam Schiff 

Jen Psaki 

Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff

Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser













“Funny how certain people all come down with COVID at the same time,” a Mossad source comments.


This is a clear sign the Rothschild/Rockefeller group staging the fake Biden presidency psy-ops are being removed. As a result “Biden” is malfunctioning these days, saying things like: “I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, that’s when I traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President. I don’t know that for a fact.”


There is also a huge fight going on about Hunter Biden and his incriminating laptop. This laptop campaign is being run out of Switzerland and being resisted by the Rockefeller clique in the US. CIA sources say “Hunter Biden was overdosed 5 months ago and is out of the picture.” This means that they have nobody to put on trial which is how the Democrats will try to prevent the evidence from going on the record. It is a last battle by the cabal.


At the same time, we are now seeing concrete legal action to overturn the stolen election that put that entire nightmare regime in place. For example, the Arizona Attorney General has publicly stated “Fraud was committed” in the 2020 election. Now justice must be served. The noose is getting tighter. 


However, it does not necessarily mean Donald Trump will be reinstated as US President, CIA sources note. That is because the “Trump” now appearing in public is an actor and it is not clear if the real Trump is still with us.


More likely is that Joe Biden will go down in history as the last president of the United States and that the country will be replaced by something better with a true American hero at its head. Events will make this clear sooner rather than later.


Of course, the KM are fighting tooth and nail for their very survival and are making increasingly dire threats. Klaus Schwab Rothschild of the Covid pushing World Economic Forum paints a “frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber-attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospitals and our societies as a whole. The Covid crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison.”


Klaus Schwab_ Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis – Power Grid Down, Banking Offline (


There is now extensive evidence the KM is trying very hard to engineer a world food shortage as well.


The KM is also still trying to manipulate world public opinion with mass murder events they blame on others. For example, German intelligence warned us that large amounts of foreign mercenaries in Odessa dressed in Russian army uniforms are planning a massive terror attack to blame on Russia.


The Russian Tass News Agency agrees saying “Kyiv is plotting, with the West’s support, provocations with the massacre of civilians to place the blame for it on the Russian military.


The planned mass murder event will try to distract public attention from the horrors (torturing children slaves to harvest adrenochrome etc.) being exposed at the massive underground base in Mariupol, CIA sources say.


In any case, on the ground reporters who actually do their job and check facts are finding all the terror attacks against civilians are originating from the Ukrainian side. This missile attack blamed on Russia, for example, has been proven to be Ukrainian. 



“The Satanic KM cabal are going for broke. They don’t know any other way,” a Mossad source warns.


We also saw last week what looked like a desperate attempt to resurrect Barack Obama as an anti-dote to the malfunctioning and widely despised Biden. Note both Obama and Biden say “jokingly” that Biden is Vice-President. 


Of course, even bringing Obama back as the US presidential avatar will not change the fact this regime is now an international pariah.


For example, the rulers of former US puppet states Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi have refused to welcome a Biden visit or even take his phone calls.


Mexico is also cutting its ties with the fake Biden regime. Mexican intelligence also sent us a detailed report on their view of the United States and their Cocaine Importing Agency (CIA). This document offers a very different view of history than what we have been taught. For example, it claims that US President Franklin Roosevelt and Russian dictator Joseph Stalin plotted since the 1930’s to conquer the planet earth. It says Stalin and Roosevelt planned to invade Germany, France and Italy long before WWII started, They also intended to take over the British empire, China and the rest of the world.


We got partial confirmation of this from a CIA source who admits Russia and the United States have been allies since the time of President Lincoln.


The Mexicans say the British Royal family caught wind of this plan and bought off the Americans by offering them control of their global opium and drug business. That is how the CIA became the worlds’ largest drug-dealing operation, they say.


The Mexicans conclude “the United States is the most dangerous narcotics trafficking and terrorist organization in the history of the human race.” (This Spanish language document has been posted in full for those who want the details).


Here is a typical US war crime (in Iraq) of the sort the Mexicans refer to.


The British Royal Family, by the way, has already apologized to the Asians for the criminal opium wars and is now working with the Asian secret societies to make a better world


The KM controlled part of the CIA meanwhile, is fighting desperately to keep its opium business in Afghanistan running by trying to overthrow the government of Pakistan,


They used the same playbook they used to take over the Federal Reserve Board in 1913, a midnight vote by bribed politicians to overthrow Prime Minister Imran Khan, Of course, the ground was prepared beforehand with economic sabotage. KM pharmacidical honcho Bill Gates clearly played a key role in this move.


However, massive demonstrations throughout the country make it clear the fight is far from over. Also, in a sign a crackdown on bribed politicians is imminent, Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency says public leaders will need a no-objection certificate if they wish to travel. 


In any case, the attempt to install a KM friendly regime in Pakistan is part of a desperate and doomed attempt to turn the tide around the world.


The world leaders still allied to the KM can now be counted on one hand: Justin Castro of Canada, Emanuelle Macron of France, Fumio Kishida of Japan, Boris Johnson of the UK and Vladimir Zelensky of Ukraine.


Of course, there are still plenty of pseudo-leaders who have been bribed with Vatican bank accounts to support the entire phony KM “Global” architecture. The letter at this link, for example, shows a list of US politicians and their Vatican bank holdings.


Most of the so-called leaders voting at the UN have similar bribe accounts. MI6 says the UN is a privately owned company based in California and is not a real representative of the people of the world.


The Russians agree. There is no doubt that with the launch of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine a whole historical era came to an end. Amid the growing confrontation between the leading actors a new watershed between the East and the West is emerging, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said.


The current unprecedented sanctions against Russia will cause the further collapse of all international institutions…above all the UN, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev agrees.


Of course, the struggle is not yet over.


For example, there appears to be a serious attempt going on in China to overthrow the government. This is being seen most in Shanghai. Here is information sent to us about this by CIA East Asia:


According to an “expert” from the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Shanghai’s new lockdown protocols are destroying the city and pushing it “to the brink of collapse.”


The PCR testing scheme alone is creating mass chaos as nobody seems to know what they are doing or why. The Shanghai CDC had to issue a notice demanding that staff members answer public inquiries “in line with the policy” because of conflicting information.


Area residents are complaining about their test results as well, which are coming in “negative” on their mobile phones but “positive” from the CDC. There does not appear to be any rhyme or reason as to why the results are inconsistent.


This has all the hallmarks of a P2 freemason ordo ab chao (order from chaos) move to create a revolution by making the people so uncomfortable they have no choice but to overthrow the authorities.

请不要忘记,意大利P2共济会成员信奉ordo ab chao(混乱中出现秩序)的这个信条,而现在上海正在发生的事情,具有这个信条的所有特征,意在通过让人民感到非常不安,他们别无选择,只能推翻当局来制造一场革命。

The KM is also going to use their old tactic of being nice and presenting benevolent shepherds in order to calm the sheeple down.


We note, for example, an ongoing attempt to use Elon Musk and his takeover of Twitter as a way to create controlled opposition and a new narrative. The problem is even if Elon buys 9% of Twitter, the rest is still controlled by Rockefeller/Rothschild fronts. 

例如,我们注意到,有人试图利用埃隆·马斯克和他对Twitter的接管,来制造受控的反对派和新的叙事。问题是,即使埃隆收购了Twitter 9%的股份,其余的股份仍被洛克菲勒家族/罗斯柴尔德家族的前台公司控制。 

Speaking about changing narratives, we also note Monaco freemason agent Greta Thunberg who now says publicly that “climate change does not exist.”


Finally this week, we are getting more and more signs that operation Bluebeam is moving into high gear.


On this front, the Pentagon released 1,500 pages of secret documents about the shadowy UFO program. It says, among other things, that encounters with UFOs have left Americans suffering from radiation burns, brain and nervous system damage, and even “unaccounted for pregnancy.”


There are also more and more weird UFO sightings. For example, a US secret space program source sent us this video with the comment:  


“Hi there, these are the Arcturians & the Sirians! they have these kinds of lightships that can go to the bottom of the sea & out into space in a matter of seconds, as we would calculate time!”


Meanwhile, a source at the Thule Airbase in Greenland (The Mexicans say the US seized Greenland from Denmark in the 1930’s) offered us an explanation for the bizarre incident Lazy Mountain, Alaska:


“This was an inter-dimensional ship that entered into our 3D world. It was an invasion by off-world controllers. It was taken out by the US Space Force at Thule. The US military has the area contained. Nobody is allowed near the crash site”  


Meanwhile, this explanation was put out for the sheeple: 


“According to the Department of Public Safety, the spectacle in the sky on Thursday morning over Lazy Mountain was a unique combination of contrails from a passing jet, atmospheric conditions, and the rising sun. Photos circulated on social media, as people in the Mat-Su Valley wondered about what appeared to be a strange trail of smoke with dark portions that appeared to be debris from something.” 


Nothing to see here folks. Keep moving forward. Just like the Roswell incident back in 1947. It was just a weather balloon. 



CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 辉瑞的完美时机流行病 — 2022年3月31日

Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic



By Larry Romanoff, March 31, 2022




This essay is part of my series on Big Pharma titled “A Litany of Pharma Crimes” (1) This is of special importance because it relates to our current COVID-19 catastrophe and all these separate segments form dots that need to be connected to fully appreciate and understand what is happening to our world today. In addition to my articles on COVID-19 specifically, these other segments illuminate the criminality that pervades the entire pharma industry but which includes collusion at the highest levels of Western governments and UN agencies like the WHO and UNICEF, Foundations like the Rockefeller Institute and individuals like Bill Gates. The extent of what can only be termed a homicidal criminality is almost impossible to believe at first reading. On reading these stories, we have an instinctive tendency to tell ourselves that “This cannot possibly be true. They would never do that.” It is painful and upsetting to be finally forced to the conclusion that “Yes, they bloody well would do that.” There are several extremely shocking essays to come, not the least of which will cover the COVID-19 injections (vaccinations) and Pfizer’s extensive criminal history.

 这篇文章是我关于大型制药公司的系列文章的一部分,题为“一连串的制药犯罪”(1) 2019冠状病毒疾病的发生,这与我们当前的COVID-19灾难有关,所有这些单独的片段形成了需要连接到充分理解和理解今天世界发生的事情的点。除了我的文章2019冠状病毒疾病之外,这些其他的部分也说明了整个制药工业的犯罪行为,其中包括西方政府和联合国机构的联合勾结,如世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会,洛克菲勒研究所和比尔盖茨这样的基金会。一读之下,人们几乎不可能相信这种只能被称为杀人犯罪的程度。在阅读这些故事时,我们会本能地告诉自己,“这不可能是真的。他们永远不会那样做。”最终被迫得出“是的,他们会这么做”的结论,这是痛苦和令人不安的有几篇2019冠状病毒疾病的报道,其中包括最令人震惊的文章,其中包括了CVID-19注射疫苗和辉瑞广泛的犯罪史。


It is by now well-known that many new drugs are accompanied by serious side-effects such as irreversible liver damage, and are often fatal to children. In 1996 Pfizer developed a new antibiotic called Trovan to treat a variety of infections – meningitis being one example. Many of these new antibiotics are very powerful and with side effects that normally make them too dangerous to use for children, often causing permanent liver damage, joint disease and many other debilitating complications. Inexplicably, Pfizer decided to perform test trials on infants. However, Pfizer had the standard problem that FDA certification in the US required clinical trials on humans, and these are almost impossible to conduct in developed countries because no parents are willing to allow their children to take part in such risky clinical trials, to say nothing of the lawsuits resulting from trials gone bad. Therefore, these pharma companies tend almost universally to take their trials to poor countries in Africa, Asia and South America where the laws are unprepared and the people don’t understand the risks of untested and unapproved drugs. The American (and European) pharma companies therefore transformed the developing world into an enormous test laboratory that carries no financial liability.


As luck would have it, at precisely the moment when Pfizer was ready to commence clinical trials of this new drug, Nigeria was suddenly and inexplicably hit with one of the worst meningitis epidemics in history. And of course, Pfizer was there to help the Nigerian government deal with the outbreak. But Pfizer didn’t exactly deal with the outbreak; what it did was to conduct a reprehensible clinical trial for its new medication, on a group of victims unlikely to complain. Rather than “helping” as it claimed, Pfizer gathered a trial group and a control group, giving one group Pfizer’s new medication and a competitor’s product to the other. It quickly became obvious that the Americans were not on a humanitarian mission but were saving the expense of live trials. After experimenting on about 200 victims, they gathered their test information and left – right in the middle of the meningitis epidemic, without having saved any lives. The Nigerian government tallied the deaths at about 11,000.


Hajara, photographed in 2007, survived the trials but became deaf afterwards and is unable to speak


That would have been the end, except that a controversy erupted soon after about the relationship between Pfizer’s need for test trials and the meningitis outbreak. As it happened, the WHO was in Nigeria immediately prior to that time on another of its “life-saving” vaccination programs, this time for polio, and the timing and location of the meningitis outbreak apparently matched perfectly the WHO’s polio vaccination program. And of course, it perfectly matched Pfizer’s need for large numbers of test subjects. There were lawsuits and payments, accusations and denials, but to this day Nigeria refuses WHO entry into the country and will not participate in any further “humanitarian” aid from the UN or the WHO. We cannot definitively say that the WHO deliberately created the meningitis epidemic for the benefit of Pfizer’s tests, but it’s the only theory that fits all the known facts and it’s the kind of thing the WHO appears to do on a regular basis. We should note Pfizer’s intention to market Trovan in the US and Europe after its trials on these African children, but the FDA refused to approve Trovan for American children due to the severe dangers.


Pfizer’s behavior after these “field trials” ended was, if anything, even more reprehensible. The lawsuits were based on claims that Pfizer did not have proper consent from parents to use an experimental drug on their children, the use of which not only left many children dead but others with brain damage, paralysis or slurred speech. Pfizer eventually reached a settlement with the Nigerian state government to pay $75m in damages and to create a fund of $35m to compensate the victims. This, after what the Guardian described as “a 15-year legal battle against Pfizer over a fiercely controversial drug trial”. Pfizer not only resisted to the end, forcing the poor families through 15 years of hell before finally relenting, but resorted to extortion and blackmail of Nigerian government officials in attempts to avoid making any payments to the families of the tiny victims of its illegal drug trial. The UK Guardian reported that leaked US government diplomatic cables revealed that “Pfizer hired investigators to look for evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in an effort to persuade him to drop the legal action”, with the apparent full knowledge and possibly assistance of the US State Department.


The Guardian stated the diplomatic cables recorded meetings between Pfizer’s country manager, Enrico Liggeri, and US officials at the Abuja embassy on 9 April 2009, stating, “According to Liggeri, Pfizer had hired investigators to uncover corruption links to federal attorney general Michael Aondoakaa to expose him and put pressure on him to drop the federal cases. He said Pfizer’s investigators were passing this information to local media.” The Guardian also reported there was no suggestion or evidence Nigeria’s attorney general was swayed by this pressure. Pfizer of course claimed the entire notion was “preposterous”, but we can assume the cables – which were classified as “Confidential” – didn’t lie.


It seems Pfizer was dissembling in all its statements, not only with claims of government approval and parental knowledge, but their claim a Nigerian doctor was in charge and directed the experiments. The government’s study found the local doctor was the director “in name only” and most often was not even informed of the procedures of the study and was typically “kept in the dark”. As well Pfizer used the fake letter from a non-existent department to obtain FDA approval for these clinical trials. Pfizer finally admitted the forged letter was “incorrect”, but I’m not sure that is the most appropriate adjective to use. Pfizer also made the infuriatingly dishonest claim that its antibiotic “Trovan demonstrated the highest survival rate of any treatment at the hospital. Trovan unquestionably saved lives.” Well, maybe, but the data on which Pfizer based this claim were the fact that in one location five patients died after using Pfizer’s drug while six patients died after using another medication, with no data as to infection severity or anything else. At best, an empty and fundamentally dishonest claim.


To deflect the issue of Pfizer’s Trovan being lethal to children, the company claimed that the international body Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans Frontières) were administering Pfizer’s drug in their own large treatment program, a claim MSF vehemently denied, saying, “We have never worked with this family of antibiotic. We don’t use it for meningitis. That is the reason why we were shocked to see this trial in the hospital.” It was Pfizer’s Liggeri who claimed the lawsuits against Pfizer “were wholly political in nature”, and Liggeri as well who concocted the accusation that MSF had administered Pfizer’s Trovan to children.


In 2006 the Washington Post reported on a lengthy Nigerian government study that concluded Pfizer violated international law by testing its unapproved drug on children with brain infections. The Post apparently obtained a copy of the confidential report which had been hidden away for five years, and which stated Pfizer had never received authorisation from the government for its clinical trial, the apparent authorisation letter having been forged on the letterhead of a non-existent department and backdated to a date prior to the study. According to the Post’s article, the government claimed Pfizer’s ‘humanitarian effort’ was “an illegal trial of an unregistered drug, and a clear case of exploitation of the ignorant.” [2]


 Leaked US cables claim Pfizer hired investigators to find evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general to persuade him to drop legal action over a drug trial for children with meningitis. Photograph: AFP/Guardian



The American response was not one of shame for participating in this fraud, nor did the State Department condemn Pfizer for either conducting the drug trials or attempting the extortion and blackmail. Instead, the US ambassador condemned the leak of US embassy cables, as if publicly revealing the crime constituted a worse action than the crime itself. The State Department rushed the high moral ground to condemn “endangering innocent people” and “sabotaging peaceful relations between nations”, ignoring the facts that Pfizer’s trials did far more to ‘endanger innocent people’ and ‘sabotage relations’ than could be done by the revelation of a crime. But in the eyes of the US government, Americans do not commit crimes, and in any case the victims weren’t white. The cables further claimed Pfizer settled only because legal and ‘investigative’ fees had been costing the company more than $15 million per year, which leads one to wonder what occurs in the minds of these people who will spend $15 million a year for 15 years, to avoid paying half that sum to compensate lives they destroyed. [3] [4] [5] [6]

 美国的反应并不是因为参与了这场欺诈而感到羞耻,美国国务院也没有谴责辉瑞进行药物试验或试图敲诈勒索。相反,美国大使谴责了美国大使馆电文的泄露,似乎公开披露犯罪构成了比犯罪本身更糟糕的行为。美国国务院在道义上仓促谴责“危害无辜人民”和“破坏国家间的和平关系”,无视辉瑞的审判对“危害无辜人民”和“破坏关系”的作用远大于揭露罪行的事实。但在美国政府看来,美国人并不犯罪,而且在任何情况下,受害者都不是白人。这些电报进一步声称,辉瑞和解的唯一原因是,法律和“调查”费用每年给该公司造成的损失超过1500万美元,这让人不禁想知道,这些人在15年内每年将花费1500万美元,以避免支付一半的金额来补偿他们所摧毁的生命,他们的想法是什么。[3] [4] [5] [6]

And there is still more. We have seen so many documented examples of the US courts assuming jurisdiction where they have none, agreeing to try cases without any US involvement that occurred wholly outside the US, in flagrant violations of international law, and indicative only of imperial arrogance. But when Nigeria attempted to file claims against Pfizer in the US, the American courts refused to hear the cases, oddly claiming they had no jurisdiction. And this isn’t the first time the US government, the State Department and the US courts have circled the wagons to protect a US multinational by closing the courts.


