CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 美国经济统计的欺诈矩阵

The Fraudulent Matrix of US Economic Statistics


By Larry Romanoff, September 27th, 2022

作者:Larry Romanoff2022年9月27日




The US government and Western media enjoy accusing other nations of producing unreliable economic numbers, but it is widely recognised that there are no national economic statistics in the world as deliberately unreliable and misleading as those of the US. One notable feature of the Great Transformation was the US government’s innovativeness in fabricating statistics that raised economic misinformation to an art form. Many researchers have published studies demonstrating that the official US economic statistics in nearly all areas are badly distorted to paint a positive picture widely divergent from reality, but with the compliant media controlling the narrative, few Americans have any idea of the true state of their economy or the personal consequences of these statistical manipulations. As one commenter noted, “The jobs numbers are fraudulent, the unemployment rate is deceptive, the inflation measures are understated, and the GDP growth rate is overstated. Americans live in a matrix of lies.”


As we will see, the true unemployment rate is far higher than the number officially stated, inflation is more than three times as high as the US government acknowledges, and the GDP only little more than half of the published numbers. The same is true with statistics on wages, housing, and more.




You don’t have to be an economist to appreciate the difficulties in comparing national GDP rates nor the opportunities for deceit in their compilation. As an example, if our two countries and economies are identical but yours has a higher divorce rate, the legal fees and other costs of the divorce process will be added to your nation’s economic output and your country will have a higher GDP. That doesn’t mean your people are richer, nor does it mean your country is a better place to live. Similarly, if your country is as rabidly litigious as is the US, all those billions in legal fees from lawsuits will be added to your GDP. But again, that doesn’t mean your people are richer. In fact, except for the lawyers, they are all poorer, and it almost certainly isn’t a better place to live.


Education and health care are similar. If my country has a government-sponsored healthcare system and public schools and universities, these will be recorded in my GDP calculations at their low cost. If your country, like the US, has privately-owned and profit-driven health care and educational systems, the much higher costs will be recorded in your GDP statistics as a reflection of a much higher economic output. But that does not mean your people are richer than mine, and in fact they are much poorer because they must spend a high percentage of their incomes for health care and education.


If your country like the US spends more than $1 trillion on its military each year, these expenditures will be included in your national statistics and this alone would make it almost impossible for us to compete on the basis of GDP. But all that military expense does not make your people rich; instead, it impoverishes them, and all that killing does not make your country a better place than mine, even if you’re doing it to make the world safe for democracy.


From the above examples, it should be apparent there are many categories of transactions that serve to greatly inflate GDP numbers but that do not indicate wealth in a nation, and may in fact be indications of poverty. It should be apparent that some sectors of a nation’s GDP serve to enrich only a very few individuals while the vast majority of the population are left poorer. Health care is an obvious example, where the owners of insurance and pharma companies, profit-driven hospitals and clinics, are indeed richer for the experience, while virtually all of the population is poorer. The military is another clear example, with only weapons manufacturers and bankers being richer after a war while the impoverished population may be paying the cost for generations.


Effect of Privatisation on the GDP


Also, it should also be obvious that a nation like the US that has privatised most physical and social infrastructure will produce a higher GDP than a country like China where the basic infrastructure is owned by the government. The US prison system is a good example of a service that cost the taxpayers $20 billion before privatisation and $80 billion after. That served to increase the GDP by $60 billion, but only a few people were enriched by the process while millions were impoverished and society not measurably better off.


The US GDP will be inflated by all the airports, highways, railways, electricity generating stations, schools and universities, and much more, that have all been sold to investors in the private sector with resulting much higher fees and charges to the public, and thus a much higher GDP. But the enlarged GDP is actually an accurate indicator of increasing poverty among the population since the precise amount of that increased GDP must be extracted from the pockets of the population.


Basic accounting tells us that if someone receives money, someone else must have paid it, because money really doesn’t grow on trees. In the case of privatisation, all people must pay much higher fees and charges to the private firms than they paid before to the government, and it is precisely those increased fees and charges bled from every citizen’s bank account that create the increase in the GDP. The much-increased charges by the private companies will increase the GDP while that same amount is squeezed from the purchasing power of every citizen and concentrated in only a few hands, thus increasing a nation’s income disparity. This is Grade Three arithmetic. It cannot be any other way.


It should also be obvious that if, for example, China were to sell off its hospitals and its High-Speed rail system to private investors (as the Americans want so badly for China to do), China’s GDP, poverty rate, and income disparity would all rise measurably. When Kunming sold off its best children’s hospital to private owners, the fees charged to patients are already on their way to doubling; those hugely increased costs will increase China’s GDP, but many thousands of families in Kunming will now be poorer.


Effect of Financialisation on the GDP


In another vein, the US economy is so highly financialised that nearly half of the stated GDP consists merely of book entries transferring money from one account to another, not in any way comparable to the real production of manufacturing or the provision of real services. Many international economists have made statements to the effect that “When we remove the financialisation aspects from the accounts, the US real GDP is reduced by nearly 50% and the national per-capita income falls to about $15,000.”


From the above, you can see that the size of a nation’s GDP can be largely irrelevant to the wealth and prosperity of that nation, and that comparing nations on GDP is fraught with difficulties and arguments. GDP used to be a simple measure of goods and services produced in a nation, and was probably an accurate indicator at some point in the past, but it gradually became a way to record the score in a game of ‘mine is bigger than yours’. So, in addition to the real issues outlined above, we also have the US constantly trying to move the goalposts to increase its score by finding ever more creative ways to boost the GDP numbers.


The Scandal of “Imputed Rents”


One clever trick by the US government is something called “imputed rent”, which means that if you own a house the government adds to the GDP the amount you would have had to pay in rent (but didn’t), on the mind-twisting basis that if you didn’t own that house you would have had to pay this rent. This one item alone added about $1.6 trillion, or 15% to the US GDP. Also, GDP is adjusted (downward) for inflation so, as you will see in a moment, the US badly understates its annual inflation rate which automatically inflates its GDP by about another $2.3 trillion, or about 20%. These two items alone mean the US GDP is falsely and artificially inflated by about 35%.


Under the imputed rent scheme above, you as a homeowner living in your home are treated as two people, one a tenant, who pays an “imputed” (fairytale) rent, and the other a landlord running a small business owning and renting the house. You as tenant pay a pretend rent which goes into the pretend GDP, and you as landlord have a pretend rental income which goes into the pretend per-capita National Income of the country. US economists claim that this “theory of imputed rent may seem more natural if one imagines the extreme case of a society where everyone raises their own food and builds their own houses; without imputation the GDP would be zero”. US government economists have produced other longer and more confusing explanations as to why this imputed rent is appropriate, but they are all nonsense. The theory is simply that if an average house would rent for $25,000 per year, this amount is added to the average income of all homeowners.


Per Capita Income


The figure most often for the median per capita income in the US is around $35,000, and an average per capita income of around $55,00, figures that come straight from fantasyland. First, the ‘imputed rent’ I mentioned above is entered not only in the GDP (where it accounts for nearly 10%) but also in the figures for average national income, meaning that the income of every homeowner is inflated by his non-existent ‘rental income’. I could find no reliable figures for the actual amount of imputed rent included in the national income  averages, but removing this single fictitious amount would potentially lower the real US per-capita average income to about $35,000. Other fictious amounts reduce it further.


As one intelligent internet poster wrote, “Like so much else about America, the nation’s wealth and high annual incomes are just another myth, and suddenly so much of the dissonant information we receive about the US begins to make sense – the documented stories of rampant poverty across the nation, middle-class households having to live on credit to maintain their deteriorating standard of living, deferred retirements, bankruptcies.”

 正如一张智能互联网海报所写, “与美国的其他许多情况一样,美国的财富和高年收入只是另一个神话,突然之间,我们收到的关于美国的许多不和谐的信息开始变得有意义了——记录在案的关于全国范围内贫困猖獗的故事,中产阶级家庭不得不靠信贷生活来维持日益恶化的生活水平,推迟退休,破产s、

Exactly correct. An increasingly small minority of the US population is indeed doing well, while an increasingly large number are living in poverty and slums, are going bankrupt, cannot find a job, cannot afford to retire, are dependent for their daily survival on government handouts, and can no longer afford to go to the doctor. But the propaganda machine persists in promulgating a false image of a shining mansion on a hill.


Inflation Rate


One author noted that “If inflation in America were calculated today by the same statistical methods used prior to the 1980s, the true rate would be almost 10% higher than that stated by the US government today.” And that’s correct, but this serious mis-calculation of the CPI is fraudulent on more than one level. First, it seriously deceives Americans as to the state of the economy, deflecting blame from the FED and the government to the people. After unleashing the massive economic destruction in the early 1980s, the FED didn’t want the public to know how badly they’d been trashed and plundered, and so immediately implemented the production of increasingly fraudulent economic statistics with lies that have increased by the year.


These false inflation statistics also involve a massive financial fraud, the theft of countless billions of dollars from the American people by their own government. The reason is that all Social Security payments, welfare and food support, and other items are linked to the rate of inflation and are legislated to increase each year to cover the actual increases in the cost of living. But since the US government deliberately understates the inflation rate by approximately 10%, all Social Security benefits have been underestimated and underpaid by this amount, compounded annually, and so Social Security, many pensions, and other payments should be about 70% higher than they are today.


In the calculation of inflation and the consumer price index (CPI), US government statisticians have been so innovative they’ve had to create separate categories to contain all their fraudulent calculations. Here are a few:


(1) Exclusions:

(1) 除外责任:

US officials realised the easiest way to lower the quoted CPI was to simply omit items, so they invented a measure they called “core inflation”. That should mean the central or most important portions of price increases, those most critical to consumers, but no. The US definition excludes precisely these critical items like food and fuel, eliminating the most important items from the inflation statistics, thereby creating a totally false picture. Measuring inflation without food and energy is almost the same as measuring inflation after you subtract all the inflation.


(2) Substitution:

(2) 替代品:

Then, they imagined what they termed a “substitution effect”, meaning that when beef prices rise the public will cease purchasing beef and buy chicken instead. That part is true, but the cleverness is their conclusion that since we are no longer buying beef, they can remove it from the inflation calculations. So now, when the price of something rises, the US Labor Department just eliminates it from the calculations and substitutes something cheaper. Voilà, no inflation. But of course it’s all a lie. The US Farm Bureau measures the increasing prices of the identical basket of goods and the difference is large: For example, from 2007 to 2008, the Labor Department reported inflation of only 4.1%, while the real inflation reported by the FB was 11.3%.

 然后,他们设想了他们所称的“替代效应”,即当牛肉价格上涨时,公众将停止购买牛肉,转而购买鸡肉。这一部分是正确的,但聪明的是,他们的结论是,既然我们不再购买牛肉,他们可以将牛肉从通胀计算中剔除。因此,现在,当某件商品的价格上涨时,美国劳工部只会将其从计算中剔除,而代之以更便宜的商品。对了,没有通货膨胀。当然,这都是谎言。美国农业局(US Farm Bureau)对同一篮子商品的上涨价格进行了衡量,结果差异很大:例如,2007年至2008年,劳工部报告的通胀率仅为4.1%,而联邦调查局报告的实际通胀率为11.3%。

(3) Geometric Weighting:

(3) 几何权重:

Another clever trick is to arbitrarily reduce the severity of price increases when some prices are increasing rapidly, as oil prices often do. The government ruled that if an item’s price rises “too quickly”, people will use less of it, so with any rapid price increase, the US government reduces its weighting in the CPI calculation. For example, health care is about 17% of GDP but it was given a weighting of only 6% because real health costs are rising. This alone reduces the US CPI by several percentage points. For both of the above, it should be clear that the US government is not recording actual price increases – in other words, real inflation – but is instead recording fictitious consumer behavior in the face of strong price increases.


(4) Hedonics:

(4) 享乐主义:

This machination makes arbitrary adjustments for assumed quality improvements in goods and services. As an example, a home appliance may have been priced at $400 but experienced a minor improvement in a subsequent model year. Officials arbitrarily assumed the improvement was worth $150 and the basic appliance was now only $250, and then used that figure in calculating the CPI, showing a 40% decrease in appliance prices while in fact the price was unchanged. This kind of adjustment is now applied to almost 50% of all items contained in the calculation of the US CPI.



In July of 2013, Mortimer Zuckerman wrote a thoughtful and informed article for the WSJ titled “The Full-Time Scandal of Part-Time America”[1] in which he, a little too gently, devastated the US government’s unemployment statistics by pointing out that the almost 300,000 ‘new jobs’ created in June of that year were mostly smoke, in that full-time jobs plunged by well over 500,000 while part-time labor increased by about 800,000, a distinction the Labor Bureau found unworthy of mention. Low-paying jobs now account for almost half of all employment growth and even with that, less than 60% of Americans have a job of any kind. In one month, the US government listed a large number of new jobs in retail trade, but that was clearly impossible when major retailers like J.C. Penny, Macy’s, Sears, and the dollar store chains were all in trouble and closing stores, and shopping centers were so desperate for tenants they were renting space by the day or the hour. Zuckerman noted that, after Obama’s health care act mandated the provision of health insurance to all those working more than 30 hours per week, companies immediately cut workers’ hours to less than 30, often dividing one full-time job into two part-time jobs, to avoid that benefit cost.

 2013年7月,莫蒂默•扎克曼(Mortimer Zuckerman)为《华尔街日报》(WSJ)撰写了一篇深思熟虑且见多识广的文章,题为“兼职美国全职丑闻”[1],他在文章中稍微过于温和地破坏了美国政府的失业统计数据,指出当年6月创造的近30万个“新工作岗位”大多是烟尘,全职工作减少了50多万份,兼职工作增加了约80万份,劳工局认为这一区别不值得一提。现在,低薪工作几乎占所有就业增长的一半,即使如此,仍不到60%的美国人拥有任何类型的工作。在一个月内,美国政府列出了零售业的大量新工作岗位,但当大型零售商如J.C.Penny、Macy’s、Sears和美元连锁店都陷入困境并关闭店铺,购物中心非常渴望租户,他们按日或按小时租用空间时,这显然是不可能的。扎克曼指出,在奥巴马的医疗法案规定向每周工作超过30小时的所有人提供医疗保险后,公司立即将员工的工作时间减少到30小时以下,通常将一份全职工作分为两份兼职工作,以避免这种福利成本。

Dave Kranzler wrote that “The US employment report is probably the most deceptively fraudulent report produced by the Government”.[2] The US government has gone through contortions every month since 2008, attempting to delude the population about a non-existent ‘recovery’ that it falsely claims occurred in 2009. In spite of all the hype, the truth is that the US economy is still sitting on the bottom pretty much where it was in 2008, with no recovery of any kind and no net new jobs created. The publicity about the creation of ‘service jobs’ and ‘health-care jobs’ is disguising low-paid employment for retail clerks and home-care for the elderly, and the unemployment statistics have suffered the same kind of creativity as has the CPI – if a category proves troublesome or embarrassing, the government simply omits it from the calculations.

 Dave Kranzler写道美国就业报告可能是政府发布的最具欺骗性的欺诈性报告[2]2008年以来美国政府每个月都在进行扭曲试图欺骗民众让他们相信2009发生了不存在的。尽管如此实是美国经济仍处于2008年的底部没有任何复也没有创造新的净就业机会。关于创造务性工作疗保健工作的宣传掩盖了零售店员的低收入就业和老年人的家庭护理失业统计数据也受到了与CPI相同的创造性影响——如果某一类别被证明是麻烦或尴尬的政府只需在计算中忽略它。

The US government has no qualms about massaging and rearranging numbers and categories to produce results, however inaccurate and dishonest, that place the US in the lead. In November of 2014, Glenn Kessler reported in the Washington Post Obama’s claim before Congressional leaders that “As I travel to Asia for the G-20 Summit, I’m going to be able to say that we’ve actually created more jobs here in the United States than every other advanced country combined”, a claim that was of course false.  His definition of advanced nations omitted all those that were actually growing instead of retracting, nations like China, Russia, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Mexico. Perhaps his most dishonest position was to omit the fact that professional and middle-class full-time employment for educated people have disappeared at an alarming rate, with only unappealing part-time minimum-wage clerking positions being created, on which families cannot survive without welfare and food stamps. Kessler noted that his claim of the US having created 6 million “new” jobs compares to China alone having created more than 50 million new jobs since 2010. He ended his article with the comment that “One has to marvel at the clever economists in the White House who managed to slice and dice the numbers to come up with (these ‘facts’).”

 美国政府毫不犹豫地修改和重新安排数字和类别,以产生让美国处于领先地位的结果,无论多么不准确和不诚实。2014年11月,格伦·凯斯勒(Glenn Kessler)在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)上报道了奥巴马向国会领导人发表的声明,称“当我前往亚洲参加20国集团峰会时,我将能够说,我们在美国创造的就业岗位实际上超过了所有其他发达国家的总和”,这一说法当然是错误的。他对发达国家的定义忽略了中国、俄罗斯、巴西、印度、印度尼西亚和墨西哥等所有实际增长而非收缩的国家。也许他最不诚实的立场是忽略了这样一个事实,即受过教育的人的专业和中产阶级全职工作以惊人的速度消失了,只创造了不吸引人的兼职最低工资办事员职位,没有福利和食品券,家庭就无法生存。凯斯勒指出,他声称美国创造了600万个“新”就业岗位,而自2010年以来,仅中国就创造了5000多万个新就业岗位。他在文章的结尾写道,“人们不得不惊叹白宫里那些聪明的经济学家,他们能够把数字切分切分得出(这些“事实”)。

Jim Clifton, the CEO of Gallup, in an interview on CNBC, called the US government’s unemployment figures “a big lie”,[3] explaining that “If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 … you’re not officially counted as unemployed. If you have a degree in chemistry or math and are working 10 hours part time because it is all you can find… the government doesn’t count you.”

 盖洛普首席执行官吉姆·克利夫Jim Clifton在接受美国全国广播公司财经频道CNBC访时称美国政府的失业数字是一个大谎言[3] 释说如果你每周至少工作一个小工资至少20美元……你不会被正式算作失业。如果你有化学或数学学位并且兼职工作10个小因为这是你能找到的一切……政府不把你算在内。

To further emphasise the perilous state of the US economy and labor picture today, only 60% of employable workers in the US have jobs. According to the government’s own statistics, a full 40% of all working-age citizens have no employment, but officials still claim an unemployment rate of only 6%. To add to the labor catastrophe, it has been reported that the fastest-growing segment of the US workforce is those aged 65-75, people who should be retired but who cannot live on their meager pensions and unaffordable health care and must sacrifice their retirement years and return to the workforce in order to survive.


I suppose this commentary wouldn’t be complete without reference to China’s numbers, at least from the American point of view. For any country, economic statistics are acceptable if the Americans like the numbers, otherwise they are “unreliable”, the accusation substituting as proof. With China’s economic statistics, the US government doesn’t like the numbers and so dismisses China’s statisticians as “untrained” and their statistics as “unreliable”, the accusations once again substituting as proof. However, the US FED (and other notable economists) conducted their own analysis of China’s economic statistics and confirmed that the country’s actual growth was in line with the official numbers.


China’s statisticians produce their numbers for the Chinese, not for the Americans, so they don’t bother explaining their methodology and thus leaving the Americans in the dark, craving many juicy details of China’s economy that cannot be easily derived from the gross statistical numbers. And when the Americans call, nobody will respond to their questions so they accuse the Chinese of being “unreliable”, of fudging the numbers, of exaggerating, of maybe having “two sets of books” so the government can know “what is really going on” with the economy. According to Mark Magnier of the Wall Street Journal (where else?), a new set of good numbers “raised fresh doubt about the trustworthiness of China’s own statistics”, with Citibank helpfully chiming in with “Growth Likely Overstated”, and some unbiased Western ‘researchers’ claiming the numbers were inflated by nearly 100%. Again, accusations equivalent to proof.

 中国的统计学家为中国人而不是美国人提供数据,因此他们不必费心解释他们的方法,从而让美国人蒙在鼓里,他们渴望了解中国经济的许多有趣细节,而这些细节不能轻易从总统计数据中得出。当美国人打来电话时,没有人会回答他们的问题,所以他们指责中国人“不可靠”,捏造数字,夸大事实,也许有“两套书”,这样政府就可以知道经济的“真实情况”。据《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的马克·马尼耶(Mark Magnier)称,一组新的好数据“让人对中国自身统计数据的可信度产生了新的怀疑”,花旗银行(Citibank)乐于提出“增长可能过度”的说法,一些不偏不倚的西方“研究人员”声称这些数字被夸大了近100%。同样,指控等同于证据。

But the real purpose of these attacks was illuminated by an economics professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Carsten Holz, a man who even wrote a paper on “the quality” of China’s GDP statistics, who said Chinese statistics suffer from “an atrocious lack of transparency”. That statement would translate loosely as “We want to know more, but they won’t tell us because (a) they believe it is none of our damned business and (b) they think we will find ways to use their numbers against them.” Correct on both counts.