Pfizer Vaccine Now Available to SDSU Community | NewsCenter | SDSU

Today, they are viewed primarily as imperial predators with a distinctly anti-human agenda


In 2004 and 2007, the Nigerian media carried reports which were heavily suppressed in US and Western media that the country was refusing to permit UN health authorities to carry out further administration of polio vaccines, blaming the WHO for having initiated the meningitis epidemic in 1996 that resulted in Pfizer’s highly questionable drug trial in that country. Nigerian leaders were also concerned that polio and other foreign vaccines were deliberately contaminated with sterilising and other agents, as occurred in the Philippines and other nations at around the same time. In much of Africa, there appears to be little remaining of the trust that once existed in international agencies and US and European pharma companies. Today, they are viewed primarily as imperial predators with a distinctly anti-human agenda, or at least an agenda that is anti non-white. The portions of Nigeria and other African nations that do still permit vaccinations now insist these be prepared in a trusted non-Western country with no involvement of the WHO or other Western agencies.


Many nations today insist the WHO is a tool to reduce Muslim populations, a claim that is increasingly difficult to dismiss as simple paranoia, and in fact Nigeria also discovered sterilants in WHO vaccines in that country that were clearly capable of lowering fertility in women. The Western media steadfastly ignore the body of evidence supporting these claims and suspicions, and focus instead on a moralistic concern that “the world might be slipping in its efforts to wipe out polio”, categorising the valid concerns of so many nations as ignorant and uninformed suspicion. The Western media of course are all reading from the same page as the perpetrators of this outrage.


We also have the ever-present corporate apologists, weaving their tapestries of misinformation attempting to irreversibly confuse an issue with irrelevancies and so as to place doubts in the minds of the public. One perennial favorite is a claim that “these attacks on pharmaceutical companies could encourage countries to enact legislation that would lower drug profits, which in turn could hamper the development of new medications”. This foolish statement from Roger Bate, a “fellow” at the International Policy Network, which is a lobby group for big pharma, funded by the usual Foundations and corporations, and dutifully reported by London’s Daily Telegraph in its campaign to confuse the uninformed public. The statement is actually rather clever, suggesting that our condemnation of the atrocities and illegalities of big pharma are somehow unjustified violent “attacks” on undeserving corporations.

 我们还有经常出现的公司辩护者,他们编织着虚假信息的织锦,试图不可逆转地将一个问题与无关紧要的问题混淆起来,从而在公众心中制造怀疑。长期以来最受欢迎的一种说法是,“对制药公司的这些攻击可能会鼓励各国颁布立法,降低药品利润,进而阻碍新药的开发”。罗杰·贝特(Roger Bate)是国际政策网络(International Policy Network)的“研究员”,他发表了这一愚蠢的声明。国际政策网络是一个大型制药公司的游说团体,由通常的基金会和公司提供资金,伦敦《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)在其迷惑不明真相的公众的活动中尽职尽责地报道了这一声明。该声明实际上相当聪明,表明我们对大型制药公司的暴行和违法行为的谴责在某种程度上是对不值得的公司进行的没有道理的暴力“攻击”。

In the case of Pfizer and its Nigerian Trovan trials, The Telegraph gives us an added incentive to sympathise with big pharma by telling us – without evidence or documentation – that “the Nigerian government’s motives (in condemning Pfizer) have also been questioned”, the issue being morphed from reprehensible drug trials resulting in death of children into one of an untrustworthy government with questionable political motives. Thus will the Western media will spin and weave until truth in all its forms disappears from the landscape forever. [7]



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可在 and

He can be contacted at:






Pfizer: Nigeria drug trial victims get compensation



Panel Faults Pfizer in ’96 Clinical Trial In Nigeria;



Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims



Pfizer faces $8.5 bln suit over Nigeria drug trial



Nigeria Takes On Pfizer over Controversial Drug Test



In this Nigerian city, Pfizer fears loom over the vaccine rollout



UK Telegraph – Pfizer Nigerian Trovan trials – “the Nigerian government’s motives have also been questioned”



More Reading:



Drugs companies fund patient groups which attack NHS;


Patient groups which have attacked decisions made by the NHS drugs watchdog are funded by pharmaceutical companies, an investigation claims.



Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

版权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮, 上海之月, 2022

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 加拿大被污染的血液——更新 — 2022年3月31日

Canada’s Tainted Blood — Update



By Larry Romanoff, March 31, 2022



 Guilt and anger surface as infected blood inquiry hears evidence | Contaminated blood scandal | The Guardian



This essay is part of my series on Big Pharma titled “A Litany of Pharma Crimes” (1) This is of special importance because it relates to our current COVID-19 catastrophe and all these separate segments form dots that need to be connected to fully appreciate and understand what is happening to our world today. In addition to my articles on COVID-19 specifically, these other segments illuminate the criminality that pervades the entire pharma industry but which includes collusion at the highest levels of Western governments and UN agencies like the WHO and UNICEF, Foundations like the Rockefeller Institute and individuals like Bill Gates.


The extent of what can only be termed a homicidal criminality is almost impossible to believe at first reading. On reading these stories, we have an instinctive tendency to tell ourselves that “This cannot possibly be true. They would never do that.” It is painful and upsetting to be finally forced to the conclusion that “Yes, they bloody well would do that.” There are several extremely shocking essays to come, not the least of which will cover the COVID-19 injections (vaccinations) and Pfizer’s extensive criminal history.



The front page of The Globe and Mail on Nov. 27, 1997.


In the early 1980s, thousands of Canadians were infected with HIV and at least another 60,000 or more with hepatitis C, from tainted blood products distributed by the Canadian Red Cross who were responsible for the country’s blood donation system. This agency took most of the blame for the public health calamity, but there were many others involved in the scandal, producing a web of disastrous decisions heavily contaminated with a dysfunctional negligence that bordered on – and sometimes crossed the line into – criminality. In the end, facing multiple accusations of criminal negligence, the Red Cross was stripped of its blood collection responsibilities and a new Federal agency established, with billions of dollars being paid in compensation to the victims.  (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

20世纪80年代初,数千名加拿大人感染了艾滋病毒,另有至少6万人或更多人感染了丙型肝炎,这些人来自负责该国献血系统的加拿大红十字会分发的受污染血液制品。该机构承担了公共卫生灾难的大部分责任,但还有许多其他人卷入了这起丑闻,产生了一系列灾难性的决定,严重沾染了功能失调的疏忽,近乎——有时甚至跨越了——犯罪。最终,面对多项刑事过失指控,红十字会被剥夺了采血职责,并成立了一个新的联邦机构,向受害者支付了数十亿美元的赔偿金。 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

The root cause of this enormous disaster was the existence of an unregulated and uncontrolled medical-pharma industry in the US, resulting in the private-enterprise, profit-maximising commercialisation of the business of blood collection and distribution. One result of the American system was the collection of blood from US prisons, the most high-risk of all sources but one with a captive population and a fundamentally criminal environment perfectly suited to the style of the US pharma companies. At the time, Canada imported a great deal of blood from the US, primarily through a US blood broker named Continental Pharma-Cryosan, who sold their products to a Canadian blood fractionator named Connaught Laboratories which was then a Canadian state-owned company. Connaught re-sold its blood and blood products to the Canadian Red Cross for final distribution to hospitals and other medical facilities.

 这场巨大灾难的根本原因是美国存在着一个不受监管、不受控制的医药行业,导致了私营企业的出现,使血液采集和分配业务的利润最大化。美国制度的一个结果是从美国监狱收集血液,这是所有来源中风险最高的,但有一个俘虏人口和一个完全适合美国制药公司风格的基本犯罪环境。当时,加拿大从美国进口了大量血液,主要是通过一家名为Continental Pharma Cryosan的美国血液经纪人,该经纪人将其产品出售给一家名为康诺实验室的加拿大血液分离机,康诺实验室当时是加拿大的一家国有公司。康诺将其血液和血液制品重新出售给加拿大红十字会,以便最终分发给医院和其他医疗机构。

In the final analysis, it seems Connaught Labs carried most of the responsibility for the tragedy and should have been apportioned most of the blame. In 1971, more than ten years prior to this disaster, the Canadian government had forbidden the practice of collecting blood from prisons because of the high risk of infections, and Connaught was fully aware of this fact, so purchasing blood from US prisons was hardly an acceptable alternative. The shipments of US blood were not specifically identified as originating in US prisons, the shipper merely being identified as ‘ADC’, without specifying that the acronym stood for the ‘Arkansas Department of Corrections’ – the prison system. However, supporting documentation which included reports from the US FDA did clearly identify the source, but the executives at Connaught claimed they didn’t bother to read them. The director of blood fractionation at Connaught, a Dr. Anthony Magnin, testified that collecting blood from prisoners “was not considered inherently a problem”, and that the identifying documents were either not read at all “or they were read and not acted upon”.


The evidence at the judicial hearings indicated that Connaught’s safeguards and checks were more or less entirely absent for years. Connaught could have initiated site checks on the sources of its blood shipments, and could have performed its own checks on the purity of the shipments, but chose to do neither, relying instead on US FDA reports which were of no value except to identify the source because the FDA performed no checks or oversight worthy of mention, the entire US operation being essentially an unsupervised Wild West. The US Health Service had strongly discouraged the collection of blood from high-risk areas and, though the practice was not made illegal, this blood was no longer sold in the US and was therefore exported. This left Connaught in the position of importing and selling large volumes of blood that had been rejected by US authorities.


Continental Pharma was informed by the FDA in June 1983 of potential problems with plasma it had supplied to Connaught, but did not initiate a recall and did not inform Connaught until months later. Meanwhile, an FBI investigation determined that Continental Pharma had committed numerous illegalities and broken many laws, but they appear to not have notified Canada. And for their part, the Canadian RCMP apparently failed to inform the Americans when their investigation revealed that Continental Pharma had been falsely labelling blood as originating with Swedish donors when it had actually been extracted from Russian cadavers.

 1983年6月,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)告知大陆制药(Continental Pharma),其向康诺供应的血浆存在潜在问题,但并未发起召回,直到数月后才通知康诺。与此同时,联邦调查局的一项调查确定,大陆制药公司犯下了许多违法行为,违反了许多法律,但他们似乎没有通知加拿大。加拿大皇家骑警显然没有通知美国人,因为他们的调查显示,大陆制药公司在从俄罗斯尸体中提取血液时,一直错误地将血液标记为来自瑞典捐献者。

But the rot went still deeper, and it wasn’t only Continental Pharma who crossed the line from negligence to criminality. In 1983, a senior Connaught executive wrote a letter to assure the Canadian Red Cross that none of its blood plasma sources were located “in population centers in the US shown to bear high risk for AIDS”, and further that Connaught were ”keenly aware of the potential risk of AIDS for the hemophiliac”. These statements were clearly untrue since a month earlier the company had received documents proving it had been purchasing blood and plasma collected from US prisons, and had purchased directly from the prisons as well. Not only that, Connaught was at the same time purchasing blood supplies directly from a blood bank in San Francisco that was located in the center of Skid Row and was on the FDA’s warning list as one of the world’s highest-risk areas for HIV. For Connaught to have given those assurances to the Red Cross in light of the true facts, was criminally irresponsible at best.


While HIV tests were not initially considered accurate, there were effective tests that would have caught most of the cases of Hepatitis C. Moreover, after evidence was mounting that HIV and Hepatitis were being transmitted through contaminated blood products, Connaught made no effort to locate or inform those who might have been infected. In addition, a heat treatment had been developed for the blood products that would have killed the resident infections, but Connaught neglected to take this step and yet continued to sell its stock of potentially contaminated products. When developed countries began turning en masse to the new heat-treated products, Connaught began looking to developing nations as likely markets for its contaminated products. During the enquiry, confidential memos surfaced from the company that suggested Iran and Spain were “possible markets”, and suggested they “could be in a position to sell six million units to France”. They then apparently had second thoughts and decided their contaminated “current product should not be offered for sale to developed countries”.


An even greater tragedy continued because Bayer Pharma and Cutter Biological continued to flog this diseased product around the world for several years. They sent millions of packs infected plasma to Hong Kong and caused an enormous epidemic there, infecting tens of thousands of innocent victims with no accurate report of deaths. And they did the same throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Nobody knows how many lives were ruined nor how many people died. I will publish two more reports on Bayer and Cutter to expose the extent of the homicidal criminality involved in this.

 更大的悲剧还在继续,因为拜耳制药(Bayer Pharma)和卡特生物(Cutter Biological)连续几年在世界各地鞭打这种患病产品。他们向香港运送了数百万袋感染的血浆,并在那里造成了巨大的流行病,感染了成千上万无辜的受害者,没有准确的死亡报告。他们在亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲也采取了同样的行动。没有人知道有多少生命被毁,也没有人知道有多少人死亡。我将再发表两篇关于拜耳和卡特的报道,揭露其中涉及的杀人犯罪程度。

The blood scandal exploded first in Canada, from a lawsuit filed in the US by a prisoner who claimed to have been infected with Hepatitis C from transfusions obtained through the prison system. It was then that the FDA issued new guidelines and informed Connaught’s broker Continental Pharma of the virtual certainty of contamination. After a delay of months, the firm notified Connaught who then were compelled to inform the Canadian Red Cross, who then cancelled their contract with Connaught. But none of the parties initiated a recall of the contaminated blood, apparently preferring to ‘ride out the storm’ and slowly move to safer products. The cancellation of the Red Cross contract of course was a major crisis for Connaught since this was its major source of revenue but, with the assistance of pressure from the government, the contract was renewed.


The Canadian Red Cross came under substantial and even violent criticism, primarily for its cowardice in failing to notify the public of its contaminated blood, for continuing to distribute tainted blood products in silence, and for denying the truth when it became public. All involved parties devoted their energy to circling the wagons and trying to contain the scandal instead of protecting and informing the public, worrying more about personal liability and recriminations than the huge numbers of infected and dying people. There was some confusion (on which all concerned parties attempted to place the blame) in that the Canadian government required only that blood purchased from US sources originate from locations approved by the FDA. It was not illegal to collect prison blood in the US, and though this product was no longer being sold domestically it still retained its FDA approval on the (implicit) understanding it would be exported. It therefore complied with Canada’s stipulations in law but clearly not in intent.


Prime Minister Paul Martin shares a moment with Liberal Party President Michael Eizenga, after losing the election January 24 , 2006 in Montreal, Quebec.

总理保罗·马丁与自由党主席迈克尔·艾森加分享了这一时刻, 在2006年1月24日魁北克省蒙特利尔选举失败后。

Connaught Labs was a kind of treasure of Canada’s government at the time, having been established in an effort to create and nurture sophisticated elements of the nation’s health-care industry. It was a high-profile company that had developed a history of problems, all of which tended to be ignored and which quietly multiplied. Paul Martin, who would later become Canada’s Prime Minister, was on the board of directors of Connaught’s holding company which shared directors, meaning the lengthy discussions of the company’s blood trade could not have escaped attention, and many placed much of the overall blame on Mr. Martin, especially considering his reluctance to examine the matter.


Justice Horace Krever - Unspeakable | TVmaze

Justice Horace Krever

Commissioner of the Inquiry into the Blood System in Canada from 1993–97.




In Canada, judicial hearings and enquiries generally collect and state facts without being permitted to assign blame or liability, but this case was different and the judge heading the enquiry, a Mr. Justice Krever, fully intended to assign not only blame but criminal liability in his final report. With this knowledge, Mr. Martin and other members of the Cabinet of Canada’s government pursued Justice Krever all the way to Canada’s Supreme Court in a failed attempt to prevent him from doing so. There was substantial criticism of Mr. Martin and Connaught’s holding company for refusal to cooperate with the judicial enquiry, effectively stonewalling all efforts to obtain information, claiming a thorough search of government files found no records of any kind dealing with the matter.


As a result of the judicial enquiry, Canada’s RCMP launched a five-year investigation into the matter and eventually laid 32 criminal charges against several doctors, various government bureaucrats, the head of the Red Cross blood program and a Vice-President of the US firm Armour Pharmaceutical. Connaught Labs was charged with criminal offenses as was the Red Cross itself, but the Red Cross was fined only $5,000 for distributing a contaminated drug and the criminal charges were dropped. After a trial that lasted 18 months, the judge ruled that there was “no crime” in either the actions of the doctors, Connaught Labs, the Red Cross, or the US firm, a decision that still today angers Canadians, amid accusations of a massive government cover-up and judicial interference. Most observers considered the verdict an unforgiveable miscarriage of justice. Justice Mary Lou Benotto delivered her verdict by stating:

 作为司法调查的结果,加拿大皇家骑警对此事展开了为期五年的调查,最终对几名医生、多名政府官员、红十字会血液项目负责人和美国Armour Pharmaceutical公司的一名副总裁提出了32项刑事指控。康诺特实验室和红十字会本身都被指控犯有刑事罪,但红十字会仅因分发受污染的药物而被罚款5000美元,刑事指控被撤销。在长达18个月的审判后,法官裁定医生、康诺实验室、红十字会或美国公司的行为“没有犯罪”,这一决定至今仍令加拿大人感到愤怒,因为有人指责政府进行大规模掩盖和司法干预。大多数观察家认为这一判决是不可原谅的误判。法官玛丽·卢·贝诺托在宣判时说:

“There was no conduct that showed wanton and reckless disregard. There was no marked departure from the standard of a reasonable person. On the contrary, the conduct examined in detail for over one and a half years confirms reasonable, responsible and professional actions and responses during a difficult time.”