 但香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)经济学教授卡斯滕·霍尔茨(Carsten Holz)阐明了这些攻击的真正目的,他甚至写了一篇关于中国GDP统计数据“质量”的论文,称中国统计数据“极度缺乏透明度”。这句话大致可以理解为“我们想知道更多,但他们不会告诉我们,因为(a)他们认为这不关我们的事,(b)他们认为我们会找到方法利用他们的数字来反对他们。”。


Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级行政职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾任上海复旦大学客座教授,向高级EMBA班介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)新集《当中国打喷嚏时》(When China Sneeezes)的特约作者之一。(第二章——对付恶魔)。

His full archive can be seen at

他的完整文章库可以在以下看到 +

He can be contacted at:




[1] The Full-Time Scandal of Part-Time America

[1] 兼职美国的全职丑闻

[2] The Non-Farm Payroll Report: The BLS Outright Embarrasses Itself

[2] 非农就业报告:劳工统计局的彻底尴尬 

[3] Jim Clifton, Gallup CEO, on job numbers: It’s all a ‘big lie’ by the White House

[3] 盖洛普首席执行官吉姆·克利夫顿(Jim Clifton)谈到工作数字:这都是白宫的“大谎言

Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2022

权所有©拉里·罗曼诺夫Larry Romanoff),《上海蓝月》《上海月亮》2022


CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 美国劳工运动与战后社会契约 — September 27th, 2022


America’s Labor Movement and the Post-War Social Contract



By Larry Romanoff, September 27th, 2022


UAW leader Walter Reuther took a few minutes off from negotiating to speak at Cadillac Square, Sept. 4, 1961. Tony Spina, Detroit Free Press. Source

1961年9月4日,美国汽车工人联合会(UAW)领导人沃尔特·鲁瑟(Walter Reuther)在凯迪拉克广场(Cadillac Square)谈判时休息了几分钟。托尼·斯皮纳(Tony Spina),底特律自由出版社。来源

“In contrast to most other industrialised nations, neither the US government nor its corporations have ever held workers or employees in much regard, and the US never accepted the concept of labor unions. Unions were always denigrated in the media as a kind of dangerous socialism that would exploit workers, but it was actually North American capitalism that exploited workers while socialism that attempted to protect them.”


Thanks to the media, most Americans today still have this understanding backwards from reality. As we will see, there was a brief period after the Second World War during which an intense fear of social unrest produced a kind of “enlightened corporate self-interest” that resulted in a benign labor landscape, but that illusion was dispelled by the 1980s and The Great Transformation, with union membership fell by about 70%, largely through the harsh capitalist and legislative climate. The majority of American workers still wanted (and needed) labor unions, but the anti-union conspiracy was too powerful.


From almost its earliest days, The FBI infiltrated labor unions and installed corrupt officials in attempts to destroy them from the inside. This was done under the pretense of combating “labor racketeering”, some of which actually existed, but the infiltrations were conducted primarily to undermine and destroy the unions.[1] When those attempts failed and labor organisers showed signs of being successful, they were either simply murdered or framed and convicted of crimes, and often executed. The US government has for all of its history acted with absolute disregard for the law, whenever the law became inconvenient to the purpose at hand. One of these purposes was the crushing of labor, where the government frequently not only fabricated criminal charges against union organisers but convicted them under laws that had never existed. In one famous case, labor organisers trying to create a mine workers union in Pennsylvania were charged by the state with murder and conspiracy. When these charges failed to hold, the organisers and about a dozen union members were hanged for “obstinacy”.

 几乎从最早的日子起,联邦调查局就渗透到工会,并设置腐败官员,试图从内部摧毁工会。这是在打击“敲诈勒索劳工”的幌子下进行的,其中一些实际上存在,但渗透主要是为了破坏和摧毁工会。[1] 当这些尝试失败,劳工组织机构显示出成功的迹象时,他们要么被谋杀,要么被陷害,被判有罪,经常被处决。美国政府在其所有历史中,无论何时法律对手头的目的变得不方便,都绝对无视法律。其中一个目的是镇压劳工,政府不仅经常捏造针对工会组织者的刑事指控,还根据从未存在过的法律对他们定罪。在一个著名的案件中,试图在宾夕法尼亚州建立煤矿工人工会的工会组织者被州政府指控谋杀和阴谋。当这些指控未能成立时,组织者和十几名工会成员因“顽固不化”而被处以绞刑。

In February of 2015, Sam Mitriani wrote an informative article titled “The True History of the Origins of Police: Protecting and Serving the Masters of Society”,[2] that reflected accurately the origins and applications of the American justice system. Much of this essay draws on Mitriani’s writing plus extracts from various other documents, the original sources of which I wasn’t able to identify. These are edited and with extensive footnotes added which were not in the originals, and are identified with quotation marks. Here is a brief edited summary of Mitriani’s comments:

 2015年2月,萨姆·米特里亚尼(Sam Mitriani)撰写了一篇题为《警察起源的真实历史:保护和服务社会主宰》(The True History of The Origins of Police:Protecting and Serving The Masters of Society)的内容翔实的文章[2],准确地反映了美国司法制度的起源和应用。这篇文章的大部分内容都借鉴了米特里亚尼的作品以及其他各种文件的摘录,我无法确定这些文件的原始来源。这些都是经过编辑的,并添加了大量脚注,这些脚注在原件中没有,并用引号标识。以下是Mitriani评论的简要编辑摘要:

“This liberal way of viewing the problem rests on a misunderstanding of the origins of the police and what they were created to do. The police were not created to protect and serve the population. They were not created to stop crime, at least not as most people understand it. And they were certainly not created to promote justice. They were created to protect the new form of wage-labor capitalism that emerged in the mid- to late-19th century from the threat posed by that system’s offspring, the working class. Before the 19th century, there were no police forces that we would recognize as such anywhere in the world. Then, as Northern cities grew and filled with mostly immigrant wage workers who were physically and socially separated from the ruling class, the wealthy elite who ran the various municipal governments hired hundreds and then thousands of armed men to impose order on the new working-class neighborhoods.


“Class conflict roiled late-19th century American cities like Chicago, which experienced major strikes and riots in 1867, 1877, 1886 and 1894.[3][4][5][6] In each of these upheavals, the police attacked strikers with extreme violence. In the aftermath of these movements, the police increasingly presented themselves as a thin blue line protecting civilization, by which they meant the bourgeois elite portion of civilization, from the disorder of the working class. This ideology has been reproduced ever since, and is still the foundation of American law and justice today, which is one reason corporate executives are virtually immune from prosecution for even the most egregious of crimes while the lower classes will suffer five years in a prison for a minor theft or smoking marijuana.


There was a never a time when the big city police neutrally enforced “the law” – nor, for that matter, a time when the law itself was neutral. Throughout the 19th century in the North, the police mostly arrested people for the vaguely defined “crimes” of disorderly conduct and vagrancy, which meant that they could target anyone they saw as a threat to “order.” In the post-bellum South, they enforced white supremacy and largely arrested black people on trumped-up charges in order to feed them into convict labor systems. The violence the police carried out and their moral separation from those they patrolled were not the consequences of the brutality of individual officers, but of policies carefully designed to mold the police into a force that could use violence to deal with the social problems that accompanied the development of a wage-labor economy. The police were created to use violence to reconcile electoral democracy with industrial capitalism. Today, they are just one part of the “criminal justice” system that plays the same role. Their basic job is to enforce order among those with the most reason to resent the system.


Mitriani told the story of the Auto Workers’ Walter Reuther,


“whose socialist views were anathema to the owners of General Motors and other automakers”, and he was several times severely beaten and eventually killed. “Once, during a time of heated labor negotiations Reuther was shot and seriously wounded in his home, that event followed by two more assassination attempts and the suspicious crash of a private plane in which he was travelling. Reuther survived those, but was finally killed in a second equally suspicious private plane crash, and the FBI still refuses to release the files on his death.” “Aside from the deliberate killings and frame-ups, the US government, unique among nations, has a long and sordid history of using its military to suppress and brutalise its own citizens whenever they came in conflict with the capitalists who have always controlled the Congress and White House. It has also accumulated a history of equally sordid legislation designed to protect and enhance the profits of its corporate elite at the expense of the people of the nation.”


“These attitudes toward the lower classes had been embedded in American capitalist and government DNA since the first days of the Republic. Prior to the late 1800s most people were either engaged in farming, owned a small shop or perhaps plied a trade like carpentry, blacksmithing or tailoring, the remainder eking a living from odd jobs and temporary employment. During this time a massive social change resulted from industrialisation, with large numbers of people migrating to the cities in search of employment, and therefore shifting from small farms or micro-businesses to being dependent full-time laborers. But it was true that for both capitalists and the government, these workers and their desire for livable wages were seen as enemies of progress. Workers were universally decrying their virtual wage slavery and lack of work safety while the government was equally universally and very callously employing the military to ensure the profits of capitalism.


“From the late 1800s, the US military was one of the main tools of worker suppression. In Chicago in 1894 US troops put an end to a strike by railway workers, by opening fire and killing dozens of workers.[7][8] Mining in the US was an extremely hazardous occupation and strikes by mine workers were common. In 1914, US troops opened fire on a group of striking mine workers in Colorado, again ending the strike by killing the strikers. A bit later, individuals trying to organise a labor union in a coal mine in Pennsylvania were shot and killed by the company management who were acquitted in a brief trial. Even the police were not immune; in 1919 a police strike in Boston[9][10][11] was ended when the military was called in to violently end the strike, and many police officers were killed. In the same year, a labor organiser in Washington was captured, tortured, castrated and then lynched.


“By the 1920s, US capitalists and the government had already developed nationwide plans to control workers and their wage demands, creating task forces to sabotage all union organisers and critics of capitalism and government. Many were imprisoned without charge and without access to legal counsel. The military on many occasions used bombers to attack striking workers.” In one large miners’ strike in West Virginia in 1921[12][13][14], several thousand soldiers launched a massive shooting war with about 5,000 striking miners, then added a chemical warfare unit and both bombers and fighter aircraft. When the strikers surrendered, the survivors were charged with treason and imprisoned. In 1930, hundreds of farm workers were beaten and arrested in California for attempting to form unions, and convicted of “criminal socialism”.[15][16][17] There are many dozens of examples spanning many decades, of the US military brutally and violently terminating labor strikes by killing the strikers.


The military weren’t immune, either.


“In 1932, as the Great Depression became severe, almost 50,000 veterans from World War I, marched to Washington to ask the government to pay the $625 bonuses they had been promised.[18][19] The soldiers, most with their families, camped on some flat land near the Capital to raise sympathy for their plight, but sympathy was not forthcoming. Instead, then-President Hoover sent in the police, a move that resulted in brutality, violence, and quite a few deaths. When that failed, Hoover sent in the active military to disperse the ‘dissidents’. General Douglas MacArthur, then-Major Dwight Eisenhower, and George Patton, launched an assault on the encampment, flooding the camp with tear gas, then opening fire on their own veterans, injuring many thousands and killing many more, including the women and children.”


It wasn’t only the US military that was engaged in these atrocities. Many large corporations formed permanent armies of their own to be used against striking workers, John Rockefeller being one of the worst, but by no means the only example.[20]

 参与这些暴行的不仅仅是美国军方。许多大公司成立了自己的永久性军队,用来对付罢工工人,约翰·洛克菲勒是其中最糟糕的一个,但决不是唯一的例子。[] 20

“In 1927, his private army massacred all the striking workers at one of his mines in Colorado with machine guns. A few years later, more groups of striking textile workers were murdered in North Carolina. In the early 1930s, more than 500,000 mill workers went on strike in South Carolina,[21][22] a strike so violently suppressed by both US military forces and private armies that no one dared try to form a union for another twenty years. In 1935, striking electrical workers at a plant in Toledo, Ohio were attacked and all killed by machine guns in the hands of thousands of US troops.[23][24][25] At the same time, police in San Francisco shot and killed several hundred peaceful dock workers during a strike, the outrage provoking a widespread strike in the entire San Francisco-Oakland region. The media supported the outrage by claiming that “communist agitators had seized control of the city”.”


“One particularly infamous event known as the Ludlow Massacre,[26][27][28] one of the most brutal attacks on workers in North American labor history, involved a strike by coal miners against Rockefeller’s inhumanity. The miners had been forced to work in extraordinarily harsh and dangerous conditions where fatality rates were very high and wages low. Further, they were paid with paper scrip which could be spent only in the company-owned store that carried very high prices. The mine workers succeeded in organising a labor union that then attempted to institute safety regulations and have increased wages paid in real money. A widespread general strike erupted when the mine managers killed a union organiser. Rockefeller responded by immediately evicting the miners from their company-owned houses, leaving them and their families homeless in a wilderness area in the middle of a harsh winter, beginning a seven-month siege of the miners.


“The Rockefellers, like all industrialists in those days, took an astonishingly aggressive stance against the striking workers, hiring hundreds of armed thugs to harass, beat and kill. His army drove armored cars with machine guns through the tent areas where the miners were camped, strafing all the tents with gunfire, killing many workers and their wives and children. When his private army proved insufficient, Rockefeller arranged for the government to send in the National Guard, ordered to empty the miners’ camps, which they did by entering the camps with massive firepower and machine-gunning the encampment in a battle that lasted for almost 14 hours. They set fire to the tents, burning alive many women and children, and shooting dead those trying to escape. As news of this inhumane massacre spread, workers all across the US went on a national strike, but the vicious brutality of the US government succeeded.”

 洛克菲勒一家和当时所有的工业家一样,对罢工工人采取了令人惊讶的激进姿态,雇佣了数百名武装暴徒进行骚扰、殴打和杀害。他的军队驾驶着装有机枪的装甲车,穿过矿工营地的帐篷区,用枪炮扫射所有帐篷,杀死了许多工人及其妻子和孩子。当他的私人军队证明洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)安排政府派遣国民警卫队(National Guard),命令清空矿工营地,他们用大量火力进入营地,用机关枪对营地进行了长达14小时的战斗。他们放火焚烧帐篷,烧死了许多妇女和儿童,并枪杀了试图逃跑的人。随着这场非人道屠杀的消息传播,美国各地的工人举行了全国罢工,但美国政府的残暴行径成功了。

Rockefeller wasn’t the only elite capitalist to have his own private army for dealing with his workers. Cyrus Eaton, who owned the Republic Steel Company, deserves special notice, even in a nation dominated by ruthless criminal capitalists, for his tendency to shoot and kill anyone attempting to form a labor union.[29][30][31] His company maintained an armory of weapons that included military-grade firepower and chemical weapons. During one strike, when police proved unable to disperse the strikers with multiple arrests, Eaton’s army moved in with guns, tear gas and clubs, leaving most workers dead or injured, many having been shot in the back. In one case, Walter Reuther and his staff were severely beaten by the Ford auto company’s private military. The Carnegies and other rich American elite industrial families all fit this same mold, but much of this history has been expunged from the texts and the Internet.

 洛克菲勒并不是唯一一个拥有私人军队来对付工人的精英资本家。拥有共和国钢铁公司(Republic Steel Company)的塞鲁斯·伊顿(Cyrus Eaton)值得特别关注,即使是在一个由残忍的犯罪资本家统治的国家,他也会枪杀任何试图组建工会的人。他的公司拥有一个武器库,其中包括军用火力和化学武器。在一次罢工中,警方证明无法通过多次逮捕驱散罢工者,伊顿的军队携带枪支、催泪瓦斯和棍棒进入,造成大多数工人死亡或受伤,许多人背部中弹。在一个案例中,沃尔特·鲁瑟(Walter Reuther)和他的员工遭到福特汽车公司私人军队的毒打。卡内基和其他富有的美国精英工业家庭都符合这一模式,但这段历史的大部分已经从文本和互联网中删除。293031

“Repression in the US has always had a different flavor than in other nations. In America, any large corporation count on the assistance of the US military to support their predatory human practices, but they could also form their own private military that would operate with almost total immunity when dealing with the working poor. For those companies without an army, there was a third option, this infamous source of brutality toward unhappy workers being the Pinkerton Detective Agency which, at the height of its power was the largest privately-owned law enforcement agency in the world and employed more men than the US military. Corporations would hire the Pinkerton agency to infiltrate unions, intimidate workers and confront strikers with military-style violence. This firm was bitterly hated by almost everyone who wasn’t a major industrialist, the mayor of one US city described Pinkertons as “They are a horde of cut-throats, thieves, and murderers and are in the employ of unscrupulous capital for the oppression of honest labor.” Today, history has been cleansed of this evil history and Pinkerton are presented as one of the “Legends of America”.

 美国的镇压总是与其他国家不同。在美国,任何大公司都指望美国军方的援助来支持他们的人类掠夺行为,但他们也可以组建自己的私人军队,在与贫困劳动者打交道时几乎完全免责。对于那些没有军队的公司,还有第三种选择,平克顿侦探局(Pinkerton Detective Agency)是对不幸工人施暴的臭名昭著的源头,在其权力鼎盛时期,它是世界上最大的私营执法机构,雇佣的人员比美国军队还多。公司会雇佣平克顿机构渗透工会,恐吓工人,并用军事暴力对抗罢工者。这家公司几乎被所有不是主要工业家的人都痛恨,美国一个城市的市长形容平克顿为“他们是一群卑鄙的人、小偷和杀人犯,他们利用肆无忌惮的资本压迫诚实的劳工。”今天,历史已经洗刷了这段邪恶的历史,平克顿被誉为“美国传奇”之一。

“The problems with low wages, inadequate or non-existent worker safety, long working hours, the lack of medical care especially for work-related injuries, continued to build until 1945. During the Second World War, wages in the US were frozen while corporate profits reached extremely high levels, creating intense bitterness and resentment among industrial workers. During this 5-year period – when strikes were banned because of the war effort – the US experienced more than 14,000 strikes involving almost seven million workers, mostly in the mining, steel and auto industries. In almost every case, President Roosevelt called in the military to forcibly put down these insurrections.


“These labor problems increased after the war, when the wartime wage freezes and bans on strikes were removed. The first six months of 1946 was a period the US Labor Department now calls “the most concentrated period of labor-management strife in the country’s history”, when virtually the nation’s entire workforce finally rebelled against decades of brutality and injustice. As one author put it, “American workers en masse and in totality, filled with rage and frustration at their system-induced misery, finally reached the point where they were defiantly unwilling to slave in dangerous and low-paid occupations while the corporations and their elites celebrated unprecedented and stratospheric profits.” In January of that year, 200,000 electrical workers called a strike, followed by 100,000 meatpackers and a few days later almost a million steelworkers staged the largest strike in US history. This was quickly followed by several hundred thousand coal miners striking and disrupting the electricity supply for much of the nation, immediately followed by many hundreds of thousands of railway and oil industry workers. The US government, true to its roots, used the military to take control of all these industry locations and President Truman threatened publicly to hang these striking workers whom he called traitors, and for whom he proposed severe criminal penalties. It was in this environment of unprecedented social unrest that Walter Reuther finally met his end.”


Then, and almost suddenly, the climate changed, due primarily to the very real fear among the elite of a second American revolution. These circumstances of resentment and revolt were so widespread as to have rapidly created a society so unstable it had become ungovernable, with the nation in anarchy and facing an imminent economic collapse and very possibly a popular revolution. “It was this that forced a revision of the social contract with new norms that included a minimum wage and regular workweek along with regular and increasing wages and the expectation of steady and perhaps permanent employment. Holidays, health care and other benefits were eventually added. It was this new social contract of labor stability, increasing real wages and narrowing income disparity that produced the superior economic performance the US experienced for almost forty years. The vast improvement in wages, working conditions and social equity permitted American factory workers for the first time in history to own their own homes, to drive cars, and to take vacations. Perhaps even more importantly, this huge adjustment in the social contract, and the increased wages, produced for the first time in American history a widespread access to higher education for children of the middle and even lower the class, since American families could afford to abandon the meager income from child labor and leave their children in school.”


“It was these children born during and after the Second World War, the first generation of Americans who grew up in an atmosphere of hope. For the first time in American history, citizens reported hope for the future and expected their childrens’ lives to be better than their own, none of these sentiments having existed prior to this. It was only the universal and almost uncontrollable labor revolt and genuine fear of a widespread and total public uprising that produced these massive social changes that resulted in the creation of the American middle class. All this was the result of America’s brief transformation from a brutal free market capitalist society to a socialist democracy, producing a period unprecedented economic growth.”


In typical American style, having been forced to abandon their sins, the elites not only took credit for their new excess of virtue but began to propagandise yet another historical myth with America suddenly being redefined as the land of opportunity, and thus was born the American Dream. It was all propaganda. American workers went in short order from being some of the most abused and brutalised laborers on the planet to those for whom life suddenly contained more than hopelessness and drudgery, and the propaganda machine, led by Hollywood, went immediately into high gear to convince Americans that things had always been this way – good, and improving. And they didn’t stop there. The Dream expanded by the year, rapidly leaving behind thoughts of valuable but boring regular jobs to be replaced with dreams of riches and success that were possible in no other nation. And of course, the elite capitalists were busy plotting to relieve this new middle class of all its money by promoting consumerism and a ‘standard of living’, firmly entrenching the consumer society as a way of life. It was all a hoax generated by a massive propaganda campaign perpetrated on a gullible public to replace revolutionary resentment against the elites with false hope for a fictitious future.


This ‘golden era of labor’, the new social contract and the attendant propaganda were not only a hoax and a myth but merely a temporary diversion while the elites regrouped. The industrialists and bankers, and their secret government, were never pleased with the financial sacrifices they had made in sharing money with the peasants of America, and the situation could never have lasted. Many authors and historians today agree that an operative plan exists to eviscerate the US middle class. Their conclusion is correct but many miss the essential flavor which is that the top 1% are not stealing money from today’s middle class; rather, they are reclaiming what had always been theirs. Their generosity in sharing wealth with the peasantry, and thereby creating America’s middle class, was an anomaly forcibly thrust upon them which they are now reversing by recovering that wealth residing in the middle and lower classes. In simple terms, they want their money back. Plans to bring to an end all that peasant hopefulness and confidence in the future, and to loot all those middle-class bank accounts, had already been made during the 1970s and were enacted with a vengeance when the US FED engineered the vicious recession in the early 1980s. And that was the beginning of the end. The 2008 financial crisis, also engineered by the FED, was the middle of the process. The end is still to come, with yet another FED-induced calamity in the planning.


James Petras categorises the late 1970s and early 1980s as The Great Transformation, when the US government, the FED, the bankers and multinationals took their alarming ideological turn to the extreme right. This was when labor became disposable and the social contract between employer and employee was terminally severed along with all pretensions of loyalty, but this trashing of the social contract was not a result of the recession. Instead, it was the purpose of Volcker’s deliberately-engineered recession to facilitate the unilateral unwinding of the social contract that had existed for forty years, and to redraw the financial and corporate landscape. At that time, one of Canada’s major telecom companies, Telus, fired around 30% of their workforce in one quarter. Many were rehired the following quarter, but only as contract personnel at lower wages and without paid holidays, pensions, medical care or benefits of any kind, an effective wage reduction of about 50%. That was the plan followed by hundreds of corporations in North America, a coordinated frontal attack on the middle class.

 詹姆斯·佩特拉斯(James Petras)将20世纪70年代末和80年代初归类为“大变革”(the Great Transformation),当时美国政府、美联储(FED)、银行家和跨国公司在意识形态上惊人地转向了极右。这是劳动成为可支配的,雇主和雇员之间的社会契约与所有假装忠诚的行为一起被彻底割裂的时候,但这种对社会契约的破坏并不是经济衰退的结果。相反,沃尔克故意策划经济衰退的目的是促进单方面解除已经存在了40年的社会契约,并重新绘制金融和企业景观。当时,加拿大一家主要电信公司Telus在一个季度内解雇了约30%的员工。许多人在第二季度被重新雇用,但只是作为合同工,工资较低,没有带薪假期、养老金、医疗或任何形式的福利,实际工资减少了约50%。这是北美数百家公司遵循的计划,是对中产阶级的一次联合正面攻击。

“The plans for destroying the post-war social contract and reconfiguring the economic landscape were being made and put into effect almost immediately after the contract was first written. The economist Edwin Dickens examined records of the meetings of the FED’s Open Market Committee from the 1950s to the present, with his analysis proving the FED’s actions were consistently intended primarily to benefit the top 1% by creating conditions to make workers more insecure and therefore more compliant in terms of wages and working conditions. He identified repeated occasions where the FED deliberately contracted the money supply and credit immediately prior to the expiry of major union contracts, intending this to drive down wages and benefits during the impending negotiations. John Maynard Keynes was warning the world about the FED and other private central banks when he wrote “the object of credit restriction is to withdraw from employers the financial means to employ labor at the existing level of wages and prices … intensifying unemployment without limit, until the workers are ready to accept the necessary reduction of money wages under the pressure of hard facts.” In other words, class warfare. Contrary to propaganda and popular belief, the US FED’s policies have never been a matter of monetary discipline, but of class discipline through control of labor. “The Federal Reserve serves the needs of the powerful. Its role is to protect capital against the interests of labor. In order to maintain labor discipline, the Federal Reserve Board is entrusted with the task of maintaining a level of unemployment high enough to keep workers fearful of losing their jobs.”

 摧毁战后社会契约和重新配置经济格局的计划几乎在合同首次签订后立即制定并实施。经济学家埃德温·狄更斯(Edwin Dickens)检查了20世纪50年代至今美联储公开市场委员会会议的记录,他的分析证明,美联储的行动始终是初衷y通过创造条件使工人更加不安全,从而在工资和工作条件方面更加顺从,从而使前1%的人受益。他指出,在主要工会合同到期前,美联储曾多次故意缩减货币供应和信贷,意图在即将到来的谈判中降低工资和福利。约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯在写道“信贷限制的目的是从雇主那里收回以现有工资和价格水平雇佣劳动力的财政手段……无限制地加剧失业,直到工人们准备好在严峻的事实压力下接受必要的货币工资削减。”换句话说,阶级战。与宣传和大众信仰相反,美国联邦储备委员会的政策从来不是一个货币纪律问题,而是通过控制劳动力的阶级纪律问题。“美联储服务于有权势的人的需要。它的作用是保护资本不受劳工利益的侵害。为了维持劳工纪律,美联储委员会的任务是维持足够高的失业率,使工人们担心失去工作。

Volcker literally launched a class war on the working lower and middle classes of America, his pronouncements about fighting inflation being only propaganda meant to keep the masses ignorant of the vicious assault he was planning against them. His first act was to tighten the money supply to such an extreme that he immediately plunged the country into the worst economic downturn since 1929, and let up only when the entire US financial system was itself threatened. During all of this blood-letting, Volcker’s only interest appeared to be the terms of labor contract demands and settlements, stating repeatedly that “The standard of living of the average American has to decline”. Business Week inadvertently identified the class-war nature of Volcker’s actions when it stated in an editorial, “Some people will have to do with less. Yet it will be a hard pill for many Americans to swallow – the idea of doing with less so that big business can have more”. And that was the entire story. By the time Volcker was finished, millions of manufacturing jobs had disappeared, wages had dropped by 30% or more, and the industrial Midwest never recovered. Adding to the human devastation was Reagan’s program of systematic deregulation, intended to further lower wages and break the back of US labor.


“Until the late 1970s, American family incomes had doubled or tripled since the ‘labor revolution’ of 1946. Then, thanks to the US FED and its friends and owners, the party was over. Wages fell, household incomes dropped, prosperity slowly evaporated, and both the American middle class and the American Dream were on their way to extinction. Few realised at the time that Volcker’s recession was not a temporary anomaly as other recessions had appeared to be; this one was a permanent and on-going assault. Since then, productivity has risen markedly while wages remained stagnant and even falling. Good jobs have increasingly disappeared to be replaced by low-wage and part-time employment, primarily in home care, fast food, and Wal-Mart. Benefits have been drastically cut or eliminated by the use of contract workers, and employment has become increasingly insecure. It began with the destruction of labor and deregulation, continued with globalisation and outsourcing, and progressed to financialisation and what we call “Wal-Martisation” and the Task Rabbit economy – the replacement of well-paying full-time employment with part-time poverty. By the early 1980s, the Treaty of Detroit had been unilaterally repealed and the golden age of labor was at an end.


This is only one small part of a very large story that includes globalisation, infrastructure privatisation, population reduction, mass immigration and the destruction of national ethnic and cultural identities, and the eventual disappearance of national sovereignty itself. The human race is being subjugated for the exclusive benefit of a small group of European bankers resident in the City of London. I do not know if this rolling snowball can be reversed. I fear it cannot.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫先生的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级行政职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾任上海复旦大学客座教授,向高级EMBA班介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)新集《当中国打喷嚏时》(When China Sneeezes)的特约作者之一。(第二章——对付恶魔)。

His full archive can be seen at

他的完整文章库可以在下面找到 +

He can be contacted at:





[1] FBI and the Unions

[1] FBI和工会

[2] The True History of the Origins of Police: Protecting and Serving the Masters of Society

[2] 警察起源的真实历史:保护和服务社会主人

[3] A History of Police Violence in Chicago

[3] 芝加哥警察暴力史


[4] 芝加哥罢工规则

[5] The Haymarket Riot

[5] 干草市场暴动

[6] Pullman Strike

[6] 普尔曼罢工

[7] The Pullman Strike of 1894; President Cleveland Ordered U.S. Army to Break the Strike

[7] 1894年普尔曼罢工;克利夫兰总统命令美国军队停止罢工

[8] The Pullman railway strike, 1894 – Howard Zinn

[8] 1894年普尔曼铁路罢工——霍华德·津恩

[9] Boston police strike

[9] 波士顿警方罢工

[10] The Boston police department goes on strike

[10] 波士顿警察局举行罢工

[11] Boston Police Strike of 1919

[11] 1919年波士顿警察罢工

[12] Battle of Blair Mountain

[12] 布莱尔山战役

[13] The Battle of Blair Mountain

[13] 布莱尔山战役

[14] Deadly 1921 coal miner revolt in West Virginia remembered

[14] 1921年西弗吉尼亚州致命的煤矿工人起义

[15] Farm Labor in the 1930s

[15] 20世纪30年代的农业劳动力

[16] California agricultural strikes of 1933

[16] 1933年加州农业罢工

[17] The Dust Bowl, California, and the Politics of Hard Times

[17] 加州沙尘暴与艰难时期的政治

[18] Bonus Expeditionary Forces March on Washington

[18] 奖金远征军向华盛顿进军

[19] 1932: U.S. Army Kicks U.S. Veterans Out of Washington

[19] 1932年:美国陆军将美国退伍军人逐出华盛顿

[20] The Gunmen and the Miners

[20] 枪手和矿工

[21] Millworkers’ Strike United States 1934


[22] Chiquola Mill Massacre




[24] 75th anniversary of the Toledo Auto-Lite strike


[25] Striking Thousands In Five Ohio Cities Are Major Problem


[26] The Ludlow Massacre


[27] The Ludlow Massacre Still Matters


[28] Eyewitness to Murder: Recounting the Ludlow Massacre


[29] 1937 Memorial Day massacre


[30] Republic Steel Plant Violence, 1930s – Film 98507


[31] Republic Workers Tell of Picket Violence; Affidavits Taken by La Follette Committee

[31]共和国工人讲述皮克特暴力事件;La Follette委员会的宣誓书

Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2022



Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2022 October 10th 本杰明·富尔富德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2022年10月10日     New Chinese Emperor oversees Khazarian mafia purge 中国新一任皇帝,将会监督针对高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的清洗  

The failure of a Khazarian mafia coup attempt in China means the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation is not going to be able to escape bankruptcy this time, multiple sources say.


This is because a new emperor -who is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan- has taken power in China, according to dragon family sources. So far, over a thousand senior Chinese officials and three generations of their families have been executed for accepting bribes from the KM, the sources say. The rest of the top levels of the Chinese government remain under house arrest until investigations are completed.

根据龙家族的消息来源说,这是因为在中国成功掌权的新皇帝,是成吉思汗的直系后裔。消息来源称,到目前为止,已有1000多名中国高级官员及其三代家人,因接受高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的贿赂而被处决。在调查完成之前,中国政府其他高层仍处于软禁状态。   Video Player 00:00 00:21   It is still not clear if Chinese President Xi Jinping has been replaced by an avatar or not, the source adds. However the real Xi Jinping has a shoulder injury from an assassination attempt in Singapore so, when the new Chinese politburo is revealed on October 16th, the thing to watch for is the presence or absence of this injury on Xi if he appears, they say. Either way, any Xi who appears will not be a KM stooge, they add. The fact that KM propaganda rags like the New York Times are now viciously attacking Xi is another indicator their attempt to take over China has failed. 消息来源补充说,中国主席习近平是否已经被一名阿凡达替身所代替,目前仍然尚不清楚。然而,他们说,真正的习近平本人,曾经在新加坡遭遇刺客袭击,肩膀受伤,所以,当2022年10月16日,新一届中共中央中央政治局成员揭晓的时候,首要任务就是去检查习近平肩膀上的伤是否存在。他们接着说,无论以哪种方式,任何重新露面的习近平,都将不再是高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的走狗。《纽约时报》等企业宣传媒体,作为高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的遮羞布,现在正在恶毒地攻击习近平,这一事实也从侧面说明,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党接管中国的尝试失败了。 《这是95号洲际公路上一个真实的广告牌 暴力罪犯们值得我们同情和尊重。今年秋天,请坚持进步的价值观。 此广告牌由一名为精神正常而战的市民支付 电话202-240-8^86》 Polish intelligence sources corroborate saying: 波兰情报机构的消息来源证实说:   It is now clear that the Military Brigade that entered Beijing was there to defend Xi and surround it for protection. Some CCP members have been arrested and executed. The coup attempt was staged by the ROTHSCHILDs / ROCKEFELLERS / VATICAN / BLACKROCK / DAVOS GROUP ETC. in an effort to stop Chinese support for the Russian Alliance and the annexation of Ukraine. The second reason for the coup attempt was the takeover of the BRICS temporary reserve system, into which half of the world’s currencies have already shifted. 现在很清楚,进入北京的军事旅是在那里保卫习近平,并包围它进行保护。一些中共党员被逮捕并处决。此次政变是由罗斯柴尔德家族/洛克菲勒家族/梵蒂冈/黑石贝莱德国际金融集团/达沃斯世界经济论坛等团体所策划的,目的是阻止中国与俄罗斯结盟和吞并乌克兰。政变企图的第二个原因是,他们想要接管金砖国家临时货币储备体系,目前全球一半的货币已经从SWiFT全球银行转账系统转移到这个体系中来了。   The fact that OPEC+ has decided to cut oil production by 2 million barrels per day in order to help Russia is another sign the entire non-Western world is cooperating in the effort to cut off oil and gas and thus collapse the US Corporation. Even the fake White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was forced to admit “It’s clear that OPEC+ is aligning with Russia with today’s announcement.” 石油输出国组织欧佩克决定每天减产200万桶原油,以帮助俄罗斯,这是另一个迹象,表明整个非西方世界正在合作,努力切断石油和天然气供应,从而使美利坚合众国企业公司破产。甚至假白宫新闻秘书卡琳·让·皮埃尔也被迫承认:“很明显,欧佩克+正与俄罗斯配合今天的声明。”   This effort appears to be working. One of the principal owners of the US Corporation, Blackrock International has filed for bankruptcy, Mexican intelligence sources point out. 这一努力似乎正在奏效。墨西哥情报机构的消息来源指出,美利坚合众国企业公司的主要拥有者之一黑石贝莱德国际金融集团已申请破产。   Blackrock International, Inc. Files for Bankruptcy in Lafayette | BKData 贝莱德国际金融股份有限公司在美国路易斯安娜州拉菲特市申请破产保护 | 蓝鲸数据   These same sources say Russian, Chinese and other specialists have entered the US via Mexico to help US special forces hunt down and destroy remaining KM leadership and strongholds in North America. 这些消息来源还说,俄罗斯、中国和其他专家已通过墨西哥进入美国,帮助美国特种部队追捕并摧毁北美剩余的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党领导层和据点。   A public sign the Mexican government has joined the planetary liberation alliance can be seen in that they are now using the Russian Glonass GPS system that the US has tried to ban. 墨西哥政府加入白帽子地球解放联盟的一个公开迹象是,他们现在正在使用美国试图禁止的俄罗斯格洛纳斯全球卫星定位系统。   Niega Marcelo Ebrard instalación del Sistema Glonass – Xpectro ( 拒绝马塞洛·埃布拉德安装格洛纳斯全球卫星定位系统 – Xpectro (   Of course, it would be a big mistake to underestimate the KM. Russian FSB sources say that according to Federal Reserve Board documents obtained by Russian intelligence “between now and 2023 the KM will begin a massive weather warfare campaign that will be blamed on ‘climate change.’” The hurricane Ian weather warfare attack on disobedient Florida was just a foretaste, they say. “The KM will use climatic weapons like hurricanes to destroy homes and properties; this destruction will make it impossible for people to pay their loans and so will be used as an excuse by the KM to expropriate properties on a massive scale,” they say. “Most likely it will happen in the US and EU where Blackrock is actively buying/owning the properties of bankrupt people,” they add. 当然,低估高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党是一个具大的错误。俄罗斯联邦安全局的消息来源表示,根据俄罗斯情报部门获得的美国联邦储备委员会文件:“从现在开始到2023年,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党将开始大规模的天气战,并将其归咎于‘气候变化’。”他们说,飓风伊恩对不服从命令的佛罗里达州的天气战袭击只是一个预演。他们说:“高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,将使用天气控制武器引发飓风等自然灾害摧毁房屋和财产;这种破坏将使人民大众无法偿还贷款,然后被高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党用作大规模没收财产的借口。”他们补充道:“最有可能的情况是,这场天气控制战争将发生在美国和欧盟,在那里,黑石贝莱德金融集团正在积极购买那些破产者的财产。”   The KM will also try very hard to start a nuclear war and resort to nuclear terrorism, the sources also warn. That is why the fake US president Joe Biden threatened nuclear Armageddon last week. 消息来源还警告称,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党还将努力发动核战争,并开展核恐怖主义。这就是为什么假美国总统乔·拜登上周威胁要发动末日善恶大决战的原因。   Not only that, but he authorized the spending of $290 million worth of “anti-radiation drugs,” that CIA medical doctors say will poison anybody stupid or ignorant enough to take them. Just take a look at the side effects listed on the manufacturers’ website. 不仅如此,他还批准了价值2.9亿美元的“抗辐射药物”的开支,美国中央情报局的医生说,这些药物将毒害任何愚蠢或无知到足以服用它们的人。看看下面制造商网站上列出的副作用你就知道了:   One of the many reasons the KM are desperate and dangerous is because they have lost the Ukrainian war, Polish intelligence sources say. This is what they say about the Ukrainian leadership: “Not a day goes by without movies that hide their losses. Their original army is long gone. Now the Russians are destroying what they got from the West. The Russians destroy it without any counterattacks and without any losses. All they need is artillery and air strikes.” 波兰情报来源称,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党绝望和危险的原因之一,是因为他们在乌克兰战争中失败了。他们这样评价乌克兰领导人:“每天都有电影掩盖他们的损失。他们原来的军队早已消失。现在俄罗斯人正在摧毁他们从西方得到的东西。俄罗斯人摧毁西方的武器装备,没有任何反击,也没有任何损失。他们所需要的只是炮火和空袭。”   The Polish also say their own government and NATO are on the verge of disintegration. “Polish authorities are idiots who started a war that will contribute to the disintegration of NATO. For several months the Polish government has had planes standing by for the evacuation of the entire government to London. There a housing estate has been prepared for retired Polish politicians and generals.” 波兰情报来源还表示,波兰政府和北约正处于解体的边缘。“波兰当局是白痴,他们发动了一场战争,这场战争将导致北约解体。几个月来,波兰政府一直有飞机待命,准备将整个政府疏散到伦敦。那里已经为退休的波兰政治家和将军准备了一处房地产。”   The sources continue to say “Poland has been disarmed, faces a tragic economic situation and its Civil Defense is non-existent.” However, they promise they will not let the Polish traitors pretending to be a government flee on the planes they have prepared. 消息来源还表示:“波兰已被解除武装,面临悲惨的经济形势,民防也已不复存在。”然而,他们承诺,不会让假装成政府的波兰叛徒乘坐他们准备好的飞机逃跑。   These sources also added that a KM attempt to “bribe Russians to stage anti-mobilization demonstrations failed and it was not possible to shake the situation in Russia.” 这些消息来源还补充说,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党试图“贿赂俄罗斯民众举行反对动员的示威,但失败了,不可能动摇俄罗斯的局势。”   The fact the Ukrainians had to rely on a truck bomb to only slightly damage a bridge is proof they no longer have any real conventional military capability. 事实上,乌克兰人只能依靠炸弹卡车轻微损坏桥梁,这证明他们不再具备任何真正的常规军事能力。   This is why Polish TV is openly calling Vladimir Putin the president of Ukraine. 这就是为什么波兰电视台公开称弗拉基米尔·普京为乌克兰总统的原因。 Another sign the Ukrainian operation is imploding is that one of the top rats has jumped the ship. The head of the National Bank of Ukraine, Kyrylo Shevchenko, has resigned, probably because he can no longer launder fraudulent FED fiat money. 乌克兰的军事行动正在瓦解的另一个迹象是,一只顶级老鼠跳下了船。乌克兰国家银行行长基里洛·舍甫琴科已经辞职,可能是因为他再也不能帮美国联邦储备委员会凭空印出来的假钞洗钱了。   In other parts of Europe too, regime change is snowballing. Italy’s new government is now aligned with Russia and the planetary liberation alliance which is why they are getting supplied with gas once again. 在欧洲的其他地区,政权更迭也在滚雪球。意大利新政府现在与俄罗斯和白帽子地球解放联盟结盟,这也是为什么他们再次获得天然气供应的原因。   There is also regime change continuing in the UK as this news item shows: 正如以下新闻报道所展示的那样,英国也在继续进行政权更迭:   With Queen Elizabeth II now laid to rest and Operation London Bridge successfully executed, planning will now commence for King Charles III’s funeral, a security expert says. 一位安全专家表示,随着伊丽莎白二世女王的安息和伦敦桥行动的成功实施,查尔斯三世国王的葬礼将开始筹划。   Former Royal Protection Officer Simon Morgan said plans for Operation Menai Bridge – the personal funeral plan of the now King – will begin “tomorrow”. 前皇家保护官员西蒙·摩根表示,“梅奈桥行动”计划将于“明天”开始,这是现任国王的个人葬礼计划。   Then there is this news item: 还有一条新闻:   King Charles III heartbeat away from death? The report claims doctors told Prince William to prepare 国王查理三世被心肺复苏抢救过来了吗?报告称,医生告诉威廉王子做好准备   The royal family is allegedly bracing for another tragedy just weeks after burying Queen Elizabeth II. 据称,在安葬伊丽莎白二世女王几周后,王室正在为另一场悲剧做准备。   The UK government has been advised to air the Royal Family’s dirty laundry -such as the murder of Diana- blame it on King Charles and then start afresh under King William V. If so, any new bills and coins made with King Charles III on them will quickly become collectors’ items. Keep your eyes on the British tabloids to see if this is all true or just propaganda. 英国政府被建议将王室的脏衣服(如戴安娜王妃的谋杀案)晾干,归咎于查尔斯国王,然后在威廉五世统治下让英国轻装前进、重新出发。如果真是这样,那么任何用查理三世国王制作的新英镑钞票和硬币都将很快成为收藏家的珍品。请大家密切关注英国小报,看看这是真的还是只是宣传。   In Germany and France meanwhile, massive demonstrations are snowballing in reaction to the economic collapse being caused by their KM slave governments’ suicidal anti-Russian moves. 与此同时,在德国和法国,大规模示威活动正在滚雪球,以应对高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党奴才政府的自杀式反俄行动所导致的经济崩溃。   Several such rallies took place in Germany’s capital city on Saturday, and the largest one was organized by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party outside the Reichstag building, the lower house of the German parliament. In a speech, AfD co-leader, Tino Chrupalla, called for the removal of Russia sanctions, accusing Economy Minister Robert Habeck of waging war against the German people by causing an energy crisis through the sanctioning of Russia. 周六,在德国首都举行了几次这样的集会,其中规模最大的一次是由德国替代选择党在德国议会下院国会大厦外组织的。在一次讲话中,替代选择党共同领导人蒂诺·克鲁帕拉呼吁取消对俄罗斯的制裁,指责经济部长罗伯特·哈贝克通过制裁俄罗斯而引发能源危机,对德国人民发动战争。   In Brazil, meanwhile, an attempt by the KM to steal the presidential election from President failed, forcing a runoff against Satanist former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Even pro-Lula media opinion polls show Bolsonaro will win the runoff election. 与此同时,在巴西,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党试图从总统手中夺取总统选举权的企图失败了,这迫使对撒旦教前总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦进行决选。甚至亲卢拉的媒体民意调查也显示,博尔索纳罗将赢得决选。 “This is Lula. A man who has admitted to having tried to rape a fellow inmate in jail in the 1970s. A man accused of ordering the murder of Santo André mayor Celso Daniel, and over half a dozen witnesses. A man taped by a wire bitterly complaining and bitching that no one had the guts to kill former Economy Minister Palocci in jail,” a CIA source says. 美国中央情报局的消息来源称:“这是卢拉。他承认曾在1970年代试图强奸监狱中的一名囚犯同伴。这名囚犯同伴被指控下令谋杀圣安德烈市长塞尔索·丹尼尔和六名目击者。一名用电线绑住的男子痛苦地抱怨并痛斥,没有人有胆量在监狱中杀害前经济部长帕洛奇。”   The KM has also now condemned itself to war crimes tribunals and massive civil lawsuits due to its COVID fraud. Two of the top five medical journals in the world Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine have retracted COVID-related articles. 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,现在也因其新冠疫情欺诈行为,而被判战争罪法庭和大规模民事诉讼。世界五大医学期刊《柳叶刀》和《新英格兰医学杂志》中的两个已经撤回了与新冠病毒相关的文章。   Now Hindawi, one of the world’s largest open-access journal publishers is retracting 511 papers that appeared in 16 different journals based on the discovery of “unethical actions”. The papers have all been published since August 2020. 现在,世界上最大的开放获取期刊出版商之一欣达维公司,由于发现了“不道德行为”,撤回了511篇出现在16种不同期刊上的论文。这些论文都是从2020年8月开始发表的。   A CIA affiliated Medical doctors comments: 美国中央情报局的医生评论:   “What this means is that they are admitting to all the fraud and lies by the medical profession. There will be numerous lawsuits against universities, colleges and medical centers as a result of this. Think about all the tenure given, and grants, that were awarded based on published papers that were bogus, wrong, and in place due to corruption and bribes, all for money.” 这意味着他们承认了医疗行业的所有欺诈和谎言。因此,将有许多针对大学、学院和医疗中心的诉讼。想想所有基于虚假、错误、腐败和贿赂所发表的论文而授予的任期和补助金,都是为了钱。   This is what Jacob Rothschild once said on the subject: everyone must be psychologically trained to follow the same commands…Universal vaccination programs not only open the door to behavior control by modifying and amplifying genes, but more importantly for the current operation, psychological behavior control with vaccines is even more fundamental. [Vaccines] are the most unified and compatible psychological weapons ever devised to control human behavior…in any crisis, people act mostly on emotions rather than real facts, critical thinking and common sense. 这就是雅各布·罗斯柴尔德曾经在这个问题上所说的:每个人都必须接受心理训练,以遵循相同的命令……普遍接种微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”的计划,不仅通过修改人类基因打开了行为控制的大门,更重要的是,对于当前的操作来说,微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”的心理行为控制更为根本。微芯片转基因绝育[疫苗]是迄今为止设计用于控制人类行为的最统一、最兼容的心理武器……在任何危机中,人们的行为大多基于情感,而非真实事实、批判性思维和常识。   Of course, many of these so-called doctors and medical experts as well as their KM puppet masters will face the death penalty at the upcoming war crimes tribunals. 当然,这些所谓的医生和医学专家,以及他们的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党傀儡主人,将在即将到来的战争罪法庭上面临死刑。   These tribunals will also reveal how the KM infiltrated so many world institutions by replacing their leaders with impostors. This is especially true of Christianity. 这些法庭还将揭示高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党如何以冒名顶替者取代其领导人,从而渗透到这么多世界机构中。基督教尤其如此。   Cardinal Gerhard Mueller the former head of the Vatican’s highest doctrinal office joined the chorus of true Catholics warning that “Pope Francis” was leading “the hostile takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ” noting that his promotion of things like homosexuality “has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.” 前梵蒂冈最高教义办公室负责人、红衣主教格哈德·,穆勒加入了真正天主教徒的行列,警告称“教皇弗朗西斯”正在领导“敌对势力接管耶稣基督教会”,并指出他对同性恋等事物的宣扬“与耶稣基督无关。”   What Mueller and his fellow Catholics need to do is expose the fact that Pope Francis was killed and replaced with a rubber mask-wearing KM impostor.  穆勒和他的天主教同僚需要做的是揭露一个事实,那就是高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党早已杀死教皇弗朗西斯,并用戴着橡胶面具的替身取而代之。   In Italy, the press was in a furor about “Francesco Antonio Soddu, the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia, and his presence at the inauguration of a new Masonic Temple of the Grand Orient of Italy, in via Roma, in the city of Terni in Umbria, on September 27, 2022.” 在意大利,媒体对“2022年9月27日,罗马天主教特尔尼-纳尔尼-阿梅利亚教区主教弗朗西斯科·安东尼奥·索杜,在翁布里亚的特尔尼市(经由罗马)出席意大利大东方共济会新会堂的落成典礼感到愤怒。”   Polish intelligence sources say Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin was a key behind the infiltration of Christianity. He inducted thousands of men into the priesthood starting in the 1930s to destroy the church from within, they say. These people were selected because they were homosexuals or because they were people without faith or proper morals. “The idea was to break down the enemy’s society from the inside. Illuminati = Kabbalistic Judaism = Freemasonry = Communism = Satanism,” they concluded 波兰情报来源说,苏联独裁者约瑟夫·斯大林是基督教遭到渗透的幕后关键。他们说,从1930年代开始,他引导数千人担任牧师,从内部摧毁教会。这些人之所以被选中,是因为他们是同性恋,或是因为他们没有信仰或道德。他们总结道:“这个想法是从内部瓦解敌人的社会。光明会=卡巴拉犹太教=共济会=共产主义=撒旦主义。”   “As we all may know by now, Christianity has now become a laughing stock as its’ not only forsaken all God’s laws, but it has become a cesspool of debauchery, satanism and child abuse,” comments the reverend Anthony Pike, grandson of Albert Pike of Freemason fame and notoriety. 共济会名誉和恶名的阿尔伯特·派克的孙子、牧师安东尼·派克评论道:“我们现在都知道,基督教现在已经成为笑柄,因为它不仅抛弃了所有上帝的法律,而且已经成为放荡、撒旦教和虐待儿童的大粪坑。”   From a Christian perspective, it sure must seem like end times. 从基督徒的角度来看,这肯定像是末日。   That may be why project Blue Beam is proceeding full speed ahead as an attempt to open the curtain on a “new age,” secret space program sources say. 秘密太空计划的消息来源表示,这可能就是为什么蓝光计划正全速向前推进,试图打开“新时代”的帷幕的原因。   So on that note, we will conclude with visuals from some of the latest mysterious sightings from around the world.   因此,我们将以世界各地一些最新神秘目击事件的视频来结束本周的新闻通讯。   Alien drones over Denver, Colorado USA 美国科罗拉多州丹佛市上空的外星无人机   Video Player 00:00 01:02   UAP over Belgorod, Russia 2022 2022年俄罗斯贝尔戈罗德不明大气现象   Video Player 00:00 00:13   UAP Cumberland County, Maine USA 美国缅因州坎伯兰县不明大气现象   Video Player 00:00 01:28   UAP over Brazil 2022 2022年巴西不明大气现象   Video Player 00:00 00:56