 Outrage over blood scandal verdict | CTV News

Noella Baker holds back her emotions after the verdict in the tainted blood case

was handed down in Toronto on Oct. 1, 2007. (CP / Adrian Wyld)

诺埃拉·贝克(Noella Baker)在染血案判决后抑制了自己的情绪


Both Prime Minister Martin and Connaught Labs escaped criminal liability, the Canadian Red Cross was stripped of its blood collection duties and was essentially bankrupted by penalties and civil lawsuits. The Canadian government was forced to settle a class action lawsuit for well over one billion dollars, but the end result was that nobody paid except the people. The Red Cross and Connaught were sued in civil actions paid by shareholders, and the government’s billion-dollar settlement came from the taxpayers. The involved individuals avoided all criminal and financial liability for the tens of thousands of totally preventable infections and deaths from AIDS and Hepatitis.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可在 and






A Litany of Pharma Crimes



A Look Back At Canada’s Tainted Blood Scandal



Canada’s tainted blood scandal: A timeline



Book Review: Bad Blood: Tainted Blood Scandal; This article was originally published in Maclean’s Magazine on June 26, 1995



Victims of Canada’s tainted blood scandal to share $207M compensation fund surplus. The excess money is part of a $1-billion trust created to settle a class action launched in 1998 against the Canadian Red Cross, which then administered blood banks




Bad Blood: The Tragedy Of The Canadian Tainted Blood Scandal Paperback – April 18 2002



Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

版权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮, 上海之月, 2022

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 关于世卫组织的警示故事——更新 — 2022年3月31日

A Cautionary Tale About the WHO — UPDATE


  By Larry Romanoff, March 31, 2022 拉里·罗曼诺夫,2022年3月31日 译者:珍珠g



This essay is part of my series on Big Pharma titled “A Litany of Pharma Crimes” (1) This is of special importance because it relates to our current COVID-19 catastrophe and all these separate segments form dots that need to be connected to fully appreciate and understand what is happening to our world today. In addition to my articles on COVID-19 specifically, these other segments illuminate the criminality that pervades the entire pharma industry but which includes collusion at the highest levels of Western governments and UN agencies like the WHO and UNICEF, Foundations like the Rockefeller Institute and individuals like Bill Gates. The extent of what can only be termed a homicidal criminality is almost impossible to believe at first reading. On reading these stories, we have an instinctive tendency to tell ourselves that “This cannot possibly be true. They would never do that.” It is painful and upsetting to be finally forced to the conclusion that “Yes, they bloody well would do that.” There are several extremely shocking essays to come, not the least of which will cover the COVID-19 injections (vaccinations) and Pfizer’s extensive criminal history.



As shocking as the accusation appears at first reading, there appears to be no shortage of claims from multiple informed and independent sources that the WHO has two primary functions, the first as a tool for world population reduction on behalf of its masters, and the second as a powerful marketing agent for big pharma, specifically the vaccine manufacturers. Many critics have pointed out that the ‘vaccination experts’ at the WHO are “dominated by the vaccine makers standing to gain from the enormously lucrative vaccine and antiviral contracts awarded by governments.” And indeed, the advisory and other committees involved with the WHO’s vaccine programs seem heavily populated with those who profit directly from those same programs.


Equally, the claims and concerns about population control and reduction are far from conspiracy theories today, with far too much evidence, some of it frightening, that this is indeed a major agenda of the WHO today. We have already seen too much hard evidence of this body’s involvement in both areas to justify dismissing the concerns as implausible fears. Moreover, there is a disturbing list of individuals closely associated with the WHO, who have had either population reduction or mass vaccinations as a pet project;


It is difficult, on the basis of all the evidence, to avoid the conclusion that the WHO is an international criminal enterprise under the control of a core group with European Khazar family dynasties at its center which, as one writer noted, “provides the strategic leadership and funds the development, manufacturing and release of synthetic, man-made viruses solely to justify immensely profitable mass vaccinations”. We have seen so many instances of an unusual and apparently laboratory-made virus appearing without warning, the onset followed immediately by urgent worried pronouncements from the WHO of yet another mandatory mass vaccination.


We have the rampant production of deadly viruses in secretive labs around the world, and the repeated “accidental” release of those into various populations (think ZIKA) – seemingly inevitably without explanation, apology or even a semblance of actual investigation, much less censure or criminal or civil charges. We also have the blanket legal immunity for all pharma companies in their creation and dissemination of deadly pathogens by vaccination. When we add into this mix the WHO’s history of criminality as with their now-famous tetanus/hCG international sterility program (the subject of this essay), the curious timing of the onset of AIDS, the release of SARS, MERS, and EBOLA, and the many occurrences of the WHO’s vaccination programs perfectly coinciding with a sudden outbreak of yet another unusual disease in the same areas and populations, one would have to be a hard-core ideologue to not become damned suspicious.


WHO Vaccinations and Population Control


Quelling population growth - Conspiracy theories contribute to scepticism about Covid vaccines in African countries | The Economic Times

During the early 1990s, the WHO had been overseeing massive tetanus vaccination campaigns in Nicaragua, Mexico, the Philippines, Tanzania and Nigeria. All tell a similar story, one that almost beggars belief but with the facts too clear to refute. Tetanus is a disease whose onset we often associate with stepping on a rusty nail or some such event. It should be clear that men would be at least as likely, if not more likely, to encounter this circumstance than would women, and perhaps careless children more than adults, but the WHO vaccination program was directed only to females from 15 to 45 years of age – in other words, child-bearing ages. In Nicaragua, the targets were females from 12 to 49 years of age.


Also, a single tetanus shot is universally accepted as sufficient to provide protective duration of ten years or more, but the WHO inexplicably insisted on vaccinating these women five times within several months. Shortly after the initiation of these programs, concerns began to emerge about spontaneous abortions and other complications arising exclusively within the vaccinated populations. On suspicion, a group in Mexico had the vaccination serum analysed and discovered it contained the Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone. This hormone is critical to the female body during pregnancy. It causes the release of other hormones that prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of the fertilised egg. Without it, a woman’s body is unable to sustain a pregnancy and the fetus will be aborted. This hormone was injected into the subjects along with the tetanus serum, causing a female body to then recognise both as foreign agents and to develop antibodies to destroy either if they were to ever appear in the body in the future.


Upon becoming pregnant, a woman’s body would fail to recognize hCG as a friend and would produce anti-hCG antibodies, the prior vaccination now inducing her body’s immune system to attack the hormone that is needed to bring an unborn child to term, preventing subsequent pregnancies by killing the hCG which is necessary to sustain them. This means each woman who received the WHO inoculation was vaccinated not only against tetanus but also against pregnancy. [2][3]


The WHO at first denied the facts and disparaged the results of the initial tests, claiming that Third-world labs were competent only to test urine samples. However, following this revelation, each nation conducted extensive tests by expert independent labs and in all cases the hCG hormone was identified as existing in the tetanus vaccination serum. The WHO eventually went silent and discontinued their program but by this time many millions of women had been vaccinated – and rendered sterile. One important fact is that the three different brands of tetanus vaccine being used in this project were developed, produced, and distributed in secrecy and that none had ever been tested or licensed for sale or distribution anywhere in the world. The companies that produced them were Connaught Laboratories and Intervex from Canada, and Australia’s CSL Laboratories.


Connaught is the same firm that, along with the Canadian Red Cross, knowingly distributed AIDS-contaminated blood products for several years during the 1980s, a criminal organisation that should have been executed along with its owners. [4] You can read the essay, “Canada’s Tainted Blood”. Following its outstanding criminal history in Canada, Connaught was sold to Rothschild and now forms part of his Sanofi Group, the criminality clearly continuing and now on a worldwide scale.

 20世纪80年代,与加拿大红十字会(Canadian Red Cross)一道,康诺特(Connaugh)是一家在数年时间里故意分发受艾滋病污染的血液制品的公司,这是一家本应与其所有者一起被处决的犯罪组织。[4] 你可以读这篇文章《加拿大的污染血液》。在加拿大有着杰出的犯罪历史之后,康诺特被卖给了罗斯柴尔德,现在已成为其赛诺菲集团的一部分,犯罪活动显然仍在继续,目前已在全球范围内蔓延。

Further damning evidence that the Western media censored, was the fact that the WHO had been actively involved for more than 20 years prior in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing hCG tied to tetanus toxoid as a carrier – precisely the same combination as in these vaccines. According to the WHO’s own reports, they had spent 20 years and more than $400 million on this specific “reproductive health” research. More than 20 research articles have been written on this subject, many of these by the WHO itself, that document in detail the WHO’s attempts to create an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing tetanus toxoid. And they aren’t alone; the UNFPA, the UNDP, the World Bank and of course – whenever we encounter secret efforts at population control – the ubiquitous Rockefeller Foundation, are all allied in this cause, as was the US National Institute of Health. The Government of Norway was also a partner in this travesty, contributing more than $40 million to develop this Tetanus-abortion vaccine.


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been heavily funding the distribution of tetanus vaccine in Africa by UNICEF, which is the agency that provided Kenya with the vaccine laced with hCG. Gates said: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.” [5] The Rockefeller Foundation also heavily funded this vaccine research and distribution. [6] All this amounts to genocide on a planetary scale.


I examined in detail the WHO website and discovered there were dozens of articles written by WHO researchers, documenting in detail the WHO’s attempts to create an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing tetanus toxoid as a carrier. [7](One need only search the WHO website for hCG to find the reports.)Some leading articles included:

 我详细检查了世卫组织的网站,发现世卫组织研究人员撰写了数十篇文章,详细记录了世卫组织利用破伤风类毒素作为载体研制抗生育疫苗的尝试。[7] (只需在WHO网站上搜索hCG即可找到报告。)一些主要文章包括:

Clinical profile and Toxicology Studies on Four Women Immunized with Pr-B-hCG-TT, Contraception, February, 1976, pp. 253-268.


Observations on the antigenicity and clinical effects of a candidate antipregnancy vaccine: B-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin linked to tetanus toxoid,” Fertility and Sterility, October 1980, pp. 328-335.


Phase 1 Clinical Trials of a World Health Organisation Birth Control Vaccine,” The Lancet, 11 June 1988, pp. 1295-1298. “Vaccines for Fertility Regulation,” Chapter 11, pp. 177-198, Research in Human Reproduction, Biennial Report (1986-1987), WHO Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (WHO, Geneva 1988).


Anti-hCG Vaccines are in Clinical Trials,” Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, Vol. 36, 1992, pp. 123-126.


As early as 1978, the WHO was actively exploring ways to eradicate much of the population of the Third World. A paper published by the WHO [8] was titled, “Evaluating … placental antigen vaccines for fertility regulation”; The paper acknowledged “substantial progress” in its worldwide eugenics program of culling non-whites, but yet identified “an urgent need for a greater variety of methods” of preventing fertility, and gushed over the fact that “immunisation as a prophylactic measure is now so widely accepted”, that the employment of sterilisation vaccines would be widely appealing (to those dispensing the vaccines) and would offer “great ease of delivery”.


If that isn’t clear, the WHO is saying that vaccinations for other purposes – protection against diseases – are so common and widely-accepted, that inoculation is probably the easiest way to sterilise the populations of undeveloped countries. The paper then notes the accumulation of evidence that “there exist proteins specific to the reproductive system” which “could be blocked” by vaccinations and provide a new method of “fertility regulation”. Among the stated advantages of a sterilisation vaccine is that it could prevent or disrupt implantation of the fertilised egg onto the uterus wall, and thereby guarantee that every (non-white) conception would result in a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, i.e., an anti-hCG vaccine. The paper continues:


“Testing … will reveal whether a single injection is sufficient to achieve the desired level of immunization, or whether several boosting injections will be required. The main desired effect is to achieve a degree of immunization sufficient to: (a) neutralize the hormonal activity of hCG in vivo; and (b) prevent or disrupt implantation at a very early stage of pregnancy. It is not yet established whether immunization with the β hCG peptide conjugate will cause an irreversible biological neutralization of hCG … This will probably vary from individual to individual. In the first case, the indication for immunization will be restricted to sterilization, whereas in the second eventuality … immunization may be considered as a long-lasting but reversible anti-fertility measure.”


On August 17-18, 1992, the WHO produced a report titled “Fertility Regulating Vaccines”, resulting from a large meeting in Geneva of scientists and ‘women’s health advocates’ “to review the current status of the development of fertility regulating vaccines.” The meeting was from a joint Special Program of research in reproduction of the UNDP, UNFPA, the WHO and the World Bank. The report stated, “… applied research on FRV’s (fertility-regulating vaccines) has been going on for more than twenty years …”, and discussed not only the anti-hCG vaccines already receiving clinical trials, but the development of other vaccines such as an anti-GnRH vaccine that would extend the temporary infertility due to breast-feeding.


Even more chilling is that one WHO report – still on their website – discusses the certainty of the vaccinations causing spontaneous abortions since some significant number of the inoculated females would be pregnant at the time of vaccination. The report offers no commentary on this. It was clear the WHO had no intention of performing pregnancy tests prior to administering the vaccines, thus coldly accepting the fact that they would be killing at least some millions of unborn fetuses.


This vaccine was also being field-tested at the time, with the possible intention of employing both antigens in the same vaccine on the assumption that a single vaccine might not sterilise all victims. They also recognised the dangers of administering such a vaccine to women who were already pregnant, and expressed awareness the antibodies would almost certainly be present in the milk and might therefore render the infants permanently sterile as well – with the massive understatement that this “might not be acceptable to all potential users …” From the outset, WHO planners realised that during mass vaccinations, many pregnant women would also be inoculated with the anti-hCG serum, which would inevitably result not only in sterilisation, miscarriages and spontaneous abortions but also incurable autoimmune disorders and birth defects.


The same paper went on to state, “In addition to women being immunized inadvertently during an established pregnancy, fetuses could be exposed to potential teratological effects of immunization …”. In other words, WHO staff would freely inoculate pregnant women, those embryos or fetuses not spontaneously aborting would experience pathological growth from which would result various undefined birth defects. The WHO is not researching ‘reproductive health’, but reproductive impossibility, and their tetanus-hCG vaccine is not in any sense ‘regulating’ the fertility of women but rendering their fertility biologically impossible, which is not quite the same thing. Their own paper stated the vaccination likely “will cause an irreversible biological neutralization of hCG”, which means the permanent sterilisation of innocent women who agreed to receive tetanus shots.


Try to understand what this means: the WHO was for decades receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in funding (largely through Bill Gates) for research and testing, to produce a vaccine that would make a woman’s immune system attack and destroy her own babies in the womb, a vaccine they would surreptitiously combine with a tetanus vaccination without informing the victims. To say their deceit was successful would be an understatement. The WHO inoculated approximately 150 million women in 52 countries with this vaccine, permanently sterilising the entire lot of them without their knowledge or consent. It was only when an enormous number of women in all countries experienced vaginal bleeding and miscarriages immediately after the vaccinations, that the hormone additive was discovered as the cause. Suspicions were aroused when the WHO selected only females of child-bearing age and further specified the unheard-of practice of five multiple injections over a three-month period, but the health officials in these undeveloped countries still had faith in the white man’s medicine.


Upon the discovery of the hormone in the vaccine, Nigerian physicians reported WHO doctors telling them the hCG hormone “would have no effect on human reproduction”, statements they knew to be false. When this information reached the public, the WHO assumed an offensive and repugnant stand, mocking and ridiculing the nations that had performed the tests and revealed the contamination, condemning them as incompetent, having “unsuitable” testing laboratories, and using improper samples or procedures. WHO officials claimed these nations had “Not the right kind of lab to do the test. The labs know only how to test urine samples . . .”


This is the standard response by Western agencies, governments, and corporations, when caught with adulterated products. When Coca-Cola’s drinks in China were found to contain frightening levels of pesticides and chlorine, the immediate accusation was that China’s biological laboratories were all incompetent. When Nestle’s noodles in India were found to contain dangerously toxic amounts of lead, India’s laboratories were all incompetent. The next step is to carefully produce a few samples known to be uncontaminated, provide them to an “independent” laboratory that inevitably pronounces them clean, then move the story off the front page.


When the discovery was made, many nations enacted immediate legal restraining orders against WHO and UNICEF vaccine programs. WHO and UNICEF officials said the “grave allegations” were “not backed up by evidence”, which was nonsense. UNICEF, USAID and the WHO refused to address the evidence like vaginal bleeding, miscarriages and spontaneous abortions. They also refused to discuss the reasons for a series of five closely-spaced vaccinations when one had always been sufficient, ignoring the content of their own published papers stating that multiple injections of a tetanus-hCG vaccine would be necessary for effective sterilisation.


When faced with documented results, WHO officials admitted the hormone did indeed exist “in small amounts” in “some” of the vaccine material, but that this was an inconsequential result of “accidental contamination”. Nobody at the WHO attempted to explain the source of the hCG hormone in sufficient volume to contaminate about 750 million doses of a vaccine, nor how that “contamination” could “accidentally” have inserted itself into all those vaccines. Anyone familiar with large-scale vaccine or drug manufacture knows that the process is mechanical and fully-automated, essentially a closed system. It is not possible in such an environment to introduce contaminants of any kind, unless done deliberately. And the amount of hCG necessary to contaminate 750 million doses of a vaccine would have to consist of tens of thousands of liters, hardly ‘small amounts’.


The Lancet reported that the US National Institute of Health supplied much of the hCG hormone for WHO experiments and testing. For the NIH to have submitted this amount of hormone to Canada, where Connaught’s labs are located, would absolutely have attracted the attention of Canada’s customs officials and thus Canada’s national government, which has to mean that Canada was fully aware of what was happening, and why. Let me state again that this vaccine was created surreptitiously, was never declared, was never tested, and was never approved for use on humans. Connaught labs would never have created such a vaccine, importing hormones from the US NIH, and manufacturing on such an immense scale while ignoring all Canadian and international law. There is no way for Canada to avoid accusations of direct complicity in this immense human travesty.


The media were too busy at the time telling us of the evils of Iran, to notice the small issue of Rothschild manufacturing 750 million doses of a vaccine meant to sterilise 150 million women. As I’ve often mentioned elsewhere, the Western (Jewish) media are excessively fond of demonising Hitler, but Hitler didn’t sterilise 150 million Jews without their knowledge or consent. Yet Rothschild (a Jew) produced the vaccine to sterilise 150 million other women without their knowledge, so where is the moral outrage against the Jews?