Shoot to kill orders issued for Khazarian mafia bosses


Worldwide shoot-to-kill orders have been issued against all Khazarian Mafia members until they surrender unconditionally, according to an agreement made between MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the Russian FSB and other military/intelligence agencies worldwide. This is legal because the KM are actively trying to kill 90% of humanity. If they surrender, they will face Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals. If they don’t, they face death.


It is with good reason that Russian President Vladimir Putin said the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves [it is] pure Satanism….Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits, ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.


For those who still do not understand what we are dealing with, take a look at this video of a child sacrifice.


It is proof we really are dealing with Moloch-worshiping and child-sacrificing fanatics. They view us as “Amalak” and think they have the right to kill us or enslave us like cattle. These are the ancient enemies of the Jews, the Romans, the Christians and most of humanity. They are the ones who tortured Jesus Christ to death and put his body out for public display.


The video is from the Chicago world’s fair of 1933 but to this day they carry out mass sacrifices. Our MI6 sources say they have a video of “beautiful children being sacrificed,” in a holocaust at a ceremony inaugurating the new World Trade Center building. A holocaust is a burnt offering to Moloch, also known as Ba’al, Set or Satan. These are the people who murdered tens of millions of Chinese, Russians, Germans, Japanese, Jews etc. during and after World War II as a part of their plan to turn the planet earth into a giant animal farm.


The event shown above was organized by the Zionist Organization of America, sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and produced by Meyer Weisgal, with help from Rabbi Solomon Goldman as well as Maurice Samuel, the author of “You Gentiles.” One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration.


These are the people who enslaved the Americans and turned them into their killing machines and enforcers worldwide.


The shoot-to-kill order includes but is not limited to: the descendants of John Rockefeller I, the members of the Rothschild family, the Habsburgs as well as the Dutch, Italian and Belgian royal families.


Individuals targeted for immediate execution include the actors pretending to be President Joe Biden and Pope Francis, Jeff Bezos, Jared Kushner, Justin Castro (Trudeau), Chrystia Freeland, Emanuelle Macron, Ursula von der Leyen , Angela Merkel, Anthony Fauci, Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, the Chief Rabbi of New York Ephraim Mirvis etc. We will ask our readers to help compile a more comprehensive list but this is a good starting point.


If you are a member of the protection unit for any of these individuals, you must either obey the order or face war crimes penalties of life imprisonment or death. If you think this is extreme, remember, these people are actively trying to kill you and your extended family so this is legitimate self-defense. We are in a state of war folks and it is either kill or be killed.


OK, now let us look at some of the recent development in the battle to liberate the planet earth.


The latest attempt by KM to start World War III was seen last week when they “blew up” the Nordstream I and II gas pipelines that supply Russian gas to Germany. This was followed immediately by the announcement of an alternative pipeline supplying gas from Norway to Poland. The problem is the entire thing was a propaganda lie designed to make money by manipulating financial markets, Russian FSB sources say.


It is a pretty sure bet that, if you investigate, you will find out that the Rothschild-owned trading companies based in Switzerland made a killing from insider trading based on the fake pipeline incident.


Also, Germany will now have to pay “transit fees” to Ukraine and Poland for gas from a pipeline that probably does not exist. 


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However, that is not going to be enough to save the KM from financial collapse. The reality is that Western Europe must either overthrow its Satanic leadership or face an industrial shutdown and freezing winter.


The Americans also need to do something about the fake Federal Reserve Board Biden regime or face hardship as well. In a sign the KM-owned UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation failed to make its September 30th payments deadline, the FRB has called for a secret emergency meeting on the morning of October 3rd.


According to British Royal family sources, the reason for the meeting is that the royal families have taken control of the central banks away from the Rockefeller and Rothschild families.


The turmoil in British financial markets comes from the fact that for the first time since the famous Rothschild insider trading on the Battle of Waterloo, the British Royals now control the Bank of England, the source notes.


In Europe as well, the Vatican has removed all Rothschild/Rockefeller control etc, as of September 30th,


As for the United States, here is intelligence from a contact who has access inside the KM World Economic Forum secret meetings:


BlackRock and Vanguard are planning on placing the entire world assets that they have valued at $500 Trillion into the stock market. The world assets will be sold off like shares. They believe that the value of the shares will be 5 times the initial placement. They want to do this to achieve their Great Reset. Of course, the elite will buy up the shares. And achieve their “Agenda 2030.” As Klaus anal Schwab says: “you will own nothing and be happy”. This is a wild dream but the KM-controlled WEF believe they can achieve it. 


In other words, having taken control of 90% of the world’s transnational corporations through their privately owned central bank fraud, the KM hope to stay in power by selling these stolen assets to the world.


That is why the legitimate governments of the world need to confiscate these fraudulently obtained corporations. Needless to say, great care must be made not to punish legitimate entrepreneurs who got rich by actually creating value.


To understand why it is important to remove the KM control of corporations, take a look at this clip from a WEF meeting.


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The UN -controlled by the WEF- has been working with Google to manipulate climate change search results. The KM puppet UN Secretary for Global Coms Melissa Fleming says they “own the science” on climate change “and opposing viewpoints have now been pushed down in search results through their partnership with Google.”


Nobody can “own” science because real science is the objective study of the natural world ie the original creation, not some fiction created by pumping out fake money.


The fake climate science is being pushed by the more “moderate” faction of the KM.


These people also control weather manipulation technology and used it last week to attack Florida because the governor of that State is rebelling against their rule.


As evidence of this, the Gulf of Mexico has lost its water. “This is the first weather modification used for the Ian Hurricane. Where did the water go?” comments a CIA source.


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Here is another weird anomaly.


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When a river of fish appears in the desert, something is definitely not right.


The latest evidence the hardliners are still trying to kill us by any means possible includes the ongoing combination of lethal vaccines, bioweapons and 5G electromagnetic attacks disguised as the “COVID pandemic.”


To illustrate, watch mass murderer Bill Gates say “We have no chance of getting back to normal without 7 Billion people being vaxxed.”


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In the UK Mark Steele, who is a weapons expert, tells a parliamentary committee that the 5G network is a weapon of military technology used to find and neutralize targets by radar scanning.


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Take a look at these people being killed by 5G to get an idea of how dangerous this technology is.


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Now look at this billboard in Ireland laying out the truth about the jab, masks and more for further confirmation civilian governments in the West have been taken over by criminals. 


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That is why these murderers need to be removed from control of medical associations, telecommunications companies etc.


This is also true of China, where the communist party propaganda news is still pushing the fake pandemic, fraudulent PCR tests, vaccines etc. in order to turn that country into a giant animal farm.


We have personally confirmed that the CCP is secretly controlled at the top by non-Asian KM bosses. That is why the CCP is pushing 5G, repressing truth about the 5G mass murder incident in Wuhan and using fraudulent PCR tests as an excuse for totalitarian control.


However, we understand the Chinese patriots are fighting to liberate their country from KM rule. The results of this battle should become clear at the once in 5 years meeting of the CCP top leadership later this month.


As a sign of this, it is clear that something very wrong is going on with President Xi Jinping. He has not left his home or met any world leader or even top Chinese leader for the past two years, according to several (Western) sources.


In his first overseas visit in the past two years, when he went to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, he did almost nothing. He gave no memorable speech and did not meet with Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi, or any other major leader of the group on the sidelines of the summit. He also left the summit in a hurry and did not participate in group photos.


According to News Highland Vision, former Chinese President, Hu Jintao and former Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao had persuaded Song Ping, the former member of the Standing Committee and retaken control of the Central Guard Bureau (CGB).


September 22, 2022

The CGB’s job is to protect top CCP leaders including Xi Jinping.


Our own Japanese military intelligence sources confirm the above reports’ claim that Xi Jinping is under house arrest. Our CIA sources, meanwhile, insist the real Xi was killed in early 2020 and his brother has been filling in for him.


Alarmed by these reports, the Russians sent Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev to China to check out the situation.


“Patrushev is an intel coordinator. His job includes helping to identify US efforts of opposition inside the Chinese party or ministries,” an FSB source explains. The FSB says “the rumors of Xi’s removal have been proven to be CIA disinformation.”


However, this same source admits to being puzzled and disturbed as to why China is continuing the fraudulent PCR tests and draconian crackdown on its people.


In any case, we should be able to find out the truth later this month when the big CCP meeting takes place.


Another big question that may be answered later this month is whether or not the secret space force is finally going to come fully out of the closet.


In a hint of change, the US Space Force has announced it will be taking over the Department of Defense’s military satellite communications. This is the first time all military satellite communications will be run by a single agency.


Also, the “National Intelligence Manager for Aviation” office of the Air Force rolled out a new logo over the weekend. It includes a picture of a flying saucer. 


“Sooner or later people will have to realize that most (not all) of the UFOs seen in our skies are the man-made work of the military-industrial-complex. In direct competition with the SSP. They’ve been working on electro-gravitic technologies since at least the 1950s,” a secret space force says. 


So, on that note, we will conclude with the latest project Blue Beam manifestations from around the world:


1.Off world craft in rural Russia


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  1. UAP over Paris, France


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3.A drone over Ukraine


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  1. UAP flashing in the clouds 


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I have asked my secret space program sources for a personal ride in a flying saucer. Let us see if they can produce the real deal and not just more videos.


CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 比一般人笨 — 2022年9月23日


Dumber Than the Average Human








For background, the Boston school system had for many years grappled with the problem of how to assign students to Boston’s public schools that could both let children attend one of the few good schools in the system while also finding one close to their homes. They also wanted to ensure that students from poor neighborhoods had the same chance of attending good schools as those from more affluent neighborhoods. The school system was divided into zones where many students were bused far from home but still attended the lower-quality schools. A newly-appointed 27-member committee tried yet again to find a solution but after months of examination and debate became hopelessly entangled in what were largely irrelevancies, and again could find no solution. But a 24-year-old Chinese student named Peng Shi who was in a Ph.D. program at MIT and who was looking for a thesis topic, attended the meetings, asked a few questions and gave them the obvious solution of eliminating their school zones and applying a different model for selection. After some study, the committee voted overwhelmingly to adopt Shi’s model, calling it “a breakthrough moment” for Boston’s school system.


According to an NYT article reporting on the event: “That it took a dispassionate outsider with … no political agenda to formulate the model is a measure of the complexities facing urban school districts today”, but that is a baldly dishonest statement. Yes, it took a ‘dispassionate outsider with no political agenda’ to solve the problem, but the problem was not “a measure of the complexities facing American school districts” but one more indication that (a) creativity, independent thinking, problem-solving and all the other good words do not in fact exist in the US educational system, and (b) adult Americans really are dumber than the average human.


After multiple repeated attempts over many months, the solution was not only not obvious but non-existent, to the 27 adult American “educators” who “lead the world in innovation and critical thinking”. But after only 30 minutes the solution was obvious to Shi, a 24-year-old Chinese kid, a rote-learning robot whose educational system taught him only to memorise and not to think, who knew only how to produce high scores but not to apply any knowledge, someone with no creativity and no imagination. [2] [3]

 经过几个月的多次反复尝试,对于“在创新和批判性思维方面领导世界”的27位美国成人“教育工作者”来说,解决方案不仅不明显,而且根本不存在。但仅仅30分钟后,解决方案对24岁的中国孩子施正荣来说就很明显了。施正荣是一个死记硬背的学习机器人,他的教育系统只教会他记忆,而不去思考,他只知道如何取得高分,却不应用任何知识,一个没有创造力和想象力的人。[ [2]3]

We know all the criticisms. China’s children are taught only to memorise and not to think or question. They are rote-learning robots without capacity for original thought. They know only how to produce high scores but not to think. They have no creativity, no imagination, no concept of innovation. The classes are too large; there is no individual attention paid to students. The entire Chinese educational system is corrupt and failing. But this is all nonsense, yet one more foolish myth propagated by the Americans. There has never been any evidence to document such claims which, like so many others, are fabricated solely on an imaginary moral superiority.


America Leads the World. Or Does it?


The quality of American education, as we will see, is far lower than the world has been led to believe, and the quality in China is in many cases much superior to that in the US. Americans might care to ask why it is that Chinese elementary or high school students moving to the US are often promoted by one or two grades. The reason is that they know so much more than their American counterparts they would suffer terminal boredom if forced to remain at their prior grade level.


If we refer to the PISA tests, Shanghai’s math scores were 119 above the OECD average, or the equivalent of nearly three years of schooling, with reading and science exceeding the OECD average by about 1.5 years of schooling. And in some cases, the American students were behind the OECD average by approximately the same number of years as the Chinese were ahead. (4) (5)

 如果我们参考PISA测试,上海的数学分数比OECD平均分数高119分,相当于近三年的学校教育,阅读和科学超过OECD平均水平约1.5年。在某些情况下,美国学生落后于经合组织平均水平,与中国学生领先的年数大致相同。 (4) (5)

The myth persists that the US has always led the world in quality of education, but this is nothing more than branding propaganda and part of the indoctrination process of American moral superiority that is wholly unsupported by facts. Consider this quote from an American education expert:


The US has never been first in the world, nor even near the top, on any international tests. Consistently over the past half century, American students have typically scored near the median at best, but most often being in the bottom quartile. The historical record indicates that American elementary students are only average at best, their performance degrading year by year until high school seniors perform last in almost all international tests. The International Science Studies that began in high schools in the late 1960s and early 1970s found that 14-year-olds were below average and seniors scored last of all countries. In the International Mathematics tests that began in the 1960s, American high school seniors scored last of all nations. In the 1982 International Mathematics Study, high school seniors placed at the bottom on almost every test. In terms of the PISA tests, American students – placing last – are simply following the pattern that has been consistent for the past 50 years or more.” [5a] [6] [7]

 美国从来没有在任何国际考试中名列世界第一,甚至也没有接近榜首。在过去的半个世纪里,美国学生通常最多只能取得接近中位数的分数,但大多数情况下都是在四分之一以下。历史记录表明,美国元素y学生充其量只是中等水平,他们的表现逐年下降,直到高中生在几乎所有的国际考试中表现最后。20世纪60年代末和70年代初开始在高中进行的国际科学研究发现,14岁的学生低于平均水平,而且是高年级学生在所有国家中,s得分最后。在20世纪60年代开始的国际数学考试中,美国高中生在所有国家中得分最后。在1982年的《国际数学研究》(International Mathematics Study)中,高中四年级学生几乎在所有考试中都排名垫底。在PISA测试方面,美国排在最后的学生只是遵循了过去50年或更长时间以来一贯的模式。” [ [ [5a]6]7]

The National Assessment of Education Progress, or NAEP — called the Nation’s Report Card — is an exam given to fourth-grade and eighth-grade students throughout the country by the National Center for Education Statistics, a branch of the U.S. Department of Education. Only 36 percent of fourth-grade students and 34 percent of eighth-grade students in 2015 scored high enough to be considered proficient or above in reading. In math, 40 percent of fourth-grade students and 33 percent of eighth-grade students scored proficient or above. Many experts have stated that Americans are “uneducated to a degree unmatched by many third-world countries”. [8]


Recent tests in the New York area show that less than half of all students are proficient in English and Math, and in some areas the number is as low as 13%. This is true in most of the country, literacy being marginal in most American secondary schools. In an article published in the San Jose Mercury in 2001, it was documented that 75% of California high school seniors could not read well enough to pass their exit exams.


A quote from one news report: “In October of 2013 a new global report issued by the OECD found that Americans ranked well below the worldwide average in just about every measure of skill. In math, reading, and technology-driven problem-solving, the United States performed worse than nearly every other country… The US would have looked even worse if China had been included in this study. In basic literacy – the ability to understand and use basic written text – 80% of Americans reached only a level 2 out of 5. And in math and numerical proficiency, using numbers in daily life, they are worse … and 10% scored below level 1. Technological literacy and ability were worse too. In problem-solving in a technological environment and the use of “cognitive skills required to solve problems”, the Americans were at the bottom.” And that bottom is in math, vocabulary, language usage and technology, with Chinese students far surpassing the Americans even when using a language that is not their own. [9] [10]

 引用一篇新闻报道的话:“2013年10月,经合组织发布的一份新的全球报告发现,美国人在几乎所有技能指标上都远低于世界平均水平。在数学、阅读和技术驱动的问题解决方面,美国的表现几乎比其他国家都差呃,国家……如果中国被纳入这项研究,美国看起来会更糟。在基本识字能力(理解和使用基本书面文字的能力)方面,80%的美国人仅达到五分之二的水平。而在数学和数字熟练程度方面,在日常生活中使用数字的情况则更糟…10%的人得分低于1级。技术素养和能力也较差。在技术环境下解决问题和使用“解决问题所需的认知技能”方面,美国人处于最底层。“最底层是数学、词汇、语言使用和技术y、 中国学生甚至在使用非自己的语言时也远远超过了美国人。[9] [10]

In early 2014 the Washington Times reported that new studies and the results of the recent SAT tests demonstrate conclusively that the vast majority of America’s 2012 high school graduates aren’t ready for college, and SAT scores have plummeted to their lowest level in more than 40 years. The results of the exams, released by the College Board, revealed that only about 39% of students planning to attend university are in any way prepared for the world of higher education. More than 60% displayed functional illiteracy by failing the reading portion of the test, with only a slightly better result on math and writing, which means most US university students will achieve C or D grades at best, and that a great many will either fail or be falsely graduated without merit or knowledge. And the dropout rates are fierce. In Washington DC, the nation’s capital, almost 70% of college students fail to graduate. [11] [12] The solution was to abandon the SAT tests for college entry.


I deleted this paragraph, then decided to re-insert it because the topic irritated me. We’re dealing with the English language, and listening to a senior American educator, a Ph.D. from Harvard, explaining why only 39% of all students who took the SAT college admissions test scored well enough to be deemed ready for college. In her little media sound-byte, she said this fact showed American educators where they needed to “hone in”. The correct expression is “to home in on”, as with a homing device, to focus on or bring us to the correct place, in fact to take us home. To “hone” is to sharpen, as to hone a blade, but for Americans who don’t – or can’t – read, the sound is similar and sloppy carelessness accounts for the rest. Critics pounced on this, but she and other ‘educators’ defended such a foolish error by claiming that language is alive and fluid, and it changes. To make matters worse, another shining light, this one an education expert from Duke University, informed us that our criticisms of poor-quality education (and educators) would likely “snuff out democracy”.


In spite of all the branding propaganda and rhetoric, the decreasing quality of American education is well-known in the West. It is not a secret that for many decades the US has been “dumbing-down” its education at all levels, consistently reducing government funding to result in fewer teachers, larger classrooms, poorer facilities, lower salaries and teacher quality, and steadily decreasing learning. One need only do a quick Internet search to find hundreds of studies and alarmed reports of the greatly-deteriorated quality of American education. As John Kozy noted, “In fact, piles of evidence reveal that Americans are getting dumber. People who have graduated from high school since the pocket calculator was invented can’t calculate in their heads, not even simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Many people addicted to the Internet have difficulty reading anything more complicated than a tweet”.

 尽管有各种品牌宣传和花言巧语,但美国教育质量的下降在西方是众所周知的。几十年来,美国一直在“降低”各级教育水平,不断减少政府资助,导致教师人数减少、教室扩大、设施变差、工资和教师素质下降,并不断减少学习,这已不是什么秘密。人们只需在互联网上快速搜索,就能找到数百份关于美国教育质量严重恶化的研究报告和令人担忧的报告。正如约翰·科齐(John Kozy)所指出的那样,“事实上,大量证据表明,美国人变得越来越笨了。袖珍计算器发明以来,高中毕业的人都无法在头脑中计算,甚至连简单的加法、减法和乘法都不能。许多上网成瘾的人很难阅读比推特更复杂的东西”。

The propaganda machine focuses heavily on the mythical superiority of the American education system, but Americans haven’t the critical thinking skills needed to see through the lies presented to them. One author pointed out that American public schooling grinds away at children until they graduate with little creativity or curiosity, stating further that “Such people will never be informed citizens, and most could care less”. All of this has been heavily researched and documented by John Gatto, who was nominated as Teacher of the Year for New York State and New York City, and who has since left teaching, claiming he was no longer willing to harm children by teaching them in the US public school system.[13]

 宣传机器主要关注美国教育系统的神话般的优越性,但美国人没有必要的批判性思维技能来看穿向他们呈现的谎言。一位作者指出,美国公立学校在孩子们毕业之前一直在磨磨蹭蹭,他们几乎没有创造力或好奇心,并进一步指出,“这样的人永远不会成为知情的公民,大多数人也不会太在意”。约翰·加托(John Gatto)对所有这一切进行了大量的研究和记录,他被提名为纽约州和纽约市年度教师,并自那以后离开了教学岗位,声称他不再愿意通过在美国公立学校系统中教孩子来伤害他们。[13]

In 2013, Jeff Schweitzer wrote an article in the UK Guardian titled ‘God created gravity’, in which he deplored the sad state of American education, to quite an extent blaming religion for the lack of intelligent focus, with subjects like science still in the 17th century in US schools. He said that while the rest of the world is becoming educated, Americans spend their time discussing how exceptional and awesome they are, with the result that Americans are number one only in delusion. “Steeped in this wasteland of scientific illiteracy we march ever further toward a theocracy … twisting history to indoctrinate our children with stories about god and gravity”, with educational debates, like all others based on faith rather than logic. He wrote that the only way for Americans to support any position they hold is to simply assert their supremacy as loudly as possible, reduced to childlike tantrums of “I’m right, you’re wrong, I win.” [14]

 2013年,杰夫·施韦策(Jeff Schweitzer)在《英国卫报》(UK Guardian)上发表了一篇题为“上帝创造了重力”的文章,他在文章中对美国教育的悲惨状况表示痛惜,在很大程度上,他将缺乏智慧的焦点归咎于宗教,像科学这样的学科在17世纪的美国学校仍然存在。他说,当世界其他地区都在接受教育的时候,美国人花时间讨论他们有多么与众不同和令人敬畏,结果美国人只是在妄想中排名第一。“在这片科学文盲的荒原上,我们进一步走向神权政治……扭曲历史,向我们的孩子灌输关于上帝和重力的故事”,进行教育辩论,就像所有其他基于信仰而非逻辑的辩论一样。他写道,美国人支持他们所持任何立场的唯一方式就是尽可能大声地宣称自己的至高无上地位,并将其简化为孩子般的发脾气:“我是对的,你错了,我赢了。14

Because American schools do not demand critical thinking and problem-solving from students starting at a young age, the students are lost in university classrooms when they are years behind and struggling with the basics of reading and understanding. Many US educators complain that fewer than one-quarter of their students have any proficiency at all in basic skills like math and reading comprehension, that they are never taught original ideas or methods of learning that will prepare them for higher education. One educator claimed, “My former teachers simply did not push me to think past a basic level, to apply concepts, to move beyond memorizing facts and figures.” And of course the students feel the pressure acutely. One first-year university student said, “I basically thought I was stupid. I just felt like, What’s wrong with me? Maybe I’m not meant to be here.” Another said, “You can’t make it in college by yourself. You just need all the help you can get.” One student who felt blessed by having a good teacher in her final year in high school said, “I feel like it was too late. It just wasn’t enough to have that kind of teacher for one year.” [15]

 因为美国学校不要求学生从小就开始批判性思考和解决问题,所以当他们落后多年,在阅读和理解的基础上苦苦挣扎时,他们就会在大学课堂上迷失。许多美国教育工作者抱怨说他们的学生在数学和阅读理解等基本技能方面都很熟练,从来没有人教过他们为接受高等教育做准备的原创思想或学习方法。一位教育家声称:“我以前的老师根本没有强迫我忘记基本知识c级,应用概念,超越记忆事实和数字。当然,学生们也感受到了巨大的压力。一名一年级大学生说:“我基本上认为自己很愚蠢。”。我只是觉得,我怎么了?也许我不该在这里。另一个说:“你不能在大学里自己做吧。你只需要你能得到的所有帮助。一位高中最后一年有一位好老师的学生说:“我觉得为时已晚。”。仅仅有一年这样的老师是不够的。” []15

And it isn’t only the students who are in this position. The New York Post ran an interesting article titled, “US adults are dumber than the average human“, which stated in part, “It’s long been known that America’s school kids haven’t measured well compared with international peers. [16] Now, there’s a new twist: Adults don’t either. In math, reading and problem-solving using technology – all skills considered critical for global competitiveness and economic strength – American adults scored below the international average on a global test.” The studies also found that it was much more difficult on average to overcome the lack of knowledge, literacy and other barriers in the United States, than in other nations.


The article continued, “It’s not just the kids who require more and more preparation to get access to the economy, it’s more and more the adults don’t have the skills to stay in it. Americans scored toward the bottom in the category of problem solving in a technology rich environment, even in skills such as using a mouse”, creating a kind of “underclass – a large group of people who are basically unemployable“. And again, “A quarter of all Americans never become proficient in math. In Shanghai and Korea, the comparable figure is about 6%. Some 7% of US students reached the top two scientific performance levels, compared with an amazing 27% in Shanghai.” [17] [18] [19]


Rick Shenkman wrote an interesting and enlightening article titled ‘Just How Stupid Are We?’, in which he wrote “Americans generally do not seem to absorb what it is that they are reading and hearing and watching. Americans cannot even name the leaders of their own government. The error can be traced to our mistaking unprecedented access to information with the actual consumption of it.” He said that in the postwar period, social scientists began to systematically measure what Americans actually knew, and even back then the results of their displayed ignorance were devastating. He further claimed that surveys showed Americans’ level of ignorance remaining constant over time, and that by some measures “Americans are dumber today than their parents of a generation ago. Young people … know less today than young people forty years ago.” [20] [20a][21]

 里克·申克曼(Rick Shenkman)写了一篇有趣且富有启发性的文章,题为我们到底有多愚蠢?,他在信中写道:美国人似乎通常无法理解他们正在阅读、聆听和观看的内容。美国人甚至无法说出自己政府的领导人的名字。错误可以追溯到我们错误地将前所未有的信息获取与实际消费相混淆。他说,在战后时期,社会科学家开始系统地测量美国人的实际知识,甚至在那时,他们表现出的无知的结果也是毁灭性的。他进一步声称,调查显示,随着时间的推移,美国人的无知程度保持不变,并且通过一些衡量标准,今天的美国人比他们的父母一代人以前更笨。年轻人……今天的知识比四十年前的年轻人少。”[[20]20]21]

The situation is so bad that in 2003, when the Strategic Task Force on Education investigated Americans’ knowledge of world affairs, they concluded that “Americans’ ignorance … is so great as to constitute a threat to national security.”


But according to the NYT‘s resident jack-of-all-trades Paul Krugman, if you had to “express the greatness of the United States in one word, that word would be ‘education’.” Other more knowledgeable and competent people disagree with Krugman. Donald Kagan, a former president of Yale University gave a final speech in 2013 in which he said that American universities were failing their students, that the curricula were inappropriate and were “unfocused and scattered”, the campuses “a kind of cultural void, with an ignorance of the past”, and that “faculty with atypical views” were rare. Perhaps most importantly, Kagan said, “At the university, there must be intellectual variety. If you don’t have [that], it’s not only that you are deprived of knowing some of the things you might know. It’s that you are deprived of testing the things that you do know or do think you know or believe in, so that your knowledge is superficial.” [22] [23]

 但据《纽约时报》驻纽约各行各业专家保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)称,如果你必须“用一个词来表达美国的伟大,那么这个词就是‘教育’。”其他更有知识、更有能力的人不同意克鲁格曼的观点。2013年,耶鲁大学前校长唐纳德·卡根(Donald Kagan)发表了最后一次演讲,他在演讲中说,美国大学让学生们失望了,课程设置不合适,而且“不集中、分散”,校园“是一种文化空白,对过去一无所知”,“具有非典型观点的教师”很少。卡根说,也许最重要的是,“在大学里,必须有各种各样的知识。如果你没有这些知识,不仅你会被剥夺一些你可能知道的知识。还因为你被剥夺了测试你确实知道或认为你知道或相信的东西的权利,所以你的知识是肤浅的。22]

The man was precisely correct in this last statement, reflecting one of the hazards today of being an American, the programmed and propagandised uniformity of thought that deprives Americans of any way to test the validity of their (mostly) foolish beliefs. Such regimented and incessant propaganda provides a uniform reinforcement of ideology, creating impenetrable boundaries of the mind. The simple-minded adherence to a single ideology narrows one’s views and cripples the ability to think clearly or critically. As one author wrote, “a closely adhered-to ideology becomes a mental locality with limits and borders just as real as those of geography. In fact, if we consider (American) nationalism a pervasive modern ideology, there is a direct connection between the boundaries induced in the mind and those on the ground.” [24]


Karl Weiss wrote an excellent and perceptive article that was published in Germany’s Berliner Umschau in October of 2009; I will quote some of his observations here. He began with the decrepit American educational system, stating “.. the education system in America is unlike that of almost any other industrialized country. Free education is available only at primary and secondary levels; beyond that, community and technical colleges and universities are so expensive that children in lower socioeconomic classes have little chance of attending unless they are “gifted” and get scholarships. The education provided by the public school system is often so inferior that graduates who can’t afford better schooling have little chance of ever getting the knowledge and skills necessary to lead fulfilling lives. Instead, the focus is on producing nationalistic dimwits who know nothing but their own country.”

 卡尔·韦斯(Karl Weiss)于200910月在德国柏林大学发表了一篇优秀而敏锐的文章;我将在这里引用他的一些意见。他从破旧的美国教育体系开始,他说:美国的教育制度与几乎任何其他工业化国家的教育制度都不一样。免费教育只在初等和中等教育水平上提供;除此之外,社区和技术学院和大学的学费太高,社会经济地位较低的孩子除非有天赋,否则几乎没有机会入学并获得奖学金。公立学校系统提供的教育往往很差,无法负担更好教育的毕业生几乎没有机会获得过过充实生活所需的知识和技能。相反,重点是培养出只懂自己国家的民族主义傻瓜。

He went on to say that one result is a deeply divided society with the capitalists and bankers on one side and the uneducated and lower class on the other, resulting in what he called “a society of force so shot through with violence that any other value has little or no meaning”, and with everything rooted in the Christianity-based black and white dog-eat-dog competition that creates only winners and losers. Weiss’ allegation of “nationalistic dimwits” is not only accurate for the US educational system, but the process is universal throughout the nation. Educational materials in the US are largely propaganda tools, intended not to educate but to indoctrinate.


In the wonderfully disingenuous but disturbing manner of propagandising in which Americans excel, one educational website made the following claim: “While lawyers, doctors, and teachers typically complete additional schoolwork, computer programmers, nurses, and automotive technicians may be qualified with only one or two years of study”.


Doctors “typically” complete “additional schoolwork”? That sounds like some, but not all, medical students doing a bit of extra homework at the Grade Three level, but doctors in most countries need an undergrad degree plus an additional four years of grueling medical training to become an M.D., and yet this is being equated with an auto mechanic who may be qualified with only one year of study. This re-categorisation may appear trivial to the casual reader, but this anti-intellectual linguistic magic is reprogramming Americans with a much-denigrated appreciation of a university education. Now, an American hairdresser and manicurist is trained to the same level of competence as a gynecologist – except for the bit of “additional schoolwork”. And only in the US can a nurse be “qualified” with only one year of study. Many countries require a 4-year nursing degree.


The amount of mythological propaganda and marketing surrounding American education is stunning. Shailendra Raj Mehta, a visiting professor at Duke University, wrote one of the most nonsensical articles I have seen in years, titled ‘The secret of Harvard’s Success’, in which he wrote “No country dominates any industry as much as the United States dominates higher education”. According to him, in a ranking of world universities, 17 of the world’s 20 best universities are American, with Harvard topping the list by a substantial margin, a feat he attributes to “America’s innovative governance model for higher education“. I have no idea what that would be, but it can’t be good. As I’ve detailed elsewhere, Harvard was established by the Puritans as a religious training camp to produce missionaries for their heresies, not to “educate” anybody. And, as with all rankings everywhere, the Americans choose the game, set all the parameters, lay down the rules, decide the scoring system, then win the game. And the US media promote this nonsensical propaganda literally to the ends of the earth. American universities are not ranked so highly because they are the best; it’s because the Americans determined the ranking rules so they would come out on top.

 围绕美国教育的神话宣传和营销数量惊人。杜克大学客座教授Shailendra Raj Mehta写了几年来我所见过的最荒谬的文章之一,题为“哈佛成功的秘密”,他在其中写道“没有国家域名他说,在世界大学排名中,世界上20所最好的大学中有17所是美国大学,哈佛大学以相当大的优势位居榜首,他将这一壮举归因于“美国创新的治理模式我支持高等教育”。我不知道那会是什么,但这不可能是好的。正如我在其他地方详述的那样,哈佛是清教徒建立的一个宗教训练营,为他们的异端邪说培养传教士,而不是“教育”任何人。而且,与世界各地的排名一样,美国人选择比赛,设置所有参数,制定规则,决定得分系统,然后赢得比赛。美国媒体将这种毫无意义的宣传推广到了天涯海角。美国大学排名不是很高,因为它们是最好的;因为美国人确定了排名规则,这样他们就能名列前茅。

In fact, in a recent, more intelligent and less-biased, examination of higher education systems, China ranked ninth, six places above the US. Universitas 21, a group of 27 research-intensive universities from around the world, created an international ranking system of educational quality based on national purchasing power. A leading Universitas researcher said that despite a relatively low per capita income, China had made a “phenomenal” investment in its top universities, resulting in Chinese universities now being “serious players” in research and other fields.