The WHO went silent for a while, but in 2015, Vatican Radio charged that the UN organisations WHO and UNICEF were again executing vast international programs of depopulating the earth by using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilise women in Third World countries, this time in Kenya. It stated that “Catholic Bishops in Kenya have been opposed to the nationwide Tetanus Vaccination Campaign targeting 2.3 million Kenyan women and girls of reproductive age between 15-49 years, terming the campaign a secret government plan to sterilize women and control population growth”.[9] In May of 2018, it was reported that fertility-regulating vaccines were being used in India.[10]

 世卫组织沉默了一段时间,但在2015年,梵蒂冈电台指责世卫组织和联合国儿童基金会再次执行大规模的国际项目,通过使用疫苗对第三世界国家(这次是在肯尼亚)的妇女进行秘密绝育,以减少地球上的人口。声明称,“肯尼亚的天主教主教反对针对230万15-49岁的肯尼亚育龄妇女和女孩的全国破伤风疫苗接种运动,认为该运动是政府为妇女绝育和控制人口增长的秘密计划”。[9] 2018年5月,据报道,印度正在使用生育调节疫苗。[10]

And Polio, Too


Something similar is true for polio. Few people are aware that polio cases in the world today no longer result from any natural spread of the disease but are now the result of WHO vaccination campaigns. [11] The WHO’s cheap and easily-administered oral polio vaccines have proven responsible for the increasing recurrence of polio in many countries. An independent medical group tasked with monitoring these events, wrote that polio (because of the WHO practices) was “spreading uncontrolled in West Africa, bursting geographical boundaries and raising fundamental questions . . .” It further described the WHO’s attitude toward terminating this pandemic of vaccine-caused polio cases as “relaxed”. [10]. I might have used a stronger term.


In 2009, there was a spreading outbreak of Polio in Nigeria, a direct result of yet another WHO vaccination program, this time directly linked to the vaccine which was made from a live polio virus which always carries a risk of causing polio instead of protecting against it – as the Americans learned to their chagrin many years ago. Today in the West, polio vaccines are made from a killed virus that cannot cause polio. This latest WHO-sponsored outbreak actually began several years prior, which the WHO blamed on the live virus in their vaccines that had somehow “mutated”. So once again, the WHO is causing polio in the undeveloped world, amid evidence that for every case of identified polio there are hundreds of other children who don’t develop the disease but remain carriers and pass it on to others. It has long been recognised that the live oral vaccine used by the WHO can easily cause the very epidemics it pretends to be eliminating. Of course there is no published evidence that the polio virus had in fact “mutated”. The same occurred in Kenya, this time using the hCG hormone tied to polio vaccinations, with the same tragic results but with the added benefit of permanently sterilising the survivors. [11]


In late 2013, Syria experienced a sudden outbreak of polio, the first in that country in about 20 years, and in an area that had been under the control of US-backed revolutionary mercenaries. The Syrian government claimed to have evidence that these foreigners brought the disease into the country from Pakistan, from Western (US) agencies. The WHO was active in Pakistan in yet another of its “humanitarian vaccination programs” that strangely coincided in geographic area with a severe outbreak of polio, and Syrian authorities were adamant that the West transmitted it to their nation when 1.7 million doses of polio vaccine were purchased by UNICEF, in spite of the fact that no cases of polio had been seen since 1999. After the mass vaccination program started, cases of polio began to reappear in Syria.


UNICEF began a similar mass vaccination program with 500,000 doses of live oral polio vaccine in the Philippines in spite of the fact there were no reported cases of polio in the Philippines since 1993. This would fit the pattern from other instances of sudden disease emergencies. I have not managed yet to reconstruct the WHO’s vaccination and other programs in all locations, but sudden outbreaks of viruses are always suspicious since they cannot be created from nothing and must be introduced into a population, and with surprising regularity appear on the heels of some WHO vaccination program. The sudden and inexplicable appearance of the Bubonic plague in Peru and Madagascar are two such events and, increasingly often, the pathogens do not appear to be natural in origin. In particular, the SARS-related camel virus in the Middle East had some obvious signs of human engineering as did the SARS coronavirus itself. There are many other such cases which are far too often linked with the presence of some program of the WHO. In the cases I have identified, it is uncanny that the outbreaks of all these new diseases appear to follow immediately upon yet another WHO vaccination campaign, and inevitably in the precise geographical locations of the WHO activities.


The WHO is also becoming active in China with alarming potential for disaster. As one example, in late 2013, a number of newborn Chinese babies died immediately after being inoculated by the WHO against hepatitis B. The WHO China representative, Dr. Bernhard Schwartlander, called China’s program “very successful”, but I find myself with knawing suspicions about his definition of ‘success’. The infant deaths may indeed have been an unfortunate accident, but I was not encouraged by Schwartlander’s comment that it is “difficult to establish a causal link between the vaccines and the babies’ deaths”. Knowing the past history of the WHO and their infectious inoculations, the ‘difficulty of establishing a causal link between the WHO vaccinations and civilian deaths’, may have been the part that was ‘successful’.


As a follow-up to this, you should read my essay (now posted) on Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic. You will see the pattern of the WHO. And you might then want to consider the WHO’s recommendation of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injections.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可在 and

He can be contacted at: 



More Reading


Mass Force Sterilization – Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-Fertility Agent HCG In UN Tetanus Vaccine


Kenya’s Catholic Bishops Claim Tetanus Vaccine Is Stealth Birth Control Project


Sterilization Plot: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-Fertility Agent In UN Tetanus Vaccines


Polio Vaccines Laced with Sterilizing Hormone Discovered in Kenya – WHO is Controlling Population?


Drugs companies fund patient groups which attack NHS; Patient groups which have attacked decisions made by the NHS drugs watchdog are funded by pharmaceutical companies, an investigation claims.






A Litany of Pharma Crimes



Tetanus vaccine laced with anti-fertility drug



HCG found in WHO tetanus vaccine in Kenya;



Vaccines and Population Control: A Hidden Agenda



Canada’s Tainted Blood



Bill Gates and the anti-fertility agent in African tetanus vaccine



Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO


[7] One need only search the WHO website for hCG to find the reports.

[7] 只需在世卫组织网站上搜索hCG即可找到报告。

[8] Clin. exp. Immunol. [1978] 33, (360-375); February 8, 1978

[8] 克林。免疫实验。[1978] 33, (360-375); 1978年2月8日


Vatican: UNICEF and WHO are sterilizing girls through vaccines



Fertility-Regulating Vaccines are Being Tested in India;



More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus


Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮, 上海之月, 2022



Benjamin Fulford 2022 April 4th


Plug gets pulled on Khazarian mafia fraudulent financial system


The international alliance fighting to liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia scored a series of major victories in the past week. The biggest is a growing international boycott of their fraudulent financial system. Russia, China, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America are all joining this boycott. Once the KM loses control of money, it is truly game over.


This move went into effect on April 1st, when Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that demands ‘unfriendly countries’ pay for Russian gas in gold and asset-backed rubles.


The propaganda talk of “global sanctions” against Russia by the US corporate government is a pure bluff because it is the most indebted entity in human history, with over $200 trillion in unpayable bills. Also, Russia has an estimated $75 trillion in natural resources compared to about $45 trillion for the US.


Here is how Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes the situation:


‘”A new reality is taking shape: the unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multipolar world is being born. This is an objective process that cannot be stopped, there won’t be one single ruler in this new reality….Nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player. All nations are equal and sovereign.”


The rest of the world turned decisively against the KM-controlled G7 in part because the Russian Defence Ministry published documents about secret military biological activities of the United States in Ukraine. The documents identify: specific officials involved in the creation of biological weapons…these campaigns were directly linked to the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden…work with strains of particularly dangerous pathogens being carried out on behalf of the Pentagon, has been stopped…Of particular interest are documents indicating the Kyiv regime’s plans to use drones capable of carrying and dispersing lethal substances.


The documents are supplemented with the permission to export the bioweapons to EU countries, USA, Canada and Japan.


Hence the international boycott. Already, the Russian gas giant Gazprom has officially halted all deliveries to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, a critical artery for European energy supplies.


This caused Germany to trigger an emergency plan to manage gas supplies while Greece called an emergency meeting of suppliers as the Dutch government urged consumers to use less gas, the French energy regulator told consumers not to panic.


The effect on the people will cause a revolution as prices at German retail chains explode between 20 and 50%.


The fake US president Joe Biden was also forced to dip into strategic oil reserves after the rest of the world refused to accept their worthless dollars as payment.


The US government is already in a state of full collapse. The latest evidence for this is the record number of job openings in the US. This is not due to a growing economy but rather a growing “crime-force participation rate…If you can steal $900 without prosecution, this encourages crime and reduces the incentive to take a job” explains financial expert Jeff Gundlach. Police cannot enforce petty crimes because they cannot even deal with major crimes due to a complete breakdown in law and order. In other words, a slave revolt is underway in the US.


More and more people are becoming aware that the governments of the G7 countries are under the control of a Satanic cult that is trying to kill them, Here, for example, here is what Satanic Chabad Leader and Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson says about Russia:


“Slav, Russia, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers…. the renegades, “married” with the [Khazarian] Jews by common interests…will be withdrawn from our society once we use them for our own purposes.”


Of course, if they kill the Russians they will then try to kill the Chinese and other people. The world is now being presented with irrefutable proof that this cult is trying to massacre 90% of the world’s population and enslave the rest. That is why the international boycott has taken effect.


Now even the international drug mafia has announced action against the KM. Last week a representative of the worlds’ heroin, cocaine and marijuana trafficking cartels contacted the alliance to say the worlds’ drug cartels were taking their “rat-infested warehouses full of US dollar bills,” and converting them into silver, gold and other commodities. This will simultaneously allow them to launder their money and subvert the KM financial system, the representative explained. Finance ministers from Latin American countries say they cannot openly refuse US corporate dollars for fear of an invasion by US troops, but will support this move by making silver etc. available.


The North Koreans have also done their part and already stopped accepting fiat dollars for payment for amphetamines.


Now the Taliban have announced Afghanistan, the worlds’ largest opium producer, will shut down all heroin production.


The heroin dealing division of the CIA tried to stop this move with a failed attempt to remove Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan.


To try to make up for the loss of illegal drug money last week US lawmakers backed the decriminalization of marijuana nationwide in an attempt to increase tax revenue.


This is not going to be enough.


Even more damning is the information provided to us by the drug lords about the production of adrenochrome, a substance they will no longer deal in.


The article in French linked below (use Google translate to read if necessary) shows that the torture of children to harvest adrenochrome has been going on for centuries, if not millennia.


As a Mossad source explains:


Our old modern society has promoted stories of orphans & orphanages homes — even X-Men are stories of finding & cultivating children with special skills & talents (DNA). This is all subliminal programming related to the underground human harvesting farms. Children have been the lab rats & food sources for these satanic humans & their non-humans masters. Connect the dots. It’s all related. The incubators were just another front. From where and how did they acquire the infants? This is new intel to me for sure.


The pictures below tell the story.


The war in Ukraine is really about a war to destroy these Satanists once and for all. The Ukrainian militants and their Chabad masters are not Jews, they are Satan worshipers. These photos are a fragment of the mountain of evidence proving this.


These cowards are hiding behind civilians and in ambulances to escape justice. Here, for example, Al Jazeera unexpectedly filmed Ukrainian troops using Red Cross vehicles for transportation.


The Red Cross, by the way, is not a charity but simply a cover for crimes. This has been proved in Haiti, Iraq, and now Ukraine. If you pay attention have you noticed the Red Cross is always in the wrong business? 


In any case, justice is coming. Last week some high ranking Azov and Ukraine armed forces Militants tried escaping Mariupol through a helicopter but were shot down by a captured American-made Stinger ( karma can be a bitch). 


In Odesa, meanwhile, the head of the local Ukrainian defense, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kislovsky was captured while engaged in an orgy with a transvestite in the underground brothel. He has provided the Russians with detailed information about the Satanist’s forces in that city, Russian FSB sources say.


Graffiti about the conflict in Ukraine and against NATO is also appearing on walls all over Europe 


The Chinese are doing their part as well. This political cartoon from the People’s Daily about “NATO’s incurable disease”, shows their attitude. 


More important is this news:


“A Massive Cargo Ship the “Ever Forward” owned by Evergreen has been stuck in the mud for over 2 weeks in the Chesapeake Bay right outside Of Baltimore for 2 WEEKS And They Can’t Get It Out.” This is the same company whose boat got stuck in the Suez Canal last year, Our sources tell us it contains a Chinese nuclear weapon capable of destroying the entire Washington DC area that will go off unless the American government purges the KM in the US.


Of course, a revolution is taking place within the G7 countries even without external pressure. Last week Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson formally introduce Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell into the official record, This laptop includes videos of Biden violently raping a bleeding 10-year-old child. The Senators also released bank records showing he got payments from China. 


Even propaganda news outlets like CNN, CBS News, the New York Times and the Washington Post are being forced to report this.


We are now even seeing reports of systematic child abuse at US military bases.


We also have a weatherman from channel 10 news in Oregon telling the truth about the chemtrails. 


Meanwhile, agency and pentagon white hats keep up the hunt for Satanists. For famous people, this is usually announced as “they tested positive for Covid.” The latest such move came when “CIA Director William Burns tests positive for Covid. The intelligence agency said Burns is experiencing mild symptoms and has received two vaccine doses as well as a booster shot.” 


“He has been picked up as well. They are rounding them up. One by one,” explains a CIA source.. 


In Australia, Senator Malcolm Roberts tells the Prime Minister, Health Ministry and Health Departments they will be hunted down and held accountable for Covid crimes.


Remember New Zealand PM Jacinda (Jack) Ardern’s actions? Look at her face: it’s broken down. It’s only a matter of time before horseface gets a taste of a nice jail cell and all that goes with it.


In Canada meanwhile, Mossad sources told us last week that Justin Castro is a descendant of Russian dictator Joseph Stalin. He was infiltrated as a Manchurian candidate to turn Canada into a Khazarian (communist) slave state, they say. Certainly, there is a strong resemblance between Castro and Stalin. 


This and his long list of crimes are why he can no longer safely appear in public. His days are numbered 


In France as well Major Alain Bonte from the French Army explains that Macron has alienated the 4 French armies ( land, air, sea and gendarmerie), announces electoral fraud for the presidential election of 2022 and confirms the fraud in 2017


The whole Covid narrative is also falling apart. “In all honesty, the common cold and flu are coronaviruses and they spit out new variants constantly… they have been since the beginning of time. They can literally keep this going indefinitely. UNTIL WE LET THEM KNOW, THAT WE KNOW ITS JUST A FUCKING COLD!” says a CIA medical doctor.


The truth about vaccinations is also coming out. The lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Echoes Dr. Luc Montagnier’s Bold Statement about Vaccinated Hospitalizations says “If you test positive and you have to be hospitalized after you got vaccinated, that means you probably have AIDS.”


“When this comes, and it’s going to come. The genie is out of the bottle. Dr. Fauci and his pal gave everybody AIDS. Period. That happened. There is no way that they’re going to contain this, and when these trials come, [the] media, politicians, military, cops, doctors, they are all going to be judged” says attorney Todd Callender, echoing many. At Nuremberg 2: ‘Just Following Orders’ Isn’t Gonna Cut It


Of course, the KM is trying to distract and BS their way out of trouble but it ain’t working. For example “the Will Smith fake bitch slap at the Oscars was staged by Hollywood pedos desperate for attention and ratings,” a Mossad source says. Take a look at the stage where the Oscars were held. “The all-seeing eye of the Illuminati”. 


The Hollywood celebs who visited Epstein Island (see list below) have all been “removed” by the White Hats, CIA sources say.


Is that why Jim Carrey, Bruce Willis and Sandra Bullock are taking a break from Hollywood?


The fake Biden show is also entering its last days. Take a look at the photo they released last week.


This DID NOT happen last week. The south lawn of the WH was empty, no chairs or anything set up…it was FREEZING cold yesterday. -2° and extremely windy says Nancy Drew, the journalist who always is around DC area reporting. This is the fake Biden regime White House set located in the Voice of America propaganda building in New York


Clearly fake Biden presidency spokestrans Jen Zuckerberg Rockefeller knows the Biden show is ending which is why she is moving to a corporate media propaganda job at MSNBC. Take a peek at his/her soulless eyes.


Finally this week, we note an Avatar of ERDOGAN was in Turkey for the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. (look carefully at the 2 attached photos).


There can be no doubt KM rule is collapsing and humanity is being freed.


CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 关于中国,你应该知道一些事情 — 2022年3月28日

Some Things You Should Maybe Know About China



      By Larry Romanoff, March 28, 2022


1960 — The rural workforce turned their attention from the fields to factories


Militia members march in formation past Tiananmen Square during the military parade marking the 70th founding anniversary of People’s Republic of China, on its National Day in Beijing, China October 1, 2019. (Photo: Thomas Peter/Reuters)

Militia members2019年10月1日,中国北京国庆节,在庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年的阅兵式上,列队走过天安门广场。(照片:托马斯·彼得/路透社)



It seems that whenever the topic of China arises, we are flooded with the most amazing observations, statements, conclusions, almost all of which appear to come from outer space. There surely cannot be another subject on this planet on which so many people are so amazingly misinformed and arrive at the most unrealistic conclusions.


We have a saying that after spending one month in China you could write a book; after a year in China, you could write a chapter; in five years you could write a paragraph, and after five years you could write a note on a postcard – about the food. That saying has become almost an urban legend but it is essentially true. I can still recall the day when, walking down a street in downtown Shanghai after being in the country for about a month, I experienced an illusion of such extreme clarity that I said to myself, “I could write a book on this place”. I cannot explain the mental or sociological processes that combine to cause that initial illusion of understanding and clarity, nor the forces that so effectively and progressively dismantle it to a condition where the more time we spend in China the less we understand it.


And yet, after living in China for nearly 20 years, I find myself constantly challenged and “corrected” by persons who have never been to China, have obviously never read anything useful about the country, and who may not even actually know a single Chinese person. Yet this total lack of knowledge is apparently not a hindrance to the huge amount of philosophical pontificating about “how things really are in China”.


I have often thought that I could stand and speak on China for an hour and that my audience (of Canadians and Americans) would sit with their mouths open and their faces blank for that full hour. They would have nothing to say and no questions to ask, because they would be unable to fathom a set of cultural circumstances where the events I report would be able to exist in their world. The disconnect would be almost total. I recently wrote an article titled “Understanding China” that contains some cultural elements of the above kind. (1) You might care to read it; it’s brief and interesting.


But for the rest of it, for an ‘understanding’ of China, I would be tempted to say, “don’t bother”. Don’t bother trying to understand China because that understanding is likely beyond your grasp. I am reminded of the Englishman who said that, after 25 years of marriage, he was “only beginning” to understand his French wife. It’s like that. China is a civilisation that is millennia old, with the origins of traditions and thoughts lost in the mists of time. Italy and Greece have a touch of this flavor; the other Western nations not so much, and the US and Canada really have nothing. It isn’t easy to explain, but it’s true nonetheless.