 事实上,在最近一次更聪明、更不带偏见的高等教育体系考试中,中国排名第九,比美国高出六位。Universitas 21是由来自世界各地的27所研究型大学组成的一个组织,创建了一个基于国家购买力的教育质量国际排名体系。一位知名大学研究员表示,尽管人均收入相对较低,但中国对顶尖大学的投资“惊人”,导致中国大学在研究和其他领域成为“重要参与者”。

Here is an excerpt written by Sarah Brown, taken from Canada’s Globe and Mail, in response to an NYT article about Harvard students always receiving A grades:

 以下是莎拉·布朗(Sarah Brown)撰写的摘录,摘自加拿大《环球邮报》(Globe and Mail),以回应《纽约时报》(NYT)一篇关于哈佛学生总是获得A成绩的文章:

“Having attended both Harvard and the University of Toronto, I can state that there are two differences between the schools: Harvard is much more difficult to get into, whereas the University of Toronto is much more difficult to get out of – with a degree and decent grades, that is. At Harvard, undergraduates have to take only four full-time courses per year to earn a degree, and they have a longer school year in which to prepare for their exams. At U of T, five full-time courses must be taken, and the school year is much more condensed. The atmosphere at Harvard is quite “country-clubish” and leisurely, while at U of T it is a downright pressure-cooker. At U of T there is an unwritten policy that 20 per cent of the students in every class will receive a failing grade. At Harvard, most students receive a minimum of A- grades. In fact, to receive anything less than a B, one would have to miss exams and not hand in assignments. As far as getting into Harvard goes, the most significant factor is whether or not you are a so-called “legacy,” meaning that if your father, mother, or sibling went to Harvard before you, you can still get in, as hundreds do, with mediocre high school grades. I’m not surprised that current Harvard students feel that they deserve A’s for their $100,000 investment; if they were forced to compete with students at the U of T, many would receive only C’s at best.” And many would fail.

 我曾就读于哈佛大学和多伦多大学,我可以说,这两所学校之间有两个不同之处:哈佛大学更难进入,而多伦多大学则更难离开——拥有学位,成绩也不错rgraduates学生每年只需参加四门全日制课程即可获得学位,而且他们有更长的学年来准备考试。在T大学,必须修五门全日制课程,而且学年要紧凑得多。哈佛大学的氛围相当“乡村俱乐部悠闲地说,在U of T,它是一个彻头彻尾的高压锅。在T大学,有一项不成文的政策,即每个班20%的学生都会得不及格分数。在哈佛大学,大多数学生的最低成绩是a。事实上,要得到低于B的任何东西,就必须错过考试,不交作业。就进入哈佛而言,最重要的因素是你是否是所谓的“遗产”,也就是说,如果你的父亲、母亲或兄弟姐妹比你先进入哈佛,你仍然可以像数百人一样以平庸的高中成绩进入哈佛。我一点也不奇怪,现在的哈佛学生觉得他们的10万美元投资值得得A;如果他们被迫与T大学的学生竞争,很多人最多只能获得C。“许多人都会失败。

Dumber Than the Average Human



When I was a university student, there were Americans at my school who had obtained B.A. degrees from UCLA with majors in – and I am not kidding – basket-weaving and ceramics. In America, that’s called an education. Basket-weaving. That’s about the same being granted a Master’s degree if you can learn to knit a sweater. At around the same time, a US polling firm did a nation-wide study and discovered, among other things, that a full 75% of Americans could not find their own country on a map of the world. Similar studies have been repeated many times since then, with essentially the same results among adults and students at all levels including university: about 75% of Americans couldn’t find either their country or Canada. One of the most famous references to this astonishing level of American ignorance occurred on US national television during a Miss Teen USA pageant when one of the finalists, Miss South Carolina, Caitlin Upton, was asked why most Americans couldn’t find their country on a world map. Here is her answer, which was posted on YouTube and received more than 40 million views.


“I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the US should help the US, uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children.” [25]

 我个人认为,美籍美国人无法做到这一点,因为,呃,我们国家的一些人没有地图,而且,呃,我相信,我们的教育,比如,呃,南非,呃,伊拉克,世界各地,比如,我相信他们应该,我们在美国的教育应该帮助美国,呃,呃,应该帮助南非,应该帮助伊拉克和亚洲国家,所以我们将能够为我们的孩子建设未来。” [25]

If that doesn’t tell you what you need to know about the quality of American education, I don’t know what would. It isn’t only the ignorance, but the obvious functional illiteracy of such a person, that is so stunning. [26]


The American media flood the nation and the world with the most astonishing propaganda and fabricated fairy-tales about the quality of the nation’s education. The US used to boast that it had the highest percentage of population with university degrees. I don’t know if that claim was ever true, but it eventually became false so the Americans moved the goalposts. Now, in all the statistics, including those by the US government itself, anyone with almost any kind of accreditation above High School, perhaps including even a hairdressing or lawn maintenance diploma – which they call an “associate degree” is listed as a college graduate.


Similarly, the US claims the highest level of literacy in the world – 99%. Truly enviable. But then, reading the small print at the end of a recent highly-regarded “definitive study” purporting to document American educational supremacy, what do we find? Just as with its economic statistics and every other comparison the US produces, we discover manipulated and falsified data. In these so-called studies produced by the US government and its educational institutions, the Americans simply misrepresented the facts so they could place themselves at the top of the list. In the case of functional literacy, the US position is this:


“For highly developed or high-income countries where literacy statistics were not collected, a rate of 99% was assumed.”


We might legitimately ask why the Americans didn’t bother to collect statistics. The reason is that in all studies, researchers have found the rate of functional illiteracy in the US is almost 25% of the total population, with the illiteracy rate for adults in many American cities like Detroit having been documented at almost 50%, a very long way from the fictional 99% literacy ‘assumed’, and in many other major cities like New York large swathes of the population read below a grade three level and have no math or other skills. The highly-regarded National Adult Literacy Survey found a total of almost 25%, or about 50 million of the 200 million American adults functioning at the lowest literacy level. In basic literacy – the ability to understand and use basic written text – 80% of Americans reached only a level 2 out of 5. It is so bad that 75% of the Fortune 500 companies have to provide some level of remedial training for their workers – a large number of whom are college graduates. [27]


Countless books and academic studies have been produced on the severe literacy problem in America, but the media ignore these facts and continue, like Paul Krugman, to feed the world the foolish utopian claim that the US is a world leader in education when nothing could be farther from the truth.


More than 25% of Americans believe the sun revolves around the earth, but one US columnist wrote that this wasn’t really a bad thing. He claimed, “Firstly, the great majority of humans throughout history have believed this. Secondly, it’s not a problem that impinges on the daily life of anyone. We should pick co-ordinates for convenience, not dogma.”


Talking to Americans


Canada had a popular TV personality named Rick Mercer, who took a camera crew into the US on a crusade to satirise the true educational level of Americans. One of his trademark programs (on Canada’s CBC network) was called ‘Talking to Americans’, in which he would conduct random interviews with average Americans and tell them outrageous stories about Canada which they would inevitably accept as true. In one show, Mercer told Americans that very old or terminally-ill Canadian citizens are put onto ice floes and just pushed out into the Arctic Ocean to die. He pretended to be collecting signatures for a petition to the Canadian government to stop this practice; the signatures he obtained included those of full professors from Harvard and Yale.


In another, he interviewed George W. Bush (who had previously stated “you can’t stump me on world leaders”), conveying to him compliments from Canada’s Prime Minister Jean Poutine, on Bush’s Presidential candidacy, to which Bush responded with the warmest expressions of heartfelt gratitude. [28] [29] The Prime Minister of Canada was Jean Chretien; “poutine” is a French-Canadian dish of French fries with gravy and melted cheese. Bush was so miffed when the program aired, that Canada’s CBC was banned in the US for years.

 在另一次采访中,他采访了乔治·W·布什(他之前曾说过“你不能在世界领导人问题上难倒我”),向他转达了加拿大首相让·鲍廷对布什总统候选人资格的赞扬,布什对此表示了最热烈的感谢。[][加拿大首相是让·克雷蒂恩(Jean Chretien);“poutine”是一道法式加拿大菜,由法式炸薯条、肉汁和融化的奶酪组成。节目播出时,布什非常恼火,以至于加拿大的CBC在美国被禁播多年。2829]

In one of his shows, Mercer asked Americans how many sides a triangle had: One victim of American education said, “None. There are no sides in a triangle.” Another said “Four.” He asked them if the movie “Star Wars” were based on a true story; many Americans answered in the affirmative. It was so bad that Mercer claimed “About 80 per cent of the people give me the right answer, by which of course, I mean the wrong answer.” Mercer convinced tourists at Mount Rushmore that the mineral rights to the mountain had been sold to a Canadian firm that was going to drill for oil in Lincoln’s forehead. “Professors at Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Berkeley, NYU and Stanford University were consistently fooled by [Mercer’s] absurdities.” [30]


It isn’t only Canadians who mock American ignorance and lack of education. The US late-night talk shows often do this kind of thing, ridiculing the fabled ignorance of their own citizens, claiming that they need to speak to only ten or at most twenty Americans to find 5 stupid ones who know nothing – 25%. This is so well-known that in Europe, ‘American’ equals ‘ignorant’, the two adjectives considered equivalent and synonymous.


Ron Unz wrote an excellent and informative article in The American Conservative titled The Myth of American Meritocracy, in which he detailed issues with admission to top US universities, quoting other studies as well, all of which suggest that various preferences and biases, including the role of cash in this process, with most universities, including Harvard, having a ‘cash price’ of admission, meaning that a substantial donation will obtain admittance even for a dim-witted student with no particular ability. [31]

 罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz)在《美国保守党》(The American Conservative)上发表了一篇题为《美国精英政治的神话》(The Myth of American Meritocracy)的文章,文章中详细阐述了美国顶尖大学的入学问题,并引用了其他研究,所有这些研究都表明,包括现金在这一过程中的作用在内的各种偏好和偏见,大多数大学,包括哈佛大学,都有入学的“现金价格”,这意味着,即使是没有特殊能力的愚蠢学生,也可以获得大量捐款。[31]

He wrote that the notion of a wealthy family buying their son his entrance into the Grandes Écoles of France or the top Japanese universities would be an absurdity.” He mentioned China as well, confirming that China’s gaokao is strictly based on merit and has never been corrupted by favoritism, and has been kept “remarkably clean for 1300 years”. He confirmed what many of us already know, that this uncorrupted system may be one reason so many wealthy Chinese send their “dim and lazy” offspring to study in the West. In his words, “enrolling them at a third-rate Chinese university would be a tremendous humiliation, while our own corrupt admissions practices get them an easy spot at Harvard or Stanford, sitting side by side with the children of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and George W. Bush.” One of his final comments was that the admissions process at top American universities operates under the principle of “Ideology and Diversity tempered by Corruption”, not what many Chinese have been led to expect from the propaganda machine.


It should be abundantly obvious that there is no way to reconcile these testimonials and experiences, and countless thousands similar, with claims that the US ‘dominates higher education’, at least not in any positive way. And so, with appropriate apologies to Paul Krugman, for those of you who are desperate to “express the greatness of America in one word”, that word would be “bull****”, not education.

 很明显,这些证词和经历,以及无数类似的证词和经验,都无法与美国“主导高等教育”的主张相调和,至少不能以任何积极的方式调和。因此,对保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)表示适当的歉意,对于那些急于“用一个词来表达美国的伟大”的人来说,这个词应该是“公牛”,而不是教育。


Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫先生的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级行政职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾任上海复旦大学客座教授,向高级EMBA班介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)新集《当中国打喷嚏时》(When China Sneeezes)的特约作者之一。(第二章——对付恶魔)。

His full archive can be seen at

他的完整文章库可以在以下找到  +

He can be contacted at:





  • Andreas Schleicher who was in charge of the PISA test on behalf of OECD, said “While that’s important, for me the real significance of these results is that they refute the commonly held hypothesis that China just produces rote learning. Large fractions of these students extrapolate from what they know and apply their knowledge very CREATIVELY in novel situations. In my opinion, it’s the American k-12 education which has failed miserably in teaching the American students the solid basics, has to be reformed.”

[1] Andreas Schleicher博士代表OECD负责PISA测试,说“虽然这很重要,但对我来说,这些结果的真正意义在于,它们驳斥了人们普遍认为的中国只会死记硬背的假设。这些学生中有很大一部分是根据他们所掌握的知识进行推断,并创造性地将他们的知识应用到新的情境中。在我看来,美国的k-12教育在教育美国学生学习英语方面失败得很惨。”扎实的基础,必须改革。

He also added this: “I have no respect for a large number of the Chinese students who come to U.S. for UNDERGRADUATE study. Most of these students are from well-off families and academically too weak to get into decent Chinese colleges. The real smart Chinese students are the ones who finish their undergraduate education in China and come to the U.S. for graduate study and beyond.”


[2] Dr. Peng Shi | USC CAIS;

[2] 彭石博士|USC CAIS;

[3] No Division Required in This School Problem;

[3] 这个学校问题不需要划分;

[4] What You Need to Know About the International Test Scores;

[4] 关于国际考试成绩你需要了解的内容;

[5] Global Test Shows U.S. Stagnating – Education Week;

[5] 全球测试显示美国教育周停滞不前;

[5a] Vietnam Wallops U.S. on Test Scores;


[6] Asian countries top OECD’s latest PISA survey;

[6] 亚洲国家是经合组织最新PISA调查的热门国家;…countries-top-oecd-s-latest-pisa-survey-on-state-of-global-education.htm

[7] In PISA Test, Top Scores From Shanghai Stun Experts;

[7] 在PISA考试中,来自上海的高分让专家们目瞪口呆;

[8] National Assessment of Education Progress Scores

[8] 国家教育进步分数评估

[9] The Washington, DC radio station, WTOP, reported in 2016 that only 25% of American 12th graders are able to write an essay.

      Many educators called in to say they thought the number was too high..

[9] 华盛顿特区广播电台WTOP在2016年报道称,只有25%的美国12年级学生能够写论文。


[10] Scores for Class of 2014 show no improvement

[10] 2014级成绩无改善

[11] Average SAT Scores Over Time:

[11] 随时间推移的SAT平均分数:

[12]SAT scores at lowest level in 10 years;

[12] SAT分数为10年来最低水平;

[13] John Taylor Gatto “Dumbing Us Down”

[13] 约翰·泰勒·盖托“愚弄我们

[14] God Created Gravity: Why the U.S. Can’t Keep Pace With …

[14] 上帝创造的地心引力:为什么美国跟不上。。。 

[15] Only 25 Per Cent of All Americans Go to College and Only 16 Per Cent of These Actually Try to Learn Anything. The Unz Review; Alexander Cockburn • March 23, 2012;

[15] 只有25%的美国人上大学,其中只有16%的人真的想学什么。联合国系统审查;亚历山大·科克伯恩•2012年3月23日;

[16] US adults are dumber than the average human;

[16] 美国成年人比普通人更笨;

[17] US adults rank below average in global survey of basic education skills

[17] 美国成年人在全球基础教育技能调查中排名低于平均水平

[18] National Assessment of Adult Literacy;

[18] 全国成人识字率评估;

[19] Adult Literacy in the United States.

[19] 美国的成人识字率。

[20] Author: Irwin S. Kirsch; National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS);

[20] 作者:Irwin S.Kirsch;全国成人识字调查(NALS);

[20a] Just How Stupid Are We?


[21] Terence P. Jeffrey, October 28, 2015; Detroit Public Schools: 93% Not Proficient in Reading; 96% Not Proficient in Math

[21]Terence P.Jeffrey,2015年10月28日;底特律公立学校:93%不精通阅读;96%数学不熟练

[22] Learning to Be Stupid in the Culture of Cash; March 8, 2003; by Luciana Bohne

[22]学会在现金文化中变傻;2003年3月8日;作者:Luciana Bohne

[23] On November 18, 2015, Christopher Ingraham wrote in the Washington Post that Ben Carson’s presidential campaign inadvertently underscored this point Tuesday night, when it took to social media to share a map of the United States in which five New England states were placed in the wrong location.

[23]2015年11月18日,克里斯托弗·英格拉汉姆(Christopher Ingraham)在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)上写道,本·卡森(Ben Carson)周二晚上的总统竞选无意中强调了这一点,当时社交媒体分享了一张美国地图,其中五个新英格兰州位于错误的位置。


[25] Caitlin Upton


[26] In another televised beauty pageant, a high school girl was asked to explain a quote by Confucius. In response, she said: “Confucius was one of the men who invented confusion.”


[27] An article in Forbes magazine stated that “America’s Millennials Are Among the World’s Least Skilled”. Specifically, they are short on literacy, numeracy, ability to follow simple orders, poor at solving problems.


[28] Talking to Americans – Wikipedia


[29] 22 Minutes star pulls prank on George W. Bush | CBC News

[29] 《22分钟》明星对乔治·W·布什恶作剧| CBC新闻

[30] “Rick Mercer talks to Americans on Nightline”. Welland Tribune, August 2, 2001.

[30]“Rick Mercer在Nightline上与美国人交谈”。《威兰论坛报》,2001年8月2日。

The Myth of America Meritocracy



Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022





World revolution looms as the people of the planet wake up


There are signs in multiple countries that some sort of world revolution is underway. These include a power struggle in China, riots in Iran, military mobilization by Russia, a declaration of war by Texas, royal unrest in the UK and much more. What all this points to is some sort of historical worldwide black swan event, possibly in October.


Video Player



Let us start with the events in China. The internet was all abuzz with rumors triggered by the Jennifer Zeng report linked below.


We checked Zeng out, and it turns out she is a member of the Falun Gong cult run out of the US State Department by Khazarian Mafia honcho Elliott Abrams. Nonetheless, the report appeared to be highly credible. It shows a video of an 80-kilometer military convoy moving to surround the capital of Beijing. It notes there was a major meeting of Chinese military commanders that did not include Xi Jinping, the nominal head of the Chinese military. The two military-linked politburo members at the meeting very unusually did not mention Xi in their speeches. Furthermore, a top Northern general, who was supposed to have been fired by Xi, was sitting in a front row seat at the meeting. Also, Xi apparently quickly abandoned the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit meeting in Uzbekistan and hurried back to China but has not been seen in public since.


There is a real power rift in China between the military/intelligence group around Jiang Zemin and the group around Xi Jinping. There can be no doubt a major power struggle is taking place between the two groups.


The one around Xi wants to make him a dictator for life at the big, once-in-five-year Chinese Communist Party meeting taking place in October. The other is violently opposed to Xi and the personality cult surrounding him. An Asian secret society source close to Xi assured us the rumors were false and Xi was fine. Our sources close to Jiang did not return our messages.


The last thing we note is that the move against Xi took place after he refused to meet the Khazarian Mafia agent posing as Pope Francis in Kazakhstan. The Pope was there attending a “world religious conference,” in the would-be KM world capital of Astana. Here is a photograph from a concert at that meeting sent to us by Polish intelligence.


In any case, there can be no doubt the Chinese government is under attack because it has been telling the world inconvenient truths about the real track record of the West, In the latest example, China has accused the US of illegally stealing 80% of Syria’s oil production even as more than 14 million Syrians are in dire need of humanitarian aid, after years of western sanctions. 




中国,1945-1946      秘鲁,1965            伊拉克,1992-1996

叙利亚,1949         希腊,1967            波斯尼亚,1995

韩国,1950-53        危地马拉,1967-69     伊拉克,1998

中国,1950-53        柬埔寨,1969-70       苏丹,1998

伊朗,1953           智利,1970-73         阿富汗,1998

危地马拉,1954       阿根廷,1976          南斯拉夫,1999

西藏,1955-70        安格拉,1976-92       阿富汗,2001

印度尼西亚,1958     土耳其,1980          伊拉克,2002-03

古巴,1959           波兰,1980-81         索马里,2006-07

民主刚果,1960-65    柬埔寨,1980-95       委内瑞拉,2019

多米尼加,1961       黎巴嫩,1982-84       也门,2013-2018

越南,1961-73        格林纳达,1983-84     叙利亚,2019

巴西,1964           利比亚,1986          玻利维亚,2019

共和刚果,1964       菲律宾,1989          伊拉克,2020

危地马拉,1964       巴拿马,1989-90       索马里,2020

老挝,1964-73        伊拉克,1991          阿富汗,2020

多米尼加,1965-66    科威特,1991          叙利亚,2021

                    索马里,1992-94                    》 

Our advice to the Chinese is to find out who is paying massive bribes for the widespread use of fraudulent PCR tests and using them to try to turn China into a giant animal farm. 


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Whoever they are, they need to be removed from all positions of power and control over money.


We urge the Iranian authorities to do the same and arrest all pandemic pushers. There riots are taking place in over 80 cities as the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini lies critically ill. Iranian royal family sources say Khameini is a Rothschild agent and his death will offer a chance to overthrow KM rule. However, with rioters being shot by policemen on motorcycles, any overthrow is likely to be bloody.


Now let us look at the situation in Russia where Presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin ordered the first military mobilization of civilians since World War II. Russian FSB sources say the mobilization was triggered because a well-armed and well-trained military group led by NATO officers attacked their forces in Ukraine. The Russians say 300,000 additional troops have been mobilized while various Western sources put the number closer to 1 million. Russia also organized plebiscites in order to make the territories in the Ukraine it controls legally part of Russia. This would make an attack on them a legitimate casus belli or reason for war.


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Polish intelligence confirms large amounts of UK and US troops have been deployed in Poland in response to the Russian move. MI6 sources say “We would never comment upon our troops nor their location [but] the Russo Ukrainian Conflagration is in escalation so there will be general mobilization by NATO in the vicinity of course…this is all highly orchestrated to result in full all-out thermonuclear war by 2025.” 


Next, let us look at the situation in Texas where Governor Greg Abbott today issued an executive order designating Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations and instructing the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to take immediate action to keep Texans safe. “This is very important. How many are aware that a Governor can declare war?” a CIA source notes. “This opens a way for the military to step in. The time has come for action,” the source adds. Our own sources in Arizona note that large amounts of military-age Chinese and Russian men have entered the US under the guise of being members of Mexican cartels which would definitely be a casus belli.


The Governor also sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris requesting federal terrorist classifications for the Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco New Generation Cartel, as well as other cartels producing and distributing deadly fentanyl. This means that if Biden and the Rockefeller cabalists who pull his strings do not do something about the open border situation, it could trigger a civil war.


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NSA sources say 70% of Americans are now what used to be called “conspiracy theorists,” making the country ripe for revolution or civil war.


Despite KM attempts to distract people with issues like the Ukraine and Abortion, opinion polls show most Americans are much more concerned about crime and plunging living standards; as well they should be. A recent survey showed inflation has reduced the average American household income by $11,500 over the past year.


A civil war in the US would likely involve troops from the Christian mid-West and Texas moving against KM-dominated states like New York and California.


Such a move would be needed to finally bring justice to the mass murdering pedophiles who control these states as well as the fake regime of Joe Biden.


In the most recent evidence of this, Arizona State Senator David Farnsworth accused the Arizona Department of Child Safety of handing more than 550 children over to global sex traffickers and adrenochrome harvesters.


For reference, see the photo below of Oprah Winfrey’s best friend, John of God, a satanic child abuser and sex slave master. 


The US is not alone. Canada too is close to overthrowing the openly criminal and widely despised Crime minister Justin Castro.


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There are also signs of some sort of massive struggle going on in the UK between the royalists and the anti-bloodline rule gnostic Illuminati. In echoes of the English civil war, members of Parliament were seen swearing loyalty to King Charles, not King Charles III.


This meant they were referring to King Charles I, who was executed after which England briefly became a Republic.


We also saw many other unusual things happening in the UK, such as television reports saying Queen Elizabeth II has been dead for 4 years and public appearances of “King Charles III” without any royal regalia. Russian FSB sources also noted many actors were spotted at the Queen’s funeral playing the roles of relatives or friends of the Queen.


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Here is what a secret Royal who has been playing the role of Queen Elizabeth for the past several years had to say about the situation:


“Charles the first advocated the divine right to rule of kings and opposed Constitutional Monarchy, as do I. I advocate Absolute Monarchy and Royal Military Government including The Royal Prerogative. Charles ultimately lost his head in defeat. There is so much I cannot say [but] we have done very extensive vetting on the new King and I can confirm he had no hand, act or part in the death of his late wife Diana.”


Our personal advice to this individual was that to preserve the monarchy, a move to a more likable symbol than Charles would be advisable. In any case, as fuel shortages and other problems mount, increasing instability in the UK looks likely over the coming months.


There is also instability in other parts of Western Europe. In Italy the leader of the post-fascist Brothers of Italy Party, Giorgia Meloni, took power, marking the biggest political change there since the fall of Mussolini. Meloni is close to former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who Italian P3 Freemason sources say was a good friend of Vladimir Putin (from before he was replaced by an avatar). This means Italy, Hungary Poland and Sweden have all fallen from EU control, as already happened with the UK.


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Ursula Von der Leyen, the unelected leader of the EU, threatened Italy saying “We have the tools” to control disobedient countries “as we showed with Hungary and Poland.”  


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These “tools,” refer mainly to the control of money. Agustín Carstens, head of the KM-controlled Bank for International Settlements or central banks’ central bank (BIS) is leading the fight to replace all cash with central bank digital currencies (CBCDCs) saying “with cash, we don’t know who is using a $100 bill but with CBDCs, the central bank will have absolute control that will determine the use. 


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The KM are rushing to increase their control over money in part because of the ongoing fallout from the fake pandemic and the very real vaccine crimes that accompanied it.


This has been reported extensively elsewhere so we will only note that one of the chief vaccine pushers, avatar Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla announced he has Covid again, for the second time in 40 days proving the vax is working great.


“He has been detained again by the white hat/alliance it seems. Or his clone has malfunctioned again and needs repair,” a Mossad source comments. 


That may be why cabal central, the World Economic Forum is now trying to spin the entire “pandemic” as an “exercise.” They put out an article saying COVID lockdowns, social distancing, contact tracing, masks and vaccines were all a “test” to see if we will accept the “social responsibility” of “tracking personal carbon emissions”. 


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Other top KM honchos appear to be admitting defeat. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine “has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades.”


We are also now getting increasing public admissions that what is really going on is a battle against “fallen angels.” Our own esoteric sources have told us we are witnessing the end of a war that has been raging for many thousands of years against a Satanic host that is making its last stand on this planet. This is why the earth is under quarantine.


“The KM puppet masters are trying their best to communicate with fallen angels- the satanic beings,” a Mossad source agrees. “CERN now admits they are communicating with “ENTITIES” from the other side” confirms author Anthony Patch.


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So on this esoteric note, we end with the latest evidence of off-world visitors to this planet.


UAP seen by a crowd and disappears


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A possible cloaked mother ship


Area 51 tunnel and live operations of UAP’s


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Off world craft takes off fast 


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Hopefully, soon we will all be able to ride flying saucers to visit other planets as the quarantine on our planet is lifted. Until that happens though, concentrate on liberating the real world you experience with your own senses and not the digital worlds seen on screens.  




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis news letter 2022 September 19th


China spurns fake pope while Russian demands abolition of Federal Reserve Board


China spurns fake pope while Russian demands abolition of Federal Reserve Board

The Khazarian Mafia and their slave countries are secretly trying to negotiate peace with the planetary liberation alliance but their offers are being spurned, White Dragon Society sources say. Instead, Russia is demanding the abolition of the Federal Reserve Board while China is preparing to invade Taiwan, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources say.


Meanwhile, the undeclared civil war in the West has taken an ominous turn as MI6 discovers Queen Elizabeth was murdered with a directed energy weapon by the Khazarian Mafia. That is why the British military and intelligence apparatus have decided to ally themselves with Russia and China against the KM.


There is also major underworld action in Japan, Indonesia and elsewhere as KM rule worldwide continues its collapse.


There is a lot to cover this week so let us start with the offer to Russia made by the KM agent posing as Pope Francis. The fake pope flew last week to the Congress s of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan’s capital of Astana and begged for meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Archbishop Kiril, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. “Pope” Francis was spurned.


The “pope” offered to “give away the Donetsk and the Luhansk regions and make a peace deal,” according to Russian FSB sources. However, the Russians rejected the new peace offer as “just a manipulation to win time and get gas and oil resources.” They say “the Soros foundation and the Rothschilds are funding activities in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to repeat the Ukraine scenario.”  


The FSB also notes that “the US has already signed off on funding the Ukrainian Nazis’ weapons and military bases until 2025 to prepare for a new round of war with Russia.”


The Russians suggested it was in their interests to “wait until after the winter,” before negotiating saying “Peace will start from ending the Federal Reserve Board and the current financial system as well as forming a new multi-polar world order with equality for all countries.”


The “pope” also repeated his offer to China of control of ASEAN, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Australia and New Zealand and sweetened the pot by offering Taiwan as well, according to Asian secret society sources. All the KM wanted in exchange was continued funding for their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation beyond September 30th.


The Chinese of course, know the people behind the pope are just trying to buy time so they could continue attempts to stay in power by killing 90% of the world’s population. That is why Xi Jinping refused to meet the pope.


They also have a very justified fear the KM would just use the meeting to kill Xi just like they killed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the Queen.


OK, now let us look at why MI6 is sure the Queen was murdered. The head of MI6 notes her death came just a few days after his private secretary was murdered. “Someone very close to The Queen at the same time reported to us Her Majesty was perfectly well apart from old age problems.” The murder of the Queen came just after the alliance installed Liz Truss as Prime Minister instead of the KM World Economic Forum designated puppet Rishi Sunak, he noted. “The Queen did not die by way of natural causes. I know this because she would have told me beforehand,” he added.


The KM leadership is a “bunch of creeps who now have every MI6 and SAS officer around the world down their backs on a shoot to kill on my orders,” promises the head of British intelligence.  


That is why MI6 opened a back channel with Russia last week. “We know everything about KM and the KM Russo Genocide of near on five million [more like 50 million] Russians. The mass graves are many. The KM is the root cause of all world terrorism,” MI6 notes. “We are not alone. I have had numerous covert contacts in the last few days,” he added. 


That is why the British agree with the following statement put out by the Chinese Foreign Ministry “China is ready to work together with Russia to…promote the development of the international order in a more just and reasonable direction.”


Russia’s Putin reflected similar sentiments when he said: “Attempts to create a unipolar world have recently taken an absolutely ugly shape and are absolutely unacceptable to the overwhelming number of states on the planet.”


The Russian official Tass news agency also announced Russia and China were joining the UK in repudiating the fake Covid pandemic by noting that when “Putin chatted with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping…they did not resort to anti-COVID restrictions: they spoke at close distance, without masks.”  


The Chinese further signaled to the world they knew they were under 5G electromagnetic attack and are responding by destroying the infrastructure involved as can be seen in this video of a massive cell phone facility being burned down. 


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China and Russia displayed the power of their alliance last week at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan. There Xi issued a declaration of war against the KM by saying “We should prevent external forces from instigating a color revolution.”


Instead, he promoted “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development.”


The countries allied with or signaling alliance with the SCO now include India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Belarus, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, the Maldives, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Belarus, Mongolia, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia,


The fact that Turkey, the nation with the largest NATO army after the United States, has joined this alliance spells military doom for NATO,


There was also a sign that with this huge alliance behind it, China is preparing for a move to take over Taiwan. On Sunday Taiwan was hit with a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake was almost certainly artificial because it took place at a depth of 10 kilometers and its epicenter was the huge airbase in Hualien County on the eastern coast of Taiwan.


The US military is in no position to resist because it is so short of funds that active duty soldiers need food stamps in order to feed themselves and their families.


Also, since the SCO membership includes most of the world’s major oil exporting nations, this means their ongoing cut-off of oil to the EU and the US will cause complete economic havoc.


Indonesia, another major oil-producing nation is also likely to join the anti-KM alliance soon. Indonesian intelligence sources say a civil war is raging within the military and police forces. Indonesian white hats have discovered “gambling syndicates, prostitution, trafficking under age children, drugs and tons of money…specially appointed outside investigators have already tracked several hundred million dollars in offshore banks, located in Singapore and Hong Kong.” The articles linked below reflect a small part of the internal war raging there.


“This will most likely bring down the Indonesian government before the end of October,” the source says.


Japan is also secretly joining the alliance. The fact that Russia is still supplying them with gas and oil shows the Japanese have already reached a secret deal.


Senior members of the Japanese underworld met a WDS representative last week and said an alliance had been reached between all major Japanese ninkyo (the proper way to refer to the widely used derogatory word yakuza) organizations had formed an alliance. This means groups that have sub-contracted to the KM to supply under-age children, murder politicians, etc. will now have to choose between surrender or death


The ninkyo alliance promises to take back control of all Japanese listed companies from the KM and their lackeys.


Polish intelligence sources also contacted the WDS last week to announce they had declared war on the KM. They note:


The world is ruled by four corporations: Black Rock, State Street Corp., Vanguard Group and FMR, owned by several families, including: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Onassis, Kennedy, McDonald, Disney, Bundy, Bush and Collins. These corporations have built their fortune on trafficking in human beings, arms, drugs, prostitution, global terrorism and false flag operations. They are represented on the supervisory boards of the International Monetary Fund, all Central Banks, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve System. They also own oil, food, pharmaceutical, chemical and technological giants.


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They said the Polish military was poised to take over the KM subsidiary “ALTRIA holdings which manages the Polish economy, politics, political parties, politicians, courts and business.”


A Polish intelligence source noted:


Russia knows it’s leading an exit from the Matrix. It is leaving a corrupt financial system, media and internet behind. They are exposing the New World Order, the EU, USA, NATO, UN, CERN, WHO, CIA and MOSSAD. It is all one big pit with snakes, full of darkness joined together up the evil elite pyramid. It will soon be completely destroyed.”


The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy is also about to take decisive action since most archbishops are aware “Pope Francis” is an agent working for “Mammon.” Archbishop Carlo Vigano says “in the short term, the Church will have to deal with the disasters caused by Bergoglio (“pope Francis”) and his little circle of corrupt associates.”


Of course, the KM, as usual, isn’t planning to go quietly into the night despite the growing opposition. The buzz going around the internet and intelligence agencies is that some sort of massive 911 or Fukushima-type event is being planned for on or around the Jewish New Year starting on September 24th. Whatever they do, though, they are not going to be able to murder or terrorize themselves out of the hole they have dug for themselves.



The big question though is if the long-planned “space/UFO” event will take place on or around then.


On this front, we will conclude, as is our recent practice, with the latest evidence of UFOs and unidentified areal phenomena (UAP).


1)Ancient mosaic found in Palmyra, Syria Ancient alien craft.

1) 在叙利亚帕尔米拉发现的古代马赛克和古代外星飞船。

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2)UFO seen from a passenger plane

2) 从客机上看到的不明飞行物

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3)Drones flying over a city with helicopter watching

3) 无人机飞越城市上空,直升机监视

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4)UFO seen flying by on live TV news

4) 电视直播新闻中看到飞碟飞过

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5) Military SSP craft fires weapon

5) 军方秘密太空项目飞行物发射武器

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Finally, in a sign we live in interesting times: “Ukrainian astronomers observe bizarre, unidentified aerial phenomena over Kyiv.”


CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 斯大林的犹太人 — 2022年9月18日


Stalin’s Jews






 几年前,Sever Plocker为以色列的Ynet新闻写了一篇文章,题为“斯大林的犹太人”(1) 他说:“我们不能忘记,现代最伟大的(大规模)杀人犯中有一些是犹太人。”这篇文章是他陈述的证据。

 引用Plocker的话, “我们无法确定切卡在其各种表现形式中造成的死亡人数,但肯定至少有2000万,包括强迫集体化、饥饿、大规模清洗、驱逐、流放、处决和古拉格集中营大规模死亡的受害者RMER、少数民族、资产阶级成员、高级官员、知识分子、艺术家、劳工运动积极分子、“反对派成员”完全随机定义,以及共产党本身的无数成员。


 一名以色列学生高中毕业时从未听过“Genrikh Yagoda”这个名字,他是20世纪最伟大的犹太杀人犯,GPU的副指挥官,也是NKVD的创始人和指挥官。雅戈达勤勉地执行斯大林的集体化命令,并对至少1000万人的死亡负责。他的犹太副手建立并管理古拉格系统。”




 普洛克指的是另一件事,试图混淆和将责任和罪责从犹太人转移到俄罗斯人民。他指出,哈佛大学的所谓“历史学家”尼尔·弗格森(Niall Ferguson)在其《世界战争》一书中写道,“人类历史上没有一场革命像苏联革命那样,以不受限制的胃口吞噬了它的孩子”。普洛克还回忆说,特拉维夫大学的伊加尔·哈芬博士在一本关于斯大林主义清洗的书中写道,“斯大林的暴力是独特的,因为它是内部指挥的”。


A Bit of Historical Background


 在之前一篇关于犹太人和革命的文章中(2) 我注意到,过去曾发生过多次企图革命的浪潮,都是由犹太人煽动的,但大多被这些人埋葬和歪曲。俄罗斯是一个特别的例子。这似乎并不广为人知,但在1917年我们都知道的“俄罗斯革命”事件之前和之后,俄罗斯的革命尝试超过了它的份额。

The Revolutions of 1848



The Revolution of 1881


 俄国在1881年又进行了一次革命 (3) 在这起事件中,一个名叫维拉·菲格纳的犹太人暗杀了沙皇亚历山大二世,她是一个名为“人民意志”的犹太恐怖组织的领导人。这是他们给新沙皇亚历山大三世的通知:(4)


The Revolution of 1890



The Revolution of 1905



The Russo-Japanese War


我在这里不太详细,因为这个主题很大,其他参考文献很容易获得基本事实。(7) 简单地说,俄罗斯希望在朝鲜北部或中国北部建立一个温水海军港口,这些地区由日本控制。这幅画面有点模糊,但很明显,犹太人在极力推动双方的好战性和顽固性,并肯定在推动严肃的军事接触。雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)正在推行一项帮助日本工业化和军事化的(完全虚构的)政策,以保护自己免受“俄罗斯沙皇的基督徒”的伤害。(8)






 日本人并没有忘记这一点,随着更多类似的经历,他们意识到自己永远不会被西方世界接受。因此,当第二次世界大战的风开始吹起时,日本人不希望敌方外星人出现在他们中间,这是可以理解的。他们首先在1926年驱逐了长崎的所有犹太人,后来又驱逐了全日本的所有犹太人。这是我们可以建立更多历史联系的地方。几乎可以肯定的是,当时“美国最有权势的人”犹太人伯纳德·巴鲁克(Bernard Baruch)选择长崎作为原子弹的目标之一。而后来的全面驱逐可以说是巴鲁克选择日本作为美国展示其新的原子力量的目标的原因。



Back to the Revolution of 1905


 当时的沙皇尼古拉斯二世(Nicholas II)态度严重转变,愿意做出重大让步,以维持国家和平,避免内战。他最有效的部长之一彼得·斯托利平(Peter Stolypin)提出了许多改革,这些改革将巩固俄罗斯人民的满意度和安全。据说斯托利平也许是唯一一个能够避免所有流血事件并拯救罗曼诺夫家族的人。因此,Stolypin必须被移除。(9)一位名叫德米特里·博格罗夫的犹太革命家开枪打死了斯托利平。(10)犹太人很快声称博格罗夫“独自行动”,但暗杀的秘密从未解开。无论如何,他的刺杀注定了罗曼诺夫王朝的灭亡。维基百科不知道博格罗夫是犹太人。(11)

The 1917 Russian Revolution



我们感兴趣的不是革命,而是前后的事件应该引起我们的注意。根据全球共产主义控制计划,犹太人迫切希望发生一场剧变来摧毁俄罗斯。这一次,他们计划得更仔细了。这似乎并不广为人知,但托洛茨基和数百名在1905年革命失败后被驱逐出俄罗斯的俄罗斯犹太人都在美国接受下一次尝试的培训,他们接受了多年的培训。雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)和马克斯·沃伯格(Max Warburg)为他们提供了大量资金,他们花费了2000多万美元用于培训和资助革命本身。今天这将是7.5亿美元,在当时是一笔巨大的资金。

 1917年3月,希夫和沃伯格派遣列夫·达维多维奇·布朗斯坦(Lev Davidovich Bronstein,更为人熟知的“托洛茨基”)和他的数百名犹太共产主义者前往俄罗斯,以煽动革命。与此同时,约9万名犹太流亡者从世界各地返回俄罗斯,渗透该国并协助革命,大多数人改变了犹太人的名字,以便更容易融入俄罗斯社会。你可以看到,这不是一项微不足道的任务,而是一项从单一来源进行广泛全球规划的任务-来源是伦敦市。




The Jewish Revolutionists


鲁吉亚人Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili又名约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇·斯大林可能只不过是一个前线王座背后的真正权力来自伦敦市由雅各布·希夫和马克斯·沃伯格策划。一些历史学家认为斯大林只是一个名义上的领袖,真正掌权的是拉扎尔·卡加诺维奇(契卡的犹太首领,斯大林犹太妻子的兄弟)。不止几位历史学家似乎接受了这样的观点,即在斯大林统治下担任重要职务的犹太人实际上做出了决定并决定了政策。

值得注意的是,尽管犹太人在俄罗斯人口中只占很小的比例,但80%到90%的俄罗斯革命者都是犹太人,在古拉格和切卡等一些地区,犹太人的参与率实际上是100%。1917年红色十月革命后,犹太人绝对统治了整个布尔什维克政权。第一届苏联政府中几乎所有的部长都是犹太人,少数不是犹太人的是共济会成员,有犹太妻子,讲意第绪语。“布尔什维克在俄罗斯的革命是犹太人的智慧、犹太人的不满和犹太人的计划,其目标是在世界上建立一个新秩序。”(12) 如上所述,来自许多欧洲地区的约90000名犹太人涌入俄罗斯主要城市,在政府和经济的所有主要部门担任重要的行政职务。


“根据美国国务院的文件,一群强大的犹太金融精英计划在1916年推翻俄罗斯沙皇尼古拉斯二世。这些密谋者包括雅各布·希夫、莫蒂默·希夫(Mortimer Schiff)、菲利克斯·沃伯格(Felix Warburg)、奥托·卡恩(Otto Kahn)和艾萨克·泽尔曼(Isaac Zeelman)。他们决定摧毁俄罗斯,建立一个共产主义独裁政权将被执行,服从国际犹太人的命令。” (14)


温斯·丘吉尔写道 “没有必要夸大这些国际性的,大部分是无神论的犹太人在创造布尔什维克主义和实际促成俄罗斯革命中所起的作用……在苏联机构中,犹太人的优势甚至更令人吃惊。而在这一体系中,最突出的部分,如果不是真正的主要部分,则是打击反革命特别委员会(CHEKA)所适用的恐怖主义em已被犹太人所采用,在一些著名案例中,也被犹太人所使用。(16)


The Jewish CHEKA



拉扎·卡加诺维奇Lazar Kaganovich是契卡的犹太人领袖,他以清洗那些反对犹太人控制国家的人而闻名。任何敢于批评犹太霸权的人都被无情地杀害,因为“反犹太主义”在苏联成为了可判处死刑的罪行。