We are heavily penalised by the Western Jewish-owned media in each and every one of its aspects, because the media frame for us a picture of China that is nearly 100% false or at least badly misleading, this done from ideology and their personal agenda. We cannot overcome that without an inordinate amount of time and effort.


I would say that in general there is very little available in the English language on China, on its history or culture, that is accurate or of much use, and the European languages are not much better. There are some exceptions – the writing of Anna Louise Strong (2) (3), and tracts by some mostly obscure authors who managed to relay a more or less faithful representation of China in their day.

我想说的是,一般来说,关于中国的历史或文化,英语中几乎没有准确或有用的语言,欧洲语言也没有更好的语言。也有一些例外——安娜·路易斯·斯特朗的作品(2) (3),以及一些大多默默无闻的作家的作品,这些作者或多或少地传达了他们那个时代中国的真实写照。

Keep in mind that the Khazarian Jews were actively involved in the destruction of China (opium, banking theft, political and social destruction, massive wars and the most despicable cultural genocides, among other things) for about 200 years and the Americans weren’t far behind them. Thus, almost anything written by either the Jews or Americans is likely to be rubbish because both were more intent on papering over their sins than in presenting an accurate picture on any topic or aspect of China.


Jewish encyclopedias boast that opium in China was “entirely a Jewish business” and that Sassoon refused to let any non-jews participate. And the Americans, in addition to half a dozen military invasions, had their Treasury Department, their beloved Jewish-owned FED, J. P. Morgan and Citibank (4) (5), and many others, all cooperating in looting the carcass while they were busy fostering yet a massive civil war through Zhang Jie Shi (Chiang Kai-Shek to you) and T. V. Soong, busily destroying any remaining semblance of government, economy, and society. Both parties failed because of Mao Tze-Dong and they of course bitterly hate him to this day.

犹太百科全书夸耀中国的鸦片“完全是犹太人的生意”,沙宣拒绝让任何非犹太人参与。除了六次军事入侵之外,美国人还有他们的财政部、他们深爱的犹太人所有的美联储、摩根大通和花旗银行(4) (5),以及其他许多人,在他们忙于通过张介石(蒋介石)和宋楚瑜挑起一场大规模内战,忙于摧毁政府、经济和社会的任何残余表象时,他们都在合作掠夺尸体。因为毛泽东,两党都失败了,他们当然痛恨毛泽东,直到今天。

Recent Jewish Expulsions of Note



Everyone knows that the Jews have been expelled from countless countries for at least the past 500 or even 800 years. What most people don’t know is that the process never really stopped. One of Castro‘s first acts upon his successful revolution in the early 1950s was to expel all the Jews from Cuba, which is why that poor little country has been subject to barbarous and almost homicidal sanctions for the past nearly 70 years. The city of Nagasaki and the country of Japan likewise expelled all the Jews prior to WWII, which is almost certainly the reason these two were selected by Bernard Baruch (a Jew) as the targets for the atomic bombs (the “Jewish hell-bomb”, in case you don’t know, 99.5% totally-Jewish-developed). (6) Hitler wanted to expel all the Jews from Germany to Madagascar (his “final solution”), but he failed because the Jews managed to bring the US into the war.

每个人都知道,至少在过去500年甚至800年里,犹太人被驱逐出了无数个国家。大多数人不知道的是,这个过程从未真正停止过。卡斯特罗在20世纪50年代初成功革命后的第一个行动是将所有犹太人驱逐出古巴,这就是为什么这个贫穷的小国在过去近70年里一直受到野蛮的、几乎是杀人的制裁。长崎市和日本同样在二战前驱逐了所有犹太人,这几乎可以肯定是这两个城市被Bernard Baruch(犹太人)选为原子弹目标的原因(“犹太地狱炸弹”,如果你不知道的话,99.5%完全是犹太人制造的)。(6)希特勒想把所有犹太人从德国驱逐到马达加斯加(他的“最终解决方案”),但他失败了,因为犹太人设法把美国卷入战争。

Likewise, Mao‘s first act on taking power after winning China’s so-called ‘civil war’ (which was not against other Chinese but against the Jews and Americans) was to expel all the Jews from China, confiscating (as did Castro) all their ill-gotten opium assets that included all of Shanghai and the Mainland branches of the HSBC. Mao actually expelled all foreigners, but the Jews were certainly the target. All Jewish publications I’ve seen, tell us only that the Jews left China “in a hurry” after the war, without specifying exactly the cause of that ‘hurry’. The Jews have hated China ever since, and have been the cause of all the isolation, trade embargoes, non-stop media hate campaign, and much else directed against China since that time.


Shanghai Saved 40,000 Jews from Hitler



Shanghai did no such thing. Populations inside and outside China (but especially inside) are being pumped by the Jews with fictional tales of how the “wonderful warm-hearted Chinese” welcomed all those Jews escaping persecution in Germany. So many tales of fond memories of the Shanghainese loving the Jews. But that isn’t exactly how it was. Shanghai already had a large contingent of wealthy opium Jews and, since the city was entirely under the control of the Japanese Imperial Army at the time, this was where the Japanese sent all the Jews on their expulsion from Japan. Neither Shanghai nor ‘China’ had anything to say about it, and the “wonderful warm-hearted Chinese” didn’t even know what happened. There were a few Jews who may have come overland through Russia and Siberia or by ship, but they were few and their transit passes were for the US, not China. It is worthy of note that the “wonderful warm-hearted Chinese” didn’t do too well under their new Jewish masters. The stories you may have heard about signs in Shanghai reading “No dogs or Chinese allowed“, are true, and those signs were erected by the Jews, not the Japanese.


Mao Tze-Dong: Killing Chinese and Drowning Kittens


Mao Zedong

It was Jews’ expulsion from China and the resulting bitter hatred of Mao that have led to 70 years of garbled hate-history of China and of Mao in particular. It may surprise some of you to learn that Mao never actually “killed” anybody. All of those stories are Jewish hate literature spawned by their resentment of having to leave China with some flesh still remaining on the bones. This was the cause of China’s great famine around 1960 when the European Jews used the services of the UN to launch a worldwide food embargo on China when that country suffered several years of natural catastrophes and experienced a severe food shortage. Using the Americans as the Banker’s Private Army (and genocidal enforcer), the entire world sat for three years and watched about 20 million Chinese starve to death. Not one country dared to give China any food, nor to sell food to China at any price. (7)


It was the European Khazarian Jews who killed all those millions of Chinese, not Chairman Mao, and they even had the chutzpah to progressively over-estimate their handiwork to as high as 80 million deaths. That is one indication of the savage and inhuman natural proclivities of the European Khazarian Jews – the Rothschilds, Sassoons, Kadoories, Sebag-Montefioris, Lehmans, de’ Medicis, Mendelssohns, Bleichroeders, Warburgs, Lazars, and a hundred other names you have never heard of.



It is the Jews who have created all the tales of China’s famine being due to Mao’s “mismanagement” of food stocks, and tales of how the man killed or executed millions of his own people – for no apparent reason since he was in the process of healing the country and attempting to rebuild it by pulling everyone together. He succeeded. If not for Mao, there would be no China today.



China’s Jewish Communism



Similarly, all of the tales you have heard about China’s Communism, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, China’s one-child policy, and so much more, are the result of the Jews attempting to paper over their own final “contributions” to China’s “progress”.


In case you didn’t know, Communism was a 99.985% Jewish enterprise, From Marx and Engels onward. In Russia, the Jews managed to exterminate not only the Russian Royal Family, the Romanovs (Romanoffs) and virtually all of the clergy, but also more than 30% of the total Russian population including the entire middle class and property-owners, to say nothing of looting the entire nation of money, gold, art, icons, Royal Treasure, as they left.


The Khazarian European Jews – the usual list of suspects – were entirely responsible for introducing communism to China. The Jewish Bolsheviks sent an envoy – Grigori Naumovich Voitinsky (real name Zarkhin, a Russian Jew) in the hope of duplicating the destruction of Russia in China. Voitinsky failed in his mission and was expelled, so the Jewish vision of communism never took root in China. The plan for Russia (and all European countries) was to have only a small cadre of Jews controlling the entire nation of peasant-cattle to serve them. This was the picture presented to China, one which was refused.


However, part of the communist philosophy did take hold in China, that of the oppression of the lower classes by the educated and wealthy, and it was this that was almost entirely responsible for the mistakes Mao made. He refused to consider exterminating the upper and middle classes as the Jews recommended and as they had done in Russia, but he did go so far as to try to level the playing field. Thus, doctors were sent to work on farms, and similar, in an attempt to narrow the gaps between the classes. Those attempts failed, and for decades the Jews have pilloried Mao in every way possible without revealing that he was only following their pattern for “nation-building”, but in much gentler fashion. It is the Jews, not the Chinese who should take responsibility for Mao’s social-planning failures.


China’s Jewish One-Child Policy



Similarly, it was another Jew, one of the Malthusian cult whose name escapes me at the moment, who was sent to China with instructions to cull the Chinese population – for the good of all humanity. This effort had rather more success. The man did manage to scare the hell out of the Chinese about the prospects of feeding such an enormous population, and the adoption of the one-child policy was the direct result of this encounter. Naturally, China no sooner adopted the Jews’ recommendation than they used it to pillory China yet one more time as a nation “brutally violating human rights”. Once again, it is the Jews who should take full responsibility for China’s family-planning policies since these were taken entirely on their ‘advice’.


And so on. Think of almost anything bad that you have read about China, or almost anything bad that you ‘know’ about China and, if you scratch the surface, you will find a Jew. I know that doesn’t sound very nice, but it happens to be the truth.


The point of all the above is that nearly everything you know, or think that you know, or that you believe to be true, about China and its history, is wrong. History is written by the victors or, alternatively, by those who control all the media and who own virtually all of the book publishers. And they lie because they are busy covering up their complicity in most of the crimes that have been committed against humanity anywhere, and certainly anything involving China. My comments above haven’t even scratched the surface of the Jews’ crimes in China, much less anywhere else.


Nobody in China has an Imagination


First look at record-breaking glass-bottom bridge | CNN Travel

Again, we hear in the Jewish media so much about how “China” and the Chinese have never invented anything, have no imagination, and know only how to copy and steal. But the truth is 180° from this. It is reliably estimated that at least 60% of all the knowledge in the world today originated in China. Yes, that’s really true, and the estimate is not mine. We were all taught in school that the printing press with movable type was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany in around 1550, but China not only invented paper but had printing presses with movable type (on both top and bottom) 600 years before Gutenberg was born. Similarly, every schoolboy knows that the Englishman James Watt invented the steam engine, but China had working steam engines 600 years before James Watt was born. The truth is that Chinese invention has always led the world, with most of these inventions having been copied or stolen by the West and China then just written out of the world’s history by the same people who stole the inventions and who own all the history book publishers. Here is the story of Chinese invention: If you don’t know about this, it’s a real eye-opener. (8)


Also, the Americans and the Jewish US media tried to tarnish China’s high-speed rail system by flooding the presses with untrue accusations of China stealing all the rail IP. I wrote an article on China’s high-speed rail; it’s interesting, and contains no lies: (9) And here is something else you might really enjoy reading: the story of Nüshu, one of the oldest and most beautiful, and certainly one of the more intriguing languages in the world, the only known example of a full-fledged language created by women and spoken and understood only by women. (10) It is a part of the UNESCO Heritage. (11)


The Jews of Asia



“The Chinese are not called “the Jews of Asia” without reason.” For your information, the Chinese are not called ‘the Jews of Asia’ with a reason, either. In fact, the Chinese are not called ‘the Jews of Asia’ at all. This originated with an article, later expanded to some 63 pages, written in 1914 by King Vajiravudh of Siam (Thailand), titled: “The Jews of the Orient/Wake Up Siam!”

“中国人没有理由被称为“亚洲犹太人”供你参考,中国人也没有理由被称为“亚洲犹太人”。事实上,中国人根本不被称为“亚洲犹太人”。1914年,暹罗(泰国)国王瓦吉拉武德(Vajiravudh)写了一篇题为《东方的犹太人/唤醒暹罗》(The Jews of The Orient/Wake Up Siam!)的文章,这篇文章后来扩展到63页左右

A reader styling himself “thotmonger” posted a comment on Andrew Anglin’s article on “I Don’t Know Who’s Great Resetting Who Anymore”, in which he stated: “In it, Vajiravudh makes a very informed and dispassionate cultural and behavior comparison between Jews and ethnic Chinese. It holds up and has been borne out.” (12)

一位自称“thotmonger”的读者对安德鲁·安格林(Andrew Anglin)在unz上的文章发表了评论。com“我不知道谁是伟大的,谁是伟大的”,他在其中说:“在这本书中,瓦吉拉武德在犹太人和华裔之间进行了一次非常明智和冷静的文化和行为比较。它站得住脚,并得到了证实。”(12)

Well, not quite. Researchgate wrote of this paper: “the infamous and highly polemical article penned by King Vajiravudh Rama VI of Siam and first published . . . in 1914 has long been employed as the fundamental evidence of the innate anti-Chinese nature of Siam’s particular brand of royalist nationalism”. (13) In fact, rather than being “very informed and dispassionate”, it was an astonishingly vitriolic piece of venomous trash that has since 1914 been sitting the historical dustbin where it belongs. This is a warning to not believe everything you find on the internet about China, and an even more useful warning to question the motives of those who so highly recommend this brand of rubbish. And please, forget that you ever heard this expression. It’s offensive.


The US Transferred its Manufacturing Base to China; China Stole Our jobs



Well, not exactly. What happened was that the Jewish bankers and industrialists who more or less control the US, forced an agreement with the US government that all profits earned offshore would be tax-free (so long as they remained offshore). So Levi’s, making blue jeans in the US for $20 and selling them for $40, could now go to China and make the jeans for $5 and still sell for $40. As soon as Levi’s did this, the other manufacturers could see their future was in the dustbin because Levi’s could sell blue jeans for much less than the other firms’ cost of production. They had no choice but to follow. So they fired all their employees, closed their factories, and moved to China. When Mattel moved, everyone had to move, this process duplicated throughout the entire manufacturing sector. Many didn’t even have to build their own factories; they could find a Chinese factory to make their products OEM, and just collect the money. That is why Apple has something like $300 billion sitting offshore. Now, all those same firms are pressing the US government to repatriate those profits tax-free on the grounds they will use the money to “create jobs”.


We read so many different stories on this topic, assessing the blame on America’s misguided industrial policies, or how the Jews are transferring the West’s riches to China, or how the Chinese are somehow in cahoots with someone in the planned destruction of America. But this is unrelated to industrial policy; it was simply due to the Jews’ greed and their contempt of America, their willingness to bleed the nation dry so long as they profit from it. “Once we have squeezed everything we want from the US, it can dry up and blow away.”


China Stole all our IP



Yeah, sure. Send me the list. For those of you who don’t know, the US and the Khazarian Jews are the greatest thieves of IP in history. You might care to read about Operation Paperclip (14) and the US’ vast IP theft network (15), and some of the truth about ‘How the US Became Rich‘: (16) (16A) (17)

是的,当然。把名单寄给我。对于你们这些不知道的人来说,美国和哈扎尔犹太人是历史上最大的知识产权窃贼。你可能想读一读关于“回形针行动”的书(14)以及美国庞大的IP盗窃网络(15),以及关于“美国如何变得富有”的一些真相:(16) (16A) (17)

IP theft and Technology Transfer



Despite US accusations of China copying foreign technology, China’s high-technology achievements were entirely home-grown because the US has been so determined to hinder China’s rise that by 1950 it engineered an international embargo on all scientific knowledge and on almost all useful products and processes to China, including legislation that Chinese scientists cannot be invited to, or participate in, American scientific forums, while bullying other Western nations into doing the same. In October of 2019, all Chinese scientists and space technology companies were denied visas to attend the weeklong International Astronautical Congress in Washington, far from the first time such has occurred.


We hear much in the Western media about China demanding technology transfers as a condition of corporate residence in China, but this is mostly propaganda. No doubt expectations for technology and knowhow transfer do occur, since China doesn’t want to spend the rest of its life making toasters and running shoes but, since entry to the Chinese market is a gift of billions in profits, it is perfectly sensible to attach a price to it. However, one must keep in mind that no foreign company is conducting cutting-edge commercial or sensitive military research, or manufacturing quantum computers and hypersonic missiles in China. Any technology actually available for transfer would be almost entirely in consumer goods, and hardly constitute great value or threats to US ‘national security’. And, in virtually all of the cutting-edge fields and industries such as quantum computing, 5-G telecom or solar energy, China has already surpassed the US. (18)


If it Weren’t for us . . .



This has been floating around for years, the claim however it’s made, that the US deserves all the credit for China’s resurgence. AmCham (the American Chamber of Commerce) in China even made the flat claim that it – AmCham – was directly responsible for the lifting of 600 million people out of poverty. “We gave you the technology, we got you into the WTO, we did it all for you.” James Fallows in China Airborne even claimed the Chinese were dimly aware their airplanes were crashing but had no idea what to do about it, so the Americans came and taught the magic word of ‘maintenance’, thus rescuing Chinese aviation. Of all the sick jokes, that one is probably the sickest.

多年来,这种说法一直在流传,不管它是如何提出的,美国应该为中国的复兴赢得一切荣誉。中国的美国商会(American Chamber of Commerce)甚至直言不讳地宣称,它——美国商会——对帮助6亿人摆脱贫困负有直接责任。“我们给了你们技术,我们让你们加入世贸组织,我们为你们做了一切。”中国航空公司的詹姆斯·法洛斯甚至声称,中国人模糊地意识到他们的飞机正在坠毁,但不知道该怎么办,所以美国人来教“维修”这个神奇的词,从而拯救了中国航空公司。在所有恶心的笑话中,那一个可能是最恶心的。

After doing everything possible for 70 years to bankrupt and partition China, to derail, to isolate, to rob, to starve to death, to collapse the government, to cause revolutions in, and having failed to prevent China’s rise, now the Americans and their Jewish masters are taking credit for it. The specific claims are so ridiculous I won’t bother listing and refuting them.



The South China Sea Islands



China discovered and claimed all these islands many many hundreds of years ago, long before the Vietnamese and Philipinos even learned to swim. If the US can claim Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands and the UK can claim the Falklands which are only about 50,000 miles from their shores, why can’t China have a few islands that are near home? They did have, until a few years ago when the Americans and their masters, always looking for a chance to create instability and launch another war, began prodding Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, to “occupy” those islands. “After all, they are also near your shores, so why should you let the Chinese have them? And don’t worry; we have military bases here in your country. The Chinese won’t dare do anything.”


So three countries stupidly did just that; they ‘occupied’ (and militarised) the three best, largest, and most strategic of these islands. China wasn’t about to start a war with its neighbors over this, but the government wasn’t blind to what was happening, either, so the Chinese military grabbed the three next most useful islands and did indeed fortify them with military installations. This was done in self-defense since China doesn’t need US nuclear warheads a few hundred miles from its shores, without having some kind of early-warning defense. But the only noise you hear in the Jewish media and from the White House is about “China’s militarisation of the South China Seas”.



The Diaoyu Islands



One commenter here wrote, “A decade ago, China started “an aggressive military challenge” to Japan concerning some islands. China “did not have a legal leg to stand on” but it led to “State-induced mob attacks” on Japanese businesses in China.”


“Rubbish” is much too kind a word to waste on bullshit like this. The Diaoyu Islands have belonged to China since before there was a China. Japan occupied them. The US conquered Japan in WWII and the UN left it to the US military to put things back as they were in the Pacific, in this case to return the Diaoyu Islands to China. But the Americans, taking counsel one more time from their Jewish masters who always seem to know how to set the stage for future wars, ignored the UN mandate and instead turned the islands over to Japan for “administration purposes”. And of course, the Americans and Jews (you may not know this, but Japan is a Jewish-American colony with no will or foreign policy of its own) push the Japanese to either populate these little islands or do something equally provocative to see if they can start another war between China and Japan. And, for the record, the Chinese government strongly discouraged the attacks on Japanese businesses in China, but resentment toward Japan does run deep in China, and for very good reason.


The Trouble With Taiwan



If you want to start a war with China, this is the place to do it. The Americans know it, their Jewish masters know it, and both are doing their best to make it happen. All we hear in the Western media is that China, for no good reason, considers Taiwan “a renegade province” which it resolves to bring home again one day – by force, if necessary. But this is bad because, as the BBC solemnly tells us, Taiwan is “. . . a sovereign state. It has its own constitution, democratically-corrupt leaders (although not quite as democratically-corrupt as in the US), a standing military”, to say nothing of billions of dollars of US arms and missiles, and military provocations by the score.


But how did Taiwan become a ‘renegade’ province? Simple. China underwent a civil war, with Mao on one side and the Jews and Americans on the other side, protecting their puppet Zhang Jie Shi. Mao won. Zhang’s last act, under American military support, was to totally loot China’s central bank and all other banks within reach, and flee to Taiwan. That wouldn’t have helped him much, but the US filled the Taiwan Strait with all the naval military muscle it could gather, to prevent Mao from tidying up this loose end. China didn’t have the naval power to Challenge the US fleet, and could do no more than fire occasional artillery shells at Taipei. Once again, the Jews and the Americans were setting up a lovely future war.


The Jewish media tell us that Taiwan “has never even been under the control of China’s Communist Party”, a statement that is factually true but irrelevant. Taiwan had always been part of China until the Japanese occupied it and then the Americans took it over and prevented its unification with the Mainland. China’s Communist Party is a relative newcomer to government, and it was only because of the formation of that government that the reunification was prevented. Lies and more lies.


The Trouble With Tibet



Tibet was a part of China long before George Washington cut down his fictious cherry tree, long before Benjamin Franklin conducted his fictitious Kite Experiment, and even long before Christopher Columbus opened his first aboriginal brothel in the New World. (19)


The Western media have imposed on our imaginations an image of a fabled theocracy where a reincarnated god rules over a peaceful people spinning prayer wheels in a pastoral idyll. The West’s fascination with Tibet has turned it into a mythic place upon which we project our dreams and our own spiritual fantasies. The result is what I call the Shangri-La syndrome (20), millions of Westerners choosing to believe in an attractive but wholly mythological, romantic fantasy which has never existed.


Tibet was generally self-managed, though experiencing much British and American interference and slaughter until the middle of the last century. The Western press refer euphemistically to Tibet’s pre-1950 social structure as a benign ‘feudal system’, but it was no such thing. When Mao went in to clean it up, Tibet was a slave colony. Virtually all the people were literally owned by the Dalai and other lamas, the people forbidden to own land, and worked their entire lives without pay. The highest monks each owned 35,000 to 40,000 slaves.


The level of poverty in Tibet (outside the monasteries) until the 1950s could not be imagined by Westerners; it would have to be seen to be believed. Tibetans couldn’t afford fabric clothing, still wearing sheepskins as they did centuries earlier. Life was brutal, harsh, and corrupt. Life expectancy was barely 30. The prettiest girls and boys were confiscated to the monasteries for sex. Education was forbidden to all but the monks because education was expensive and educated peasants were considered dangerous to the system. The Dalai Lama prohibited any development of industry because wealth of the population brought independence from the religion. The Lamas, however, sent their children to British schools in India, and freely transferred the Province’s financial assets to British banks. (21) (22) After Mao decided that enough was enough, the situation in Tibet has soared in every way imaginable.

直到20世纪50年代,西藏(寺庙之外)的贫困程度是西方人无法想象的;它必须被看到才能被相信。西藏人买不起织物服装,仍然像几个世纪前那样穿着羊皮。生活是残酷、残酷和腐败的。预期寿命仅为30岁。最漂亮的女孩和男孩被没收到修道院进行性交。除僧侣外,所有人都被禁止接受教育,因为教育费用昂贵,受过教育的农民被认为对体制是危险的。达赖喇嘛禁止任何工业发展,因为人民的财富带来了脱离宗教的独立。然而,喇嘛们把他们的孩子送到了印度的英国学校,并将该省的金融资产自由转移到英国银行。(21) (22)在毛泽东认定“够了就够了”之后,西藏的局势以任何可以想象的方式急剧上升。

In China, 99.9% of Those Charged With a Crime, are Convicted



We are today treated by the Western media to ‘the fact’ of the Chinese justice system having a conviction rate of “at least 99.9%”, if not higher, accompanied by harrowing tales of criminals confessing under duress – surely the reason for the apparently high conviction rate.


First, the percentage above is a foolish and exaggerated guess, one more way to smear China. There is no agency in China that collects and collates such statistics from all levels of the courts and from all cities, towns, provinces, counties. Thus, even the legal authorities couldn’t tell you the average conviction rates. It might be possible for a particular level of court in a single city or town, but not nationwide.


Nevertheless, for comparison, the equivalent number for conviction rates in the West (at least the US and Canada) is about 60%, the number presented as an indication of ‘fairness’ or ‘justice’ in the Western system, but what does that 60% Western conviction rate mean? It means that nearly half of all people in the West who are charged with a crime, were in fact innocent, but needed the expense and trauma of a criminal trial to prove their innocence. Or, if you want to be stubborn, we can argue the other side – that 100% of those charged with a crime were in fact guilty, but that a clever and expensive lawyer let them walk free. Is that better? If you want to know the truth about China’s system, you can read this: (23)


Why do Criminals in China Confess to Their Crimes?



According to millennia of culture and tradition, if you are caught in a crime, you take it like a man; you confess, you express your regret, and you throw yourself on the mercy of the court. It helps immensely if your expression of regret is sincere. But if you try to lie your way out of it, if you refuse to admit to your crime and obstruct the investigation, the police will hold you until they eventually acquire the proof they need, after which the courts will show you no mercy.


This is the Chinese system, just as it is at home with our children, where confessing is the only smart move and trying to lie your way out is cowardly and despicable. Westerners cannot understand this, the media repeatedly referring to a “purported confession” or a “possibly coerced confession”, unable to fathom a culture where people traditionally confess to crimes when they are caught. Thus, the conclusion that any confession in China must have been forced or obtained by torture. In the West, with the legal system as created, confessing to a crime is probably stupid; in China, refusing to confess to a crime certainly is stupid. (24)


China’s “50-cent Army”



All of you must know of this, a story fabricated by David Bandurski, another Jew, this one at Hong Kong University’s ‘China Media Project’ financed by George Soros. The tale weaved by Bandurski was that the Chinese government had 288,000 people engaged full-time looking for opportunities to make posts anywhere on the internet favorable to China, with a reward of US$0.50 for each and every such post. These claims were seen by the hundreds all over the internet, on any platform permitting comments, with any comment favorable to China accused of being part of China’s 50-cent army. But then suddenly – on one day – this died, because on that day someone posted on Facebook a screenshot of a long-existing program where the government of Israel had been (and still was) offering to all Jewish university students in America, a payment of US$0.50 for every post favorable to Israel or the Jews.  Bandurski went silent and we can hope he remains in that condition. There never actually was a Chinese 50-cent army but there was indeed a Jewish 50-cent army, which still exists today and which we can see on and many other places.

大家都知道这一点,David Bandurski的故事,另一个犹太人,这是在香港大学的“中国媒体项目”由乔治·索罗斯资助。班杜斯基编造的故事是,中国政府雇佣了28.8万名全职人员,寻找机会在互联网上任何地方发表对中国有利的帖子,每发表一篇这样的帖子,就会获得0.5美元的奖励。数百人在互联网上看到了这些说法,在任何允许发表评论的平台上,任何对中国有利的评论都被指控是中国50美分军队的一部分。但有一天,这件事突然消失了,因为在那一天,有人在Facebook上发布了一个长期存在的项目的截图,以色列政府一直(现在仍然)向在美国的所有犹太大学学生提供,每发一条对以色列或犹太人有利的帖子,就支付0.50美元。班杜斯基沉默了,我们希望他能保持这种状态。实际上从来没有一支中国的50美分军队,但确实有一支犹太人的50美分军队,它今天仍然存在,我们可以在unz上看到。com和许多其他地方。

China’s Fall



“For me, the surprise is how China managed to fall so badly 200 years ago. Studying that would bring the biggest lessons we can all learn.” It was the Jews who destroyed China, as they are destroying the US and Europe today. China succeeded by expelling all the Jews and ensuring that any who ever returned would have no access to the makers of public policy. That is the biggest lesson you can learn, but no Western country today has the independence for such expulsions. The only result of such an attempt to reclaim control of the throne would be hundreds of mortally-disgraced politicians, and many dead ones.




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).




His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可在 and

He can be contacted at: 






Understanding China



How “Letter from China” Grew



Anna Louise Strong



Citibank- The Great Gold Robbery



US Silver Purchase Act of 1934



A few Historical Frauds, by Larry Romanoff – The Unz Review

拉里·罗曼诺夫(Larry Romanoff)的《Unz评论》(The Unz Review)中的几起历史欺诈案


China’s 1959 Famine



History of Chinese Inventions. The Present and the Future



China’s High-Speed Trains



Nüshu () – The Language of Women

努苏(女书) – 女性的语言


Nüshu: from tears to sunshine



I Don’t Know Who’s Great Resetting Who Anymore; See comment #159




The Greatest Intellectual Property Theft in History: Operation Paperclip



Patents, Theft of Intellectual Property (IP), Product Piracy and US-China Relations



Nations Built on Lies; Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich





Nations Built on Lies; Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich; Part 4 — IP theft and copying



History of Chinese Inventions. The Present and the Future



A Brief Introduction to Tibet


    • Shangri-la was originally thrust upon the world in the 1933 novel ‘Lost Horizon’ by British author James Hilton   who described it as a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided by devoted lamas, the name since becoming synonymous with a mythical earthly but isolated paradise whose inhabitants are virtually immortal. However, Shangri-la really does exist, a charming town in the remote NorthWest of China’s Yunnan Province.

(20) 香格里拉最初是在1933年英国作家詹姆斯·希尔顿的小说《迷失的地平线》中推向世界的他将其描述为一个神秘、和谐的山谷,由虔诚的喇嘛温和引导,这个名字后来成为一个神话般的尘世但与世隔绝的天堂的同义词,那里的居民几乎不朽。然而,香格里拉确实存在,它是中国云南省西北偏僻地区一座迷人的小镇。

(21) Anna Louise Strong; Tibetan Interviews, 1959; (21)安娜·路易斯·斯特朗;西藏采访,1959年;

(22) T. D. Allman; A Myth Foisted on the Western World, The Nation Magazine;



Chinese Criminal Confessions


    • Ibid


Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

版权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮, 上海之月, 2022


Benjamin Fulford 2022 March 28th



Fake Biden, Fake Ukranian War, Fake Pandemic: is it all about to end?



There are growing signs we in the West are all watching a giant fake show and that the show is about to end. This came up in a conversation last week between a senior Russian FSB agent and a member of the White Dragon Society. “My guess is that we don’t actually have any presidents and all of this is a kind of staged reality show created before our eyes,” noted the FSB member. There is plenty of evidence to back this up.



Did you know, for example, that according to the official Russian Tass News Agency that Ukraine has not declared war on Russia? Also that the Russian gas still being sent through that country is still the main source of revenue for the government of Ukraine?



Also, did you know that Rothschild family-owned trading companies in Switzerland were still selling Russian commodities to the rest of the world?



Furthermore, despite the “embargo,” Russian oil exports to the US continue and are even increasing. For example, in the week of March 12-18, the US bought 70,000 barrels of Russian oil per day, 80% more than the previous week.



Then of course there is all the obviously fake footage about the Ukrainian “war” that is flooding Western TV screens. In the latest example, CNN is reporting a fire in Edmonton, Canada is in Ukraine.



The screenshot below (taken before CNN blurred it out), clearly shows it is the Edmonton fire department that is on the scene.


The Rita Katz studios (of fake Bin Laden fame) are also working overtime filming Rothschild employee and so-called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is working out of his $34M mansion in Florida. The Russian FSB says he appears to be stoned on cocaine, and the footage below certainly makes it seem that way.



We will not delve too deeply into the fake pandemic except to note that mortality rates around the world are the same as in pre-pandemic years. We also note the pandemic does not exist in Africa and other regions whose governments refused to go along with the entire fake event.



High-level sources in both Eastern and Western secret societies say the fake show going on is just part of a process to wake up the deeply brainwashed people of the West. It is being set up as a sort of initiation ceremony for the West. In anthropology, such ceremonies are called “liminal events” and refer to things like weddings or coming of age ceremonies that mark a major transition in life. In this case, the ceremony is being carried out to start a new age of love, progress and harmony with nature, the sources say. This will be made clear soon, the sources promise.



However, before that can happen a very real international military, agency and police crackdown on an ancient Satanic cult that seized the top levels of power in most Western countries needs to be completed.



This campaign is reaching an end as most of the top leaders of this cult, including Hillary Rockefeller (Clinton), Jens Psaki (aka Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller) and Klaus Rothschild (Schwab) have been arrested. These arrests appear in the form of announcements they have contracted Covid 19 (despite being fully vaccinated) and are “self-isolating.”



Of course, the Khazarian mafia will try to pretend this is not happening by presenting fake versions of their leaders to the public, Below for example are three different versions of Killary.


This is what a Mossad source had to say about Psaki:


She has been taken in again repairing the glitch in her programming. We both have the feeling that the original is “out of service”. After the last round of testing positive 5 months ago and she disappeared for like 10 days. Look at her eyes. They are blank. Like without a soul. A sign of an avatar AI construct.




The members of this cult, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews or the Khazarian Mafia who for years really have been trying to carry out a fake Armageddon. The show we are being subjected to on our screens is their re-enactment of the four horsemen of the apocalypse: Famine (Covid 19), War (Ukraine), Death (mass vaccination) and Conquest (the New World Order).



However, as this map of who is “sanctioning” Russia shows, their control grid is now confined to Western puppet governments, headed by the fake Joe Biden. 



In other words, the whole planet has risen in revolt against their incompetent, murderous rule.



The key to their final defeat is the overthrow of their control of the Western financial system, That is why Vladimir Putin said Russia will demand that countries it has labeled “unfriendly” (which includes U.S., U.K., and European Union countries) must pay in [gold backed] rubles for Russian gas,



Since the Khazarian mafia mainly controls fake or fiat money backed by nothing, taking control of the real stuff is the key to defeating them, This is now happening as a commodity doom loop begins. Western commodity traders and clearinghouses are facing a liquidity crisis of historic proportions because the world is demanding they pay with real (asset backed) money.



If you still believe the West can devise sanctions that maximize pain for Russia while minimizing financial and price stability risks in the West, “you might as well believe in unicorns,” a Credit Suisse report notes



These days Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Nigeria etc. are all refusing to sell oil to the West in exchange for fiat currency. In Nigeria, for example, Western corporations received as little as 5% of crude volumes pumped through the Trans Niger Pipeline between October 2021 and February 2022 because Nigerians decided to keep the oil for themselves. 



The other front where the Khazarian mafia is being defeated is in the battle for world public opinion. To quote Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov:



The actions of the West confirm it is not reliable…What we want is an equitable world, free from war, aggressive projects or attempts to pitch one country against another…What we want is to discuss how to live on this planet in the future. Too many problems have been piling up, and the existing institutions have been unable to resolve them. “Liberal democracy,” as it turns out, it is not “liberal” at all, and it is not “democracy” at all…all values that those in the West have been preaching to Russia, like freedom of expression, a market economy, the sanctity of private property and the presumption of innocence, are not worth a red cent.



The Chinese and others agree. “The United States and NATO are not in a position to judge the moral principles of any country until they apologize and compensate for the damage and suffering they have brought to the peoples of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan,” says Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying.



India also agrees. When the British slave government tried to send a high-powered delegation to India to convince them to “isolate Russia,” they were told they were not welcome.



The Turks, historical rivals of the Russians, are also not on board. Their official news notes:



[The West] committed a kind of “genocide against Muslims,” from Afghanistan to Libya, from Iraq to Somalia [and now] they are calling on us, the people whose cities they painted red with blood, to defend the West against Russia. They displayed acts of savagery with the secret torture centers they established in 35 countries around the world. They conducted slave trade via CIA aircraft. They employed methods of massacre and torture as if they were religious ceremonies, rites of passage. One thing is certain: This region will and must never lift a finger to defend the West, to defend Europe.



Speaking about Turkey, their leader Recep Erdogan appeared in public for the first time in many days at the NATO summit last week. This is what a Mossad source had to say:



Erdogan did go to the meeting in Brussels. He is wearing a GPS ankle bracelet. He is working with the alliance. A lot is going on behind the scenes. A lot of concessions are being made for everyone’s benefit. Nothing is being said in the MSM. For example, Erdogan is working with PM Bennett of Israel, Putin, Iran and the Saudi’s together as they form a type of coalition for peace and prosperity for humanity. This will not come out in the MSM. They all must show a poker face to the Western KM cabal. Erdogan and Putin are very aware that NATO and the KM Cabal-controlled US will do anything to get Turkey and Russia to start a Black Sea War.



Russia’s Tass news also reports Erdogan talked with Putin and was asked to mediate between the West and Russia over Ukraine



However, Erdogan has vanished from official Turkish news sites, indicating he is still not being allowed to return to Turkey.



The other thing happening is the constant flow of horrific revelations coming out about the Khazarian mafia’s crimes.



For example revelations of the crimes of Hunter Biden are pouring out.



Hunter Biden is going to be indicted, multiple sources agree. This isn’t easy to read but people need to know it. “A 7, 8, 10-year-old child is forced to give sex five to twenty times per day. It’s savage. It’s demonic.” – Jaco Booyens



Here is an example of the Demonic mindset of Western leaders as expressed by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who left this earth last week 


STAHL: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”



ALBRIGHT: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.”



The “we” includes Bill, Hillary Clinton David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, and other harbingers of “The New World Order.”



We are also learning more about some of the corporations these monsters were using as their fronts. This came from a Canadian source:

Black & Veach and Cemex : Building biolabs for the DTRA since 2003

-Founder thanked Epstein in his 2012 book “The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age”

Shares an office with Metabiota, Inc:geen

-Funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca, the NIH, & Bill Gates.

Cemex : Tied to Child Trafficking & The Clinton Foundation.

– Owner of Cemex, Carlos Slim, 2nd largest stockholder of the New York times hence the virulent propaganda there also owned by Rothschilds / Bronfman Family, tied to NXIVM Sex / Human Trafficking group.










More and more is also coming out about these people trying to kill us all with bio-weapons. Russia’s government has provided detailed proof of this to the governments of the world. “An analysis of the documentation shows that not only samples of tissues and human blood serum were exported abroad, but also dangerous pathogens, as well as their carriers,” they note. These of course were made to design “ethno-specific bioweapons.”



This is still going on with reports that a bio-weapon transport plane affiliated with the CIA, has just landed from Warsaw to Krakow-Balice Airport (Krakow, Poland), while another landed from Zadar Airport (Croatia) without registration marks 


“Everyone needs to realize that the deadline is approaching. Checkmate is coming. The final implosion of the Deep-State is imminent. Put on your hard hats and divine armor because before they leave, they’re going to try to take as many people with them as possible,” warns a Mossad source.


They already have done a lot of damage. This is what happens when Big Pharma takes over your government, media and education system. The attached photos show how the vaccines have been and are now given in America vs Japan. And the death rates in children under 2 yrs old. Very informative!






A critical mass of the West is now waking up to the crimes committed against their people. When Justin Castro appeared last week before the European Parliament, most MPs walked out but a few stayed to lambaste him.



“I would really suggest for when the dust settles that military tribunals [take place] and put all these people in the media, all these school administrators, all these doctors… politicians, and the real ringleaders on trial. If found guilty, they should be executed,” says a Dr.Vladimir Zelenko, expressing the views of many.



Of course the Khazarian mafia are issuing a storm of bullshit to try to stave off justice. For example, this is what refugees from Ukraine look like according to the Rothschild-owned Financial Times. The Picture is from Syria- 



Also, here is more proof that Branden is working out of a prop White House. Look at him getting ready to board the helicopter preparing to go to Europe. The lawn is green and manicured. The trees have all their leaves. The 2 attached photos are of the front and back of the White House. In any event, the trees don’t have many leaves now and the grass is not green. The photo with the green grass and trees full of leaves may be the Atlantic mock-up White House or CGI? The dark photo with the wall in front is the real one in DC now.


It is all falling apart. Just as this report was being prepared Fox News reported the following:



Ballot Harvesting a part of Sting operation!



Biden Crime Family etc. being arrested and detained!



Fraud and coming days will be living on a barge off GITMO and face military Tribunals!



Finally this week, we will update what we know about the death of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Our source says “There is a Gag order in place. Watch what comes out in the MSM in the next week or so. A spin story is being prepared.” One such spin story says he was poisoned and saved by the white hats. It appears they need to keep him “alive” in order to ensure a conservative majority in the Supreme Court for the upcoming tribunals.


CH — LARRY ROMANOFF —  2019冠状病毒疾病:一种针对种族和身体系统的生物武器

COVID-19 – A Biological Weapon Targeting Ethnicity and Body Systems



By Larry Romanoff, March 20, 2022




Much of this essay is based on the testimony of a long list of eminent physicians and scientists to the Grand Jury of the Court of Public Opinion on COVID-19, chaired by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. (1) (2) The content here follows closely on that of my previous essay, A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove. (3)

这篇文章大部分是基于一个长长的著名医生和科学家名单,由Reiner Fuellmich博士主持的COVID-19公众舆论大陪审团的证词。(1) (2这里的内容紧跟着我之前的文章,一个我无法证明的COVID-19理论。(3)

First, Let’s Think



In one article (Part 4) of a series titled ‘Propaganda and the Media‘ that I wrote for the Saker, I began with this observation:


“If I were a dictator, one of my first dictates would be that every adult must take at least one university-level course in logic. In today’s world, with what is essentially an international criminal element in control, one which effectively manages public perception through their leverage over the mass media, readers would benefit immensely from some exposure to the principles of logic.” (4)

“如果我是一个独裁者,我的第一个命令之一就是每个成年人必须至少修一门大学水平的逻辑课程。在当今世界,基本上是一个国际犯罪因素在控制着,一个通过他们对大众媒体的影响力有效管理公众认知的因素,读者将从中受益匪浅我对逻辑原理有一定的了解。” (4)

Consider for a moment the “China virus”, the Wuhan lab-leak theory, the myriad other claims of China contaminating the world with COVID-19, some American groups even dramatically filing spurious lawsuits against China. Yet this was always nonsense.


Let’s review something very basic. COVID-19 exploded in Wuhan and began to spread, so the health authorities first isolated Wuhan and then locked down the entire province of Hubei. The pathogen did escape Wuhan, but not Hubei. Almost all the infections and nearly every death were in Wuhan or Hubei. The virus did not escape to infect any other city or province in China. Nearby Shanghai had only a few infections and deaths while a great many cities and provinces had none, and it ended quickly.


But COVID was so determined to distribute its benefits to a greater portion of mankind that it decided to bypass China and attack the US instead, followed by Europe, Africa, the rest of Asia, and so on. Well, how would this work, exactly? If the virus couldn’t escape Hubei to attack China, how – exactly – could it have escaped to attack the US? HOW did COVID make a flying leap out of Wuhan, bypass the Chinese Mainland altogether, and land in the streets of New York, Rome, Hamburg, and Tokyo? If the virus were progressively leaking out of Wuhan – the “dictatorial and draconian prison” – and escaping to infect every other continent and country, how could it avoid contaminating all of China in the process?


It doesn’t matter if COVID was a lab leak in Wuhan because it didn’t escape beyond Wuhan. We have long since had proof that the virus strains in other countries were very different from that in China and thus must have arisen from another source, but the Western conviction remains that this is a “Chinese” virus that spread throughout the world. Almost no one seems to have the clarity of thought to realise this would have been impossible and that the incessant media attacks were merely a psy-op to deflect suspicion and blame the victim. And yet I have no doubt that most reading this will be unable to recognise the logic and will stubbornly continue to believe there must have been some way for the ‘China’ virus to have infected the world. And not only to infect the world, but to have infected nearly half of the countries on the same day. The logical impossibility of that, seems to have no apparent effect on stillborn minds.


China was unhappy when the US curtailed all flights from China to the US because the flights were from infection-free areas, that action widely seen as merely one more economic-warfare attack on China. And yes, there were some Chinese citizens travelling the world and who produced a positive PCR test (quite possibly a false positive), but these were discovered in foreign cities in ones and twos, hardly sufficient to suddenly inflame a simultaneous worldwide pandemic in 200 countries.


The incredibly rapid spread of COVID-19 should have aroused enormous suspicions around the world because natural pandemics don’t act in this fashion without a lot of help. SARS-Cov-1 touched only 24 countries in 8 months while SARS-Cov-2 hit 196 countries in 1 month, and it is confirmed that not one of those countries has ever found a patient zero. Why doesn’t that set off the alarm bells?


Where Are We Going?



In major international matters such as these, there are no accidents. The eventual outcome, whatever it is and however odd it appears to be, was the planned result. I would refer you to ZIKA, the illness that never was. If you recall, all the media hype quickly turned to massive coverage about microcephaly, proven to be unrelated but used as a psychological weapon in an astonishing push by literally scores of NGOs (all American-financed and almost all Jewish-organised) for removing the abortion legislation in all of Latin America. And that was the result; so far, three nations have rescinded their abortion legislation in what was the last hold-out.


In all major international events, the “official narrative” promulgated by the mass media usually reveal to us the main purpose. With 9-11, it became clear immediately that Iraq was the purpose and the target. With ZIKA, it became immediately clear that the purpose was the removal of abortion restrictions in all of Latin America. With Ukraine, it was obvious almost immediately that the purpose was the re-colonisation of Europe. All of this was evident from the content of the media flood, with literally hundreds of articles every day in the Western and other press, pushing our thinking in those directions.


Much of the fall-out of COVID is yet to come. It will surely be major since most advanced economies took a beating. It seems clear that one of the planned results was the destruction of China’s economy, and perhaps Russia’s as well, but the Western nations weren’t exactly spared either so that suggests something worthy of the cost.


Some people were very concerned that we were headed for an ID-2020 world society where the vaccination passports were to become universal and then morph into an absolute societal control system worldwide. I agree the signs were there, but now suddenly that seems to have been abandoned, with restrictions being removed everywhere in spite of the fact that many countries are still experiencing high new infection rates. That tells us that the objective has already been accomplished, that COVID has served its purpose and can be permitted to quietly die and be replaced once again by the seasonal flu.


In the case of COVID, all of the media push was fear-mongering, toward the extreme lethality of the virus and the absolute necessity of all persons being vaccinated. Anyone offering a contrary or even a cautionary view was crushed, the reputations of even very qualified medical personnel being horribly trashed, and even Facebook and Twitter censoring everyone who spoke out. That tells us this was the main point.


So the question is: WHY did those responsible want everyone vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine that has proven to be largely ineffective, where in many countries nearly all new infections occur in the fully-vaccinated? This naturally raises a suspicion that the vaccine was not meant primarily (or perhaps even secondarily) to control the virus.


COVID-19 as Biological Weapon



Dr. Shankara Chetty

Shankara Chetty博士


We can begin with Dr. Shankara Chetty, a medical doctor and biological scientist in South Africa who was deeply engaged in treating COVID-19 in his country. His testimony is similar to that of many others in like positions, and is powerful and direct. (5)


Dr. Chetty stated that nearly everything about COVID-19 seemed suspicious to him from the outset. He claimed physicians were being pushed hard to use a PCR test when “this kind of test is never used as a diagnostic tool”. And it worried him that the results of this inappropriate test were being used to determine public health measures. There were two items of special concern to him; one was that the government was telling the people to not go to a doctor but to stay at home and, if they became seriously or critically ill, to go to the hospital. Similarly, doctors were told to not treat patients because there was no treatment. In particular, the government was directing doctors and hospitals against the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin which would normally have been the treatment of choice.


The second concern was that so-called experts advising the government didn’t question any of the items he knew were wrong or suspect, and the government was following their advice. Dr. Chetty said he quickly developed a very healthy suspicion about what he was being told because the government experts “were punting this narrative” when there was no existing proof for any of it and where some of their statements were provably untrue.


Thus, when the virus first reached South Africa, (the first wave), he ignored the PCR tests and diagnosed the illness by its symptoms, the loss of smell and taste, though that was suspicious also because those symptoms didn’t normally occur with a virus. He said what the patients seemed to have was just a common flu, and that most patients recovered quickly with little more than a sore throat.


He said the first treatment drug that came to his mind was hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) because it had been used for decades, was well-known, and had broad antiviral properties. He’d been treating patients with it for 30 years and never had a side effect with it. In preparation, he bought a big stock, all he could find, and two days later the government pulled it from the shelves.


In every case with symptoms of consequence, he treated his patients with HCQ and all fully recovered within a few days or a week at the most. There were no recurrences or secondary infections, meaning that a solid immunity had been established. This is very different from the experience in the Western countries where many had been re-infected, especially those who had received several injections (vaccinations).


But there was a secondary symptom of breathlessness which occurred later “in a small subset” of patients and with potentially serious effects, and which was responsible for the deaths. Some cases were minor, some more severe and lasted longer, but some were serious, occurring very suddenly and progressing very quickly with patients needing a ventilator within a day. The breathlessness seemed to always occur exactly one week after appearance of the first symptoms, the patients having been perfectly fine the day before and completely recovered from the virus. He noted that the same was also happening in Italy, which indicated the two countries were dealing with the same strain.


He said there was no relation between the severity of the initial symptoms (from the virus) and the onset of breathlessness on the 8th day. So he was dealing with a non-linear illness that was bi-phasic with no correlation between the phases, meaning two different pathologies that were unrelated, and which were not influenced by any pre-existing health issues. He concluded that he was dealing with some kind of hypersensitivity, that these people were having some sort of allergic reaction. The pneumonia (from the virus) was gone and he was now dealing with another pathogen.


Dr. Chetty’s grand discovery, and his conclusion, were that the COVID virus was not the pathogen. It did cause an infection but our immune system was strong enough to fight it off. But after that, the debris left behind by the 8th day caused allergic reactions and it was this that was killing people. The spike protein was the primary pathogen and this was responsible for the illness, hospitalisations and deaths. For those who were not allergic to the spike protein, their body would clear it away, but for those who were allergic, and if the allergy were severe, it could kill them. It’s the same as a bee sting; most people have only an itch while a few will obtain a body rash that requires some time to abate. But if your allergy is severe, you will die without immediate treatment. He noted also that a study in China found a very high correlation between allergic markers and the spike protein, confirming that his diagnosis had been correct and that it was not the virus but a severe allergy to the spike protein that was responsible for the injuries and deaths.


He put these patients on steroids and antihistamines, and all fully recovered without need for supplementary oxygen or ventilators. Dr. Chetty said he treated about 10,000 patients, none of whom experienced any injury and with not a single death.


With his suspicion from the start that they were dealing with a lab-made virus, he wrote an article on what he had learned about treating the virus, and “that was where the trouble started”. He said in his article that if people applied the early treatment, then the use of an mRNA vaccine developed hastily and rushed to market would be unnecessary. He shared his findings with everyone who came to mind, beginning with the President of South Africa, various government members, and the country’s health systems. They all ignored him. He sent his findings to all the hospitals and labs, with the same result. He also sent it to every doctor he knew, with somewhat better results.


In an attempt to gain more traction for what he had learned about COVID, Dr. Chetty submitted his paper to “every publication I could find”. All refused to publish it, usually on the grounds that they needed the copyright or they published only from subscribers. He said that when his government and health officials ignored him and the medical journals chose to “cherry-pick” vital scientific health knowledge, he knew he was dealing with a vast “collusion”. And when he considered the political drama with HCQ, the sanitation measures, all the media hype and misinformation, the so-called “medical experts” advising his government, the intense push for vaccines, he knew there was “a bigger plan in play” and that the virus had to have been a deliberately-released lab creation.


Interestingly, Dr. Chetty shared what he had learned with his colleagues in India and experienced a grateful reception. At the time, one province in India was suffering an enormous COVID attack that was apparently suppressed in record time and with few deaths, from following Dr. Chetty’s treatment recommendations. Even more interesting were reports of phone discussions between Biden and Indian President Modi with the word on the street that India would not reveal their methods of treating the coronavirus in return for favors from the US.


But there was much more. South Africa experienced four “waves” of the COVID virus, and all were different. During the first wave, the symptoms were loss of taste and smell, but these disappeared in the second wave, and were replaced by new symptoms. In the second wave, the allergic symptom, the breathlessness, disappeared to be replaced by gastrointestinal problems, and with reactions that were much more severe than in the first wave. So, there was still an allergic reaction on the 8th day but now in the intestinal tract instead of in the lungs.


Dr. Chetty was convinced that the spike protein was the culprit, and it had changed in a way that gave it a new affinity for receptors in the gastrointestinal system, which reinforced his conviction he was dealing with a lab-made virus. He discovered that only the spike protein had mutated, not the rest of the virus, which he said was very strange because that doesn’t happen in nature. Very importantly, Dr. Chetty noted that while engineering a virus in a lab, you can also engineer the mutations it will undergo.


With the third wave, the symptoms on the 8th day were not breathlessness or gastroenteritis, but now the mutated spike protein attacked the cardiovascular (circulatory) system. He said he expected that Omicron, with 50 new mutations in the spike protein, was yet another new engineered virus. It then became clearly evident that Omicron was neuro-toxic, affecting the nervous system. So, South Africa’s four waves presented entirely different initial symptoms and the mutated spike protein attacked four different major body systems: respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and neural.


There was something even more startling. In the first wave, Dr. Chetty had only black people as patients. In the second wave it was mostly patients of Indian descent who came to him. He said, “No black patients any more, all Indians”. It was the second wave that severely ravaged India, and in Dr. Chetty’s second wave he had mostly Indian patients, presumably the same strain. In the third wave, there were almost no black or Indian patients; instead, they were “all white and Muslim”. You can recall that in the US, the first wave especially affected blacks. With China, COVID was initially 100% Chinese-specific until the virus mutated. This toxicity of the spike protein to a particular body system may be universal. Some countries were exposed to more strains than others, not all with the same number of strains (waves), and in other countries other major body systems were affected, the reproductive system being one. Also, the ethnic-specificity of different waves in different countries may be universal but we don’t have the information because the media control the narrative and these topics are subject to a full news embargo.


Dr. Chetty said these discoveries drew his attention to “something far more sinister”. He said he had always had thoughts in the back of his mind about COVID having been a pre-planned deliberate release, and that he now finally understood that it had to have been done according to a pre-arranged plan. Dr. Chetty said he repeatedly thought about COVID having been engineered, and that if it could affect different systems and different ethnicities, “that is a very bad omen”. He said “This is a preamble to ethnic cleansing. It was a practice lesson in how to affect different systems and different population groups with mutations that you engineer into a virus.” And he knew not only that he was dealing with a bio-weapon, but that Pfizer and others were going to expose the entire planet to the toxic spike protein. “If you demonstrate that the spike protein is the primary pathogen, [and expose this], that shows the vaccines in a very dangerous light.”


Dr. Soňa Peková



Next, we have the testimony of Dr. Soňa Peková, (6) a Molecular Biologist from the Czech Republic, whose observations and conclusions were nearly identical to those of Dr. Chetty. She observed as well that all subsequent waves contained many mutations and were genomically different from each other. They discovered that each “wave” was created by a different strain of the virus, but also that the various strains were not directly inter-related. This meant that a new wave was not a direct descendant, a mutated resurgence, from the prior wave, but the introduction into the population of a completely new strain of the virus.


Dr. Peková noted that in the transition from one “wave” to another, the virus lost many of its mutations from the previous wave, something that is not evolutionarily possible. A virus is not able to erase mutations and return to the original blueprint. A virus cannot “shed” mutations once adopted; it simply continues adding new changes, which again means that each new wave was a new strain of the virus that had been manufactured and then introduced into the population.


It should be noted that it was due only to the very up-to-date tools in this lab that these discoveries could be made. It was possible to do this only by using ‘next-generation’ sequencing; the more common tools would never have discovered this. Dr. Peková’s lab analysed more than 30,000 samples, using this new tool for the full sequencing of the entire genome, of the individual waves and the individual viruses. It was due only to the next-generation sequencing that they could actually identify the genetic diversity among the waves.


Next generation sequencing (NGS), is a DNA sequencing technology which has revolutionised genomic research. Using NGS an entire human genome can be sequenced within a single day. In contrast, the previous Sanger sequencing technology, used to decipher the human genome, required over a decade to deliver the final draft. Although in genome research NGS has mostly superseded conventional Sanger sequencing, it has not yet translated into routine clinical practice.


Dr. Peková said the waves of COVID “smashed through the country” in “an orchestrated way”, to the extent that it was even announced months in advance that it would happen, that a new wave would come. She said it was so strange; her country was clear in the Summer of 2020, there being no virus present at that time, so how could the government know that there would be a rapid and abrupt new wave coming soon? “How were they able to predict there would be another wave coming in September? It was announced ahead of time, and the waves appeared as predicted.” She said further, “to have a respiratory disease starting at the end of August is impossible; we never see this in the warm summer but only later in the year with the cold and rain.”


The wave circulating in Czechia in Nov 2020 was genomically quite different from that in the Spring, but Czechia had closed its borders and it was deemed impossible to experience a new pathogen in a confined population. So their question was “what or where was the source of those new generations”? Dr. Peková stated very firmly that even the mass media admitted “There is no known origin of the Omicron variant”, so “in my eyes it came from a lab, and it was deliberately leaked. All the clues show that it is on purpose.”


Dr. Luc Montagnier



In early 2020, Dr. Luc Montagnier, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for the discovery of the virus that causes AIDS, stated, “We have carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus. We weren’t the first, a group of Indian researchers tried to publish a study showing that the complete genome of this virus has within the sequences of another virus: that of HIV.” [NOTE: the Indian group did publish their discovery but were apparently under intense pressure to withdraw it, the media quickly insinuating the withdrawal was due to inaccuracy but the picture was by no means clear on that, and the pressure appears to have been political rather than scientific.] Dr. Montagnier’s point was that the COVID genome does indeed contain spliced segments of HIV RNA, something that cannot be a coincidence and could have occurred only in a lab. I believe he stated as well that the presence of these HIV segments could not have resulted from any natural evolutionary process. (7)

2020年初,因发现导致艾滋病的病毒而获得诺贝尔奖的吕克·蒙塔尼耶博士表示,“我们仔细分析了这种RNA病毒的基因组描述。我们不是第一个,一群印度研究人员试图发表一项研究,表明这种病毒的完整基因组在另一种病毒的序列中:HIV的序列中。”[注:印度组织确实公布了他们的发现,但显然面临着撤回该发现的巨大压力,媒体迅速暗示撤回是因为不准确,但这方面的情况并不清楚,而且压力似乎是政治上的,而不是科学上的。]Montagnier博士的观点是,新冠病毒基因组确实包含HIV RNA的剪接片段,这不能是巧合,也只能在实验室中发生。我相信他也指出,这些HIV片段的存在不可能是任何自然进化过程的结果。(7)




The waves in different countries were not all the same, and not every country had the same number of waves. Some like South Africa had four while others had as many as six, and it now appears that all the waves were of different viruses with each attacking a different specific body system, and many of them were also specific to one ethnic group or another. When you combine this with the fact that the outbreaks occurred in multiple locations and must have been inflicted with a huge amount of pathogen to create nearly vertical infection patterns and in high numbers, and the fact that no country has ever reported finding a ‘patient zero‘, there is no way to deny that this entire adventure was deliberately inflicted on the people of the world.


COVID-19 indeed appears to have been a biological weapon but it was of much larger scope than merely a US bio-warfare attack on China. This was a bio-warfare attack on all the people of the world. The Americans were heavily complicit, but it wasn’t their plan; they were “just following orders”, almost certainly using their bio-weapons labs as the source and their military bases as the distribution system. There is nothing else that fits the known facts. Admittedly, it would have been technically possible to accomplish this by different means, but that would have been much more difficult and cumbersome. There is no other practical distribution system that would suffice.


And this, based on circumstantial evidence alone, had to have been a Jewish program. The most damning evidence is the one that is most obvious – the mass media which worldwide is almost entirely controlled by Jews. The entire Western media and also in much of the rest of the world, were all onside, pushing precisely the same agenda, with the same daily floods of doomsday news, of magnificent falsehoods, tales of death and depression everywhere, with intense psychological manipulation for which these people are famous, and the intense push to manipulate everyone to accept the spike injections. There is no Gentile organisation anywhere with the power to assemble and energise the Jewish media as a group to do anything, and certainly nothing of this scale. Logic alone tells us this had to be a Jewish agenda. There is no other possibility that fits all the facts. And of course, Pfizer and Moderna, both Jewish companies, were in the forefront of the injection schemes. Gilead is another, with its Remdesivir.


In all countries where we have information, “medical experts” were giving incredibly wrong advice to the governments who were unanimously accepting it, over-riding the many and loud objections by their own health staff. It is especially damning that, again in most countries where we have information, the governments instructed the public to not see a doctor if they were ill, but to stay at home and wait, and go to a hospital if they became critical. And doctors in many countries were firmly told to not see or treat COVID patients, and that there was no treatment possible. And yet treatment was available and all those lives could have been saved since it now appears true that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are in fact effective treatments. And this was apparently all done for the sake of pushing the spike injections. And we still do not know why.


It should not be ignored that only in China was containing the virus the main task. In all of the West, containment was half-hearted and leaky at best, lockdowns and quarantines intended to fail. If you have a barn with three doors and you want to prevent your horses from running off, you lock all the doors; you don’t leave one wide open. The so-called “restrictions” in the West were meant only to provide a public image of ‘doing something’ while actually doing nothing consequential. And that means the virus was meant to sweep through the Western populations to assist the scare-mongering into injections.


The prospect of the forced injections is especially disturbing because most Western nations have now been conditioned to this, and it will appear again. I recall reading a statement by a Robert Kagan look-alike who said that the only way to get full control of the world’s population would be to “line everyone up and give them a vaccination”. It will happen again. Bill Gates said “Next time, we will do in in 6 months.” It didn’t work perfectly this time, but it may have worked well enough; in many countries a very high percentage of the population were vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines, many of them multiple times, and we still don’t know what was contained in them. My instinct tells me that the vaccination programs contain most of the secret to this.

强制注射的前景尤其令人不安,因为大多数西方国家现在已经习惯了这种情况,而且这种情况还会再次出现。我记得我读过一篇罗伯特·卡根(Robert Kagan)的声明,他说完全控制世界人口的唯一方法是“让所有人排队,给他们接种疫苗”。它还会再次发生。比尔·盖茨说:“下一次,我们将在6个月内完成。”这一次,它的工作并不完美,但可能已经足够好了;在许多国家,有很高比例的人口接种了mRNA疫苗,其中许多接种了多次,我们仍然不知道其中含有什么。我的直觉告诉我,疫苗接种计划包含了这方面的大部分秘密。

To actually force people to be vaccinated by threatening publics with fines and prison sentences, refusing them entry to most public facilities, to deny parents access to their own children, just for the sake of the vaccination, means that jabbing everyone was of extreme importance to the plan. And the extreme attacks on the supposed “anti-vaxxers” was not an accident. Anyone speaking against the untested COVID vaccines was derided, attacked, de-platformed, excoriated as scum and a mentally-unbalanced conspiracy theorist. I have seldom seen such vicious attacks on sincere people with genuine concerns.


There are more chapters to this story – all damning – dealing with the PCR test, the treatments and medications, and of course the injections (vaccinations). I will deal with them in subsequent articles. With all the pieces assembled, it seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that COVID-19 was a lab-created virus unleashed upon the world according to some master plan. It also seems impossible to explain why so many governments would have participated in this massive fraud, apparently willingly. Nevertheless, whatever the end purpose or motivation, this does not bode well for the common people, except perhaps in China and Russia and possibly one or two other countries who have not been party to this.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可在  +

He can be contacted at:








A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove



Propaganda and the Media: All you have to do is think – Part 4



Timeline  3:44:00; Dr. Shankara Chetty

时间线3:44:00;Shankara Chetty博士


Timeline 1:33:00; Dr. Soňa Peková



Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on COVID-19 and The Future of Medicine




Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2022

版权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮上海之月, 2022





Benjamin Fulford 2022 March 21st


Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth


There are multiple reports coming in from all directions indicating the war for control of the planet earth, one that has been literally raging for thousands of years, is coming to an end. The battle over the Ukraine will be seen by future historians as the last stand of the Satanic Khazarian mafia that has been plotting to turn the entire planet into a giant animal farm ruled by them.


Once humanity is liberated, a massive campaign to make immortality on this earth real is set to begin, white hat sources promise. The quarantine on the planet earth will also be ended and earth life will be allowed to colonize the universe. This will make the Cambrian explosion (when multi-cellular life suddenly emerged) seem like a firecracker in comparison, they say.


The dark side is trying to stop this by killing 90% of humanity and destroying much of the natural world. In other words they are planning ecocide as well as genocide. An example is the push to convert the worlds’ automobile fleet into so-called “eco-friendly” electric motors. To do this, you must dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for ONE battery. 


Here is an example where Ukrainian 24 TV Network (Owned By Oligarch Akhmetov) presenter Fahruddin Sharfmal is calling for genocide of Russian children saying “In order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children.” He has been taken into custody by Russian special forces, FSB sources say.



By contrast we could use home solar panels to convert water into hydrogen, powering cars that leave water vapour as a residue. This of course would deprive the Khazarian Mafia of a centralized control over energy and thus over the worlds’ economy. They are trying to kill us all before we figure things like this out, hence the ongoing war.


Anyway, let us now look at the current state of the battle to liberate humanity. Here, the biggest move last week was an Anglo-German peace proposal made to Russia last week, according to MI6 and German intelligence sources. The proposal calls for a return to the pre-1914 borders of Germany. It also proposes using the Dneiper river (see map below) as the de-facto border between Eastern and Western Europe.


This was the Russian FSB’s reply to this proposal:


“[Russian President Vladimir] Putin intends to break down the EU into two parts, unite the Slavonic nations and bring an end to NATO. It has been used by the US as an attacking and not a peacekeeping force. ”


France and Germany should support this, otherwise they will not get a gas supply.”


In other words, the Russians want to resurrect a version of Yugoslavia and take Bulgaria out of NATO.


The FSB source says the Khazarian mafia also offered a surrender proposal to Russia. The KM say they want to move six million Jews out of Israel and back their real homeland of Khazaria, aka the Ukraine, the source says. They promise to create a buffer zone between Europe and Russia that would not belong to the UN. That is why they are forcing six million Ukrainians out of their homes and into Europe and Russia. By the way, for some reason they have been talking about “six million Jews” for more than a century (perhaps one of our readers could explain why).


Here is what MI6 had to say about this: “The resettlement of the Khazars? There is nowhere on earth for them. Israel and Mossad are ultimately responsible here –nobody else.”


The government of Israel, meanwhile is showing signs the Jews there are finally waking up to the fact they have been enslaved by Khazarian Satanists. That is why their government is refusing to supply arms to the Ukraine or sanction Russia.


The Russian FSB and their Western white hat allies agree the Khazarians (those who are not executed for war crimes) will need to be re-educated and a generation must be raised that will no longer practice human sacrifice, sexual depravity etc.


To understand why the KM must never again be allowed to have a country beyond the control of international law and norms, let us examine just a fragment of the recent evidence of their ongoing attempt to murder us all.


Here for example, a newspaper says in black and white that Bill Gates is going to start “Depopulation through compulsory vaccination”, as it will be the most “environmentally friendly solution.” This article has been scrubbed from the internet and can no longer be found.


The Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation started the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control and then they started funding vaccine production.


Also, humanity needs to wake up about the PCR deception, Mossad sources say. “It’s not about the PCR test, it’s what is in the tip of the swab which contains the mRna and HIV pathogen.” 


Just last week there was an attempt to kill large amounts of Chinese with mass “PCR testing” but Asian secret societies stopped it. 


The Chinese are also now destroying 5g towers. 


However, the KM just keep going on and on like the Energizer battery which is why “Pfizer Together With Acuitas Have 10 More Gene Therapy Products in the pipeline,” the Mossad source says adding: “We need to short circuit these demons.” 


More evidence came out as the CEO of one of Germany’s largest health insurance companies was abruptly fired last month after he released data suggesting German health authorities are significantly under-reporting COVID-19 vaccine injuries.


Also, while you were doused on Russia-Ukraine, UK Government has quietly published data confirming the Triple Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome


It is for this reason the nations of the world are uniting against the KM and their fake Biden administration.


Here for example is an Iran Russian joint statement:


We have a common stand on the promotion by our Western partners, led by the United States, of the “rules based order,” which they want to take the place of international law. This rules-based order is the epitome of injustice and double standards, The revealed facts point to the enormous scale of the US’s unlawful activities on spreading its military bio-laboratories all over the world.


Putin is now saying they were experimenting with strains of none other than Coronavirus. The Russian Ministry of Defense has also revealed that Joanna Wintrol, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s liaison officer at the US Embassy in Kiev, has been serving as one of the program’s curators.


No onder the Chinese government is also publicly accusing the US of serious violation of human rights. 


The fake Biden administration, desperate for survival money, has been trying to kiss China’s ass. According to the official Xinhua News agency:


President Biden has just reiterated that the U.S. does not seek to have a new Cold War with China, to change China’s system, or to revitalize alliances against China, and that the U.S. does not support “Taiwan independence” or intend to seek a conflict with China, Xi said.


Liu Xin, China’s famous news anchor, provided an answer on yesterday’s Sino-US talks in one sentence. 


《Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?


The Russian’s weren’t as polite with their answer as their air force drew a giant penis in the sky over Crimea and pointed it into Ukraine. (remember the Evergreen incident in the Suez Canal?)


Also please enjoy the collapse of the tower of Babel, Russian style. Nice message sent to the KM Satanic cabal. 


This massive fire at a Walmart distribution center appears to be a follow up on the burning of the tower of Babel in Russia.


The KM, for it’s part is desperately trying to cling to power with an avalanche of BS. A CIA source says “99% of the images shown in the Western media about the war in Ukraine are fake. They use made-up actors, fake scenarios, computer graphics and hate speech against Putin and Russians.” Here is another cart load of fake dead victims in Ukraine. Oops, one of the dead is taking a cigarette break. Busted again. 


This video with Branden crossing behind Zelensky just shows more of what can be done with CGI. The whole thing is an illusion.


What is not an illusion is the medieval savagery sweeping over the parts of the Ukraine still under KM control. For example girls are now being tied to trees and beaten. 


“No statesman alive today does not know about the KM genocide of Russia under the guise of The Bolshevik Revolution,” an MI6 source notes. “The KM is the root cause of all world terrorism and nothing nor nobody was off menu. There is a vast body of forensic evidence covering mass murder many of whom in high office. What you must begin to grasp is a secret civil world war as such entities as the Committee 300 and so many others die out leaving a vortex,” MI6 notes warning “You are in direct conflict with the most dangerous people possibly in human history.”


The arrest of this hate monger is part of a world-wide counter attack and exposure of the KM. That is why Britney Spears has exposed the satanic abuse she suffered at the hands of her illuminati handlers during her 13-year conservatorship, including sickening sexual rituals, weekly blood transfusions, and Mkultra medical experiments.


This is also why “Disney Employees, Judge Among 108 Arrested in Fla. Sting Operation Aiming to Catch Traffickers, Predators”


It is also why Vice President Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff is the first out of the four principals, which includes the president, first lady, and Harris, to contract COVID-19 (code for being arrested).


We are also seeing serious malfunctions among the top officials of the fake Biden administration. Avatar Nancy Pelosi has been babbling nonsense recently. “I have been told by 3 different contacts that Pelosi is 100% an AI construct. She is not drunk, but her programming is malfunctioning,” a CIA source notes. 


A P3 Freemasons source says the whole fake Biden administration is a performance designed to wake up the sleeping sheeple.


General Christopher Miller Secretary of Military and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States confirms US elections on November 3, 2020 were won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to fake them and the Media reported that Joe B. he has won them over. BUT! The official ballot was electronic watermarked, which the counterfeiters were unaware of. So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of each ballot is known. The Military Alliance, which stands behind President Trump, decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions are, and since then, we’ve been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so this never happens again. So, on January 20, 2021. at 12:00 noon the United States was taken over by a military government led by Secretary of Military General Christopher Miller and Commander-in-Chief, the lawfully elected President Donald Trump. Until the November 2020 elections, General Cr. Miller was Director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a student of General Michael Flynn. The role of the fake Joe B is played by three actors… Also, his entire “crew” is a cast selected by President Trump’s team. All his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value. Including this fake military minister who visits Bulgaria and causes such a fuss – Lloyd Austin. All these actors are talking and doing as President Trump and the White Hat Military are telling them to do. This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes. The White House and Capitol and all federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed as of January 20, 2021. These people have never set foot there, nor have they any access to the Pentagon! They are ACTORS ! Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far. It’s all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism. The new global Alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the entire planet. Soon it will all be over! In a few days time!


Also in a sign that we really are dealing with an earth changing situation, and not just a political one, temperatures in both poles are now an astounding 40 degrees higher in temperature than normal.


Here is what a secret space program source has to say about this:


The Antarctica and Arctic regions are heating up now because the magnetic flux on the planet is out of control. The planetary ‘dark rulers’ are doing too much ionospheric heating. Both poles are moving very fast now. The North Magnetic Pole is moving into Siberia. There will be climatic disasters because of it. One of the biggest instabilities in years coming will be climatic disasters affecting many nations, unless the Alliance takes full control of these off world space based weapons. The floods, snow, and droughts that we are seeing globally is just the beginning. We are in The Final War for the control of the planet”. 


Finally this week, here is some more project bluebeam related material. 


We are sailing into uncharted territory for sure.