The Jewish Gulags




斯大林死前,近2000万男女被送往西伯利亚的这些营地和其他前哨,其中许多人再也没有回来。囚犯遭受饥饿、疾病、暴力和寒冷;大量的人死亡。饥饿并不罕见,因为囚犯几乎没有足够的食物来维持如此艰难的劳动。其他囚犯只是被拖到树林里,被警卫无缘无故地枪杀。” (19)

Jewish Collectivisation



 犹太人在俄罗斯造成的饥荒是无法想象的。历史学家尤利娅·赫梅列夫斯卡娅(Yulia Khmelevskaya)写道,“人们几乎吃了所有可以吞下的东西。他们吃屋顶上的稻草。”犹太人故意组织了三次大规模的“人为饥荒”,旨在使乌克兰、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯的农民挨饿。数以百万计的人缓慢死亡,人们依靠吃草,有些甚至吃人。犹太人对此的态度是什么?托洛茨基曾说过:“你在挨饿吗?”?这还不是饥荒;当你的女人开始吃他们的孩子时,你可能会说:“我们饿了。”(20)

The Jewish Holodomor in the Ukraine




亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)估计,俄罗斯的犹太政权总共消灭了6000多万人,包括被迫集体化、饥饿和饥荒、清洗、驱逐、流放、处决和古拉格集中营大规模死亡的受害者。我相信他也说过,“像这样的工业规模的谋杀是[犹太]共产主义理论的重要组成部分。

Khazar Jewish Sympathy for the Victims





Stalin’s Jews


Lazar Kaganovich




Yakov Sverdlov


 雅科夫·斯维尔德洛夫(Yakov Sverdlov)被称为“革命恶魔”,是犹太人的执行秘书和犹太政府首脑。正是这个人创造并释放了后来被称为“红色恐怖”的东西。也正是斯维尔德洛夫发起了所谓的“解封”,约有100万堂·哥萨克被残忍杀害,其中包括妇女和婴儿,通常被活埋。1917年后的头几年,似乎每一次针对俄罗斯人民的血腥行动都是由斯维尔德洛夫煽动的,他是“党的头脑”。作家P·帕加努齐(P.Paganuzi)说,“[犹太]布尔什维克犯下的滔天罪行超出了所有残忍的手段,是在中央的命令下犯下的,他们的主要责任在于斯维尔德洛夫斯克。”(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

是斯维尔德洛夫下令杀死俄罗斯王室。莫斯科剧作家和历史学家埃德瓦尔德·拉津斯基(Edvard Radzinsky)在1990年的一项研究中发现,斯维尔德洛夫在下令处决沙皇尼古拉二世及其家人中扮演了角色犹太人为他感到骄傲,为了纪念他,沙皇及其家人被杀害的叶卡捷琳堡市被重新命名为斯维尔德洛夫斯克。

Genrikh Yagoda (real name: Genakh Gershenovich)


Genrikh Yagoda被描述为“斯大林的主要恐怖头目,负责让他掌权”,他无疑是“20世纪最伟大的犹太大屠杀凶手之一”。他是GPU的副指挥官,也是NKVD的创始人和指挥官。正是雅戈达实施了农民土地和作物的集体化,并对至少1000万人的死亡负责。正是亚戈达的犹太副手建立并管理了古拉格制度,亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴因此而声名鹊起。(30)雅戈达后来被降级,由“嗜血侏儒”尼古拉·耶兹霍夫取代为首席刽子手。


Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria


拉夫伦蒂·贝利亚(Lavrentiy Beria)无疑是斯大林最有权势、最邪恶的犹太中尉,他是一名大规模杀戮农民的凶手,也是一名嗜血的性狂人和恋童癖者,他将儿童埋在地下室,显然许多人还活着。贝里亚是臭名昭著的警察局长和有权势的中尉,他发起了卡廷大屠杀。(31)贝利亚加入了契卡,并成为格鲁吉亚内务部的负责人,最终成为共产党中央委员会的成员,当时是副总理和政治局委员。1953年斯大林去世后,贝利亚试图取代他成为苏联独裁者,但被尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫、莫洛托夫和马林科夫击败。


Ilya Ehrenburg


 还有伊利亚·埃伦伯格(Ilya Ehrenburg),他可能是最著名的犹太人,他教导人们仇恨——“杀死所有德国人,因为他们不是人类”。(32) 正是埃伦堡煽动军队强奸和残害德国、波兰和捷克妇女,作为惩罚的一种形式,这是他煽动对所有德国人进行种族灭绝的一部分。(33)




And Many More


还有莱昂尼德·雷克曼,他是NKVD特别部门的负责人和该组织的首席审问官,也是一个特别残忍的虐待狂。(37) 还有更多的名字对你来说意义不大:亚历山大·帕武斯、所罗门·洛佐夫斯基、莫西·乌里茨基、阿道夫·阿布拉莫维奇·乔夫、德米特里·博格罗夫、列夫·卡梅内夫(真名罗森菲尔德)、马克西姆·利维诺夫(出生于迈尔·赫诺赫·莫泽维奇·瓦拉赫·芬克尔斯坦)、卡尔·拉德克(真名卡罗尔·索贝尔松)、格里戈里·齐诺维夫、伊利亚·埃伦伯格、纳塔菲·弗兰克尔、,马蒂亚斯·伯曼。所有犹太大屠杀凶手都有自己的权利。

The Anonymity of the Jews


由于许多人试图掩盖和混淆事实因此很难确定某些人的犹太身份。仅仅通过频繁地更改姓名,犹太人就很难辨别其种族的真相。列宁(弗拉基米尔·乌里扬诺夫)是犹太人。(38) (39) (40) (41) 现在,人们普遍猜测斯大林是格鲁吉亚犹太人,甚至洛杉矶的B’nai B’rith信使也认为他是犹太人。当然,他讲意第绪语,他有三个犹太妻子,在他的核心圈子里没有任何异教徒。当然,问题的一部分在于,将斯大林认定为犹太人,将消除他作为俄罗斯精神病理学的招牌男孩的作用,也不会让犹太人的暴行受到指责。如上所述,这使得犹太人可以将整个“俄罗斯”革命和所有暴行归类为“斯大林主义”,即,当摧毁俄罗斯和消灭6000多万俄罗斯人完全是犹太人的创造和处决时,这是一个完全的氏族事件。应该指出的是,当时俄罗斯的人口只有1.25亿。


 有一些犹太网站,如犹太人或非犹太人,通常非常有助于确定不同民族的种族,通常人们可以写信询问意见或决定。但有些人在这方面似乎是禁止的。美国国际开发署(USAID)前负责人雷默特·拉文霍特(Reimert Ravenholt)就是其中之一,他无疑是有史以来最伟大的反社会者和精神变态者之一,在不发达国家强行绝育了数亿妇女,造成了只有上帝知道的死亡。我曾试图通过这些犹太网站获取有关拉文霍尔特种族背景的信息或意见,只有在这一次,所有网站一致拒绝回复我。

 “准确理解犹太人问题的困难在于,存在着一种独特的犹太宗教和一个独特的犹太种族。这是一个结束和另一个开始的地方。然而,犹太人会保证他们不是一个种族,而是一种宗教,并将他们与其他宗教区分开来。”死亡是纯粹的偏见和赤裸裸的反犹太主义。” (42)




然而这种努力是必要的因为只有当我们能够作出这种认同时我们才能形成必要的联系把所有的点联系起来了解我们的历史和世界的时事。只有通过这种认同,我们才能意识到色情几乎完全是犹太人的天赋,“性偏好”的字母汤几乎完全是由犹太人推广的。只有通过将犹太人视为一个种族和民族,我们才能认识到,“俄罗斯革命”实际上完全是一场针对俄罗斯的犹太革命,南斯拉夫、伊拉克和利比亚的毁灭和殖民化完全是犹太人的事件,即使是美国军队代表犹太人进行的。例如,保罗·布雷默(Paul Bremer)为伊拉克殖民发布的所谓“临时命令”,当我们得知“伊拉克临时总统”布雷默是犹太人,是亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)的密友时,就有了完全不同的看法。(43) 布雷默显然是从伦敦金融城而不是从乔治·布什那里走出来的。因此,伊拉克也是一场“犹太革命”,南斯拉夫和利比亚也是如此。









The Jewish Pogroms
















罗曼诺夫先生 他的文章被翻译成32种语言,并在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站以及100多个英语平台上发表。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾是上海复旦大学的客座教授,向高级EMBA课程介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)的新集《当中国打喷嚏》的撰稿人之一。(第一章。2-对付恶魔).

他的全部文库可以在以下找到:  +





(1) Stalin’s Jews

(1) 斯大林的犹太人,7340,L-3342999,00.html

(2) Jews and Revolutions

(2) 犹太人与革命

(3) 1881 March 13 Czar Alexander II assassinated in St. Petersburg

(3) 1881年3月13日,沙皇亚历山大二世在圣彼得堡遇刺


(4) 亚历山大二世遇刺宣言(1881年)

(5) Russian Famine of 1891-1892

(5) 1891-1892年俄罗斯饥荒

(6) 1905 Russian Revolution

(6) 1905年俄国革命

(7) Russo-Japanese War

(7) 日俄战争

(8) Jacob Schiff would help industrialize and militarize non-Christian Japan to fight against the Christians of Russia’s Tsar.

(8) 雅各布·希夫将帮助非基督教的日本工业化和军事化,以对抗俄罗斯沙皇的基督徒。

(9) Stolypin, Peter

(9) 斯托利平,彼得

(10) Dmitri Bogrov

(10) 德米特里·博格罗夫

(11) Dmitry Bogrov

(11) 德米特里·博格罗夫

(12) The American Hebrew, 1920

(12) 美国希伯来人,1920年

(13) Robert Wilton

(13) 罗伯特·威尔顿

(14) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(14) 犹太人领导的俄国革命

(15) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(15) 犹太人领导的俄国革命

(16) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(16) 犹太人领导的俄国革命

(17) Peuple Juif, February 8. 1919.

(17) Peuple Juif,2月8日。1919

(18) Jewish Bolsheviks mass-murdered 66 million Christians in Russia

(18) 犹太布尔什维克在俄罗斯大规模杀害了6600万基督徒

(19) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(19) 犹太人领导的俄国革命

(20) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(20) 犹太人领导的俄国革命

(21) Holodomor Denial — A Crime against Humanity


(22) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution


(23) Lazar Kaganovich – Stalin’s Mass Murderer


(24) Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich


(25) Yakov Sverdlov. 100 years since the death of the “devil of the revolution”


(26) Yakov Sverdlov: the demon of the Leninist Revolution. 6 facts that are not found in textbooks


(27) Grandson of a merchant and brother of the American banker Y. M. Sverdlov (Gauchmann Aaron Moishevich)


(28) Yakov Sverdlov-biography


(29) The secret of Yakov Sverdlov’s death


(30) The first NKVD commissar to be shot. Genrikh Yagoda


(31) Katyn massacre


(32) Ilya Ehrenburg agitated for genocide against Germans


(33) Ilya Ehrenburg – Kill all Germans because they are not human


(34) Ilya Ehrenberg – The Man Who Invented The ‘Six Million’


(35) Ilya Ehrenburg


(36) Ilya Ehrenburg


(37) Stalin’s Jews


(38) Lenin was a Jew


(39) Lenin’s Jewish roots


(40) (Israel Moses) Blank in Odessa in the early 1800s.


The grandfather of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov — he began to take the pseudonym Lenin when he was around 30 — was born Sril Moiseyevich

(41) Was Lenin Jewish?


Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 犹太人与世界各国的革命 — 2022年9月12日


Jews and Revolutions


By Larry Romanoff, September 12, 2022






Much of the so-called “history” we were taught in our schools has not been so accurate as we might have believed. In particular, the book publishers, with cunning aforethought, have managed to eliminate much of the most important information necessary to give us a real understanding of the world in which we live. After the elimination of perhaps 50% of the crucial facts, much of the remainder that has been presented to us is factually false. Even worse, they have managed to construct a disconnected historical narrative consisting of sound bytes that appear unrelated and thus prevent us from being able to connect the necessary dots to see the overall picture as it really is (or has been). To make matters worse, our teachers, having been educated in this same system, are themselves ignorant of most of the crucial facts. In this essay, I will attempt to present some major sections of an important segment of our history so the relations can be made and the picture discerned as a whole.


Contrary to our propagandised history texts, revolutions have seldom resulted from a ‘spontaneous combustion of the social order’ as someone wrote. Most often, the match is lit by some “secret agency that conceals itself in the shadowy sanctuaries of certain forms of Freemasonry” that inevitably has “a distinctly Jewish” origin. Our recorded history has in every case omitted the ethnic identities of the instigators and main players and, with few exceptions (France and Russia, most notably), has buried the fact of these revolutions altogether. The European countries had two waves of revolutions about 100 years apart, directed to the overthrow of monarchies, but this was only the beginning. Few seem aware today that the Communist movement was more or less 100% a Jewish creation, one bent on fostering revolutions not only in Europe but throughout the world. We had Trotsky and Lenin in Russia, the Jewish Masonic lodges in France, a successful coup in Mongolia, Bela Kun in Hungary, Rosa Luxembourg in Germany, attempted Communist revolutions in the US (Emma Goldman) and Canada, China (Voitinsky), Bettelheim (Austria), and many more.


Some Historical Background


The paragraphs immediately following are an abbreviated extract from an earlier article titled, “It’s Time to Trash Democracy — Part 1 – The Origin”. (1)


Most everyone knows that the Jews have for centuries been expelled repeatedly from nation after nation, at least for the past 700 or 800 years, the expulsions often occurring every 50 years or so. This much is well-documented, but it is interesting that no one seems to have paid attention to precisely when these expulsions ceased or, more importantly, why they ceased. We need to retrace some history from Eastern Europe.


Many centuries ago, the Eastern confines of Europe between the Caucasus and the Volga were ruled by a Jewish state known as the Khazar Empire, (2) (3) the peak of its power from the seventh to the tenth centuries, AD. The Khazars were a people of Turkish stock who, for reasons unclear, chose to adopt Judaism as their religion in about 750 AD, but of critical importance is that they were not Jews, not in any sense of the meaning of that word. They were entirely Turkic and Eastern European, genetically more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (2 – p. 17)

 许多世纪前,高加索和伏尔加之间的欧洲东部边界由一个名为哈扎尔帝国的犹太国家统治 (2) (3)公元七世纪至十世纪是其权力的顶峰。哈扎尔人是土耳其人,出于不明原因,他们在公元750年左右选择了犹太教作为他们的宗教,但至关重要的是,他们不是犹太人,也不是这个词的任何意义。他们完全是突厥人和东欧人,在基因上与匈奴、维吾尔族和马扎尔部落的关系比与亚伯拉罕、艾萨克和雅各布的后裔更密切。(2 – p、 17)

The Khazars were nomadic warriors, “wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood”. An Armenian writer refers to the “horrible multitude”. They were without doubt one of the most violent and cruel of the animal species that have ever inhabited the earth, with no use for life other than their own. The Khazars were so violent, brutal, and savage a people that they are described to be “feared and abhorred above all peoples in that region of the world”. Little is known of their origin because Jewish historians and book publishers have written them out of our history and do their best today to deny even the existence of these people. These Eastern European Khazars were without question the most hated and feared peoples of all Europe at the time, perhaps in all of history. Their blood-thirstiness and cruelty were legendary, to say nothing of their greed. (4) (5) It will be of significance that prior to the time they adopted Judaism, the Khazar religion was one of phallic worship.

 卡扎尔人是游牧战士,“面目狰狞、举止凶猛的野人,食人血”。一位亚美尼亚作家提到“可怕的群众”。毫无疑问,它们是地球上有史以来最暴力和残忍的动物物种之一,除了它们自己的生命之外,它们对生命毫无用处。哈扎尔人是如此暴力、残暴和野蛮,以至于他们被描述为“世界上该地区所有人民最为恐惧和憎恶”。人们对他们的起源知之甚少,因为犹太历史学家和图书出版商把他们从我们的历史中写出来,今天他们尽最大努力否认这些人的存在。毫无疑问,这些东欧哈扎尔人是当时全欧洲最令人憎恨和恐惧的民族,也许是整个历史上最令人憎恨的民族。他们的嗜血和残忍是传奇,更不用说他们的贪婪了。(4) (5)重要的是,在他们接受犹太教之前,哈扎尔宗教是一种阴茎崇拜。

The Khazar Empire came to an end when the peoples of Europe, unable to tolerate their savage brutality, bound together, exterminated the Empire and scattered the surviving Khazars to the four winds. They were defeated primarily by the Russians in about 965 AD but persisted to some significant degree, suffering various additional exterminations until the late 1300s when Genghis Khan cleaned them out and occupied almost all their prior territory. The Khazars simply ‘disappeared’ from history, to be replaced by “Jews” who suddenly appeared almost everywhere at the same time. These dispersed survivors remained nomads, people of no nation and no place – and of no loyalty to any people, nation, or place. And, as Koestler points out, this is “the cradle of the numerically strongest and culturally dominant part of modern Jewry”. And indeed, I have read Jewish publications which state flatly that (to paraphrase, but accurately) “one might as well say there are no more ‘real Jews’ left in the world, that at least 95% of all Jews are European Khazars”. They give real Jews a bad name.


Greed drove this Khazarian diaspora to banking and money, while their native brutality lent itself well to slave-trading, all occupations they have pursued ever since. Their natural homelessness and fundamental dissimilarity with other human tribes were perhaps responsible for their lack of loyalty to any nation or peoples, and their apparently innate cruel brutality, along with their apparently also innate sexual perversions, accounted for their drift to occupations like slave-trading, kidnapping countless young women for sale in harems around the world and for kidnapping and castrating young men to serve as eunuchs in these same harems. The latter may also have accounted for their sudden shift to Judaism, the Babylonian Talmud resonating well with their sexual proclivities, a kind of ‘kindred spirit’ to which they were quite disposed and receptive. Their violent and independent nature also manifested in a powerful unwillingness to accept subjection or subordination to ruling power, and most definitely rejected assimilation.


Their problems were many. These Khazars (now our “so-called” Jews) were also bitterly hated for their tax-farming. The process was simple. They would approach a monarch with a proposition to pay the entire tax revenue of his kingdom annually in advance, in a lump sum, in return for which they would have the right to levy and collect taxes from the citizenry during the ensuing year, to recover their ‘investment’ and make a profit. The theory was sound; the practice brutal. These so-called Jews would create, levy and collect taxes in kind and volume that would stagger the imagination and eventually bankrupt an entire nation. Many a monarch would discover the tax collections progressing without limit until the entire kingdom was on the verge of a revolution, at which point these so-called Jews would be expelled from the country, sometimes permitted to take their booty with them, sometimes it being confiscating on exit. In every case, this “Jewish” diaspora pushed matters to the point where a mass expulsion was considered the only salvation of a country.


We have been for generations exposed to tales of ‘the Jews’ being expelled from various nations for reasons of anti-Semitism, but this was never true. First, and again, these people were not Jews, and they were expelled for their crimes and their greed, unrelated to their (false) ethnic origin. It seems unknown today that the expulsions never really ceased. Cuba expelled all the Jews after the revolution. Japan expelled all the Jews in two waves prior to WWII, and Mao’s first act on assuming power was to expel all the Jews from China. Germany attempted the same (to Madagascar) prior to WWII, but failed. These were all for similar reasons, and many more such exist today.


The Roots of Revolution


We can imagine that these repeated expulsions from dozens of countries perhaps every 50 years or so, for hundreds of years would become inconvenient and tiresome. The primary issue was that people were subject to the whim of a monarch – of one man – who had the power and the might to expel them and confiscate their assets at his pleasure. Subversion and revolution may not have been so difficult when we consider that monarchs were often uncompromising and brutal to their own populations as well.


The Jews produced two rounds of revolutions in Europe when they sensed the expulsion winds blowing, the first set producing no lasting benefit to our Khazars, one unfriendly monarch quickly being replaced by another of similar sentiment and with similar concerns for his own longevity.


The Khazarian Jews found a better way. The conception was brilliant, the process simple, the theory eminently seductive. “We don’t need a king. A country is easy to manage. We can form a government from the people. We can rule ourselves. No more useless wars, no more punishing taxes, no monarch living in luxury while we starve. We can do this ourselves, and be free.” And of course, the Jews could guide the people to the formation of an effective government, primarily by creating two “parties” from which the people could choose, and with the ability to eject one party if unsatisfactory and select the other, thus keeping them “honest”. We know how that turned out.


The peasants were ecstatic with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, while the elites were even more ecstatic because they realised from the outset that government leaders could come only from their group. These so-called Jews were offering the elites total control of their entire country, and were willing to finance the transition. How could you refuse an offer like this? To put this into perspective, the entire story unfolded over 200 or more years, involved thousands of Khazars, sometimes acting independently but often in concert, and with mistakes, lapses and learning before the final product was firmly established. So, in this sense, it is a bit simplistic to simply say “The Jews created democracy”. Nevertheless, this is how it happened. This was the genesis of democracy, at least of the multi-party form of electoral system we have today.


The reason it happened this way is because a multi-party electoral system is the only government system that can be completely corrupted and controlled from behind the scenes with that corruption and control institutionalised in perpetuity. It is true that any kind of government can be corrupt, but the multi-party “democratic” system was created to be corruptible in all its constituent elements and where each individual politician could be bought, with the entire population being exploited, this process having now been developed to a fine art. At first, party leaders developed a machine, each to impress its views on the people, but quickly “the party machine” took charge of the process and all control was assumed by those in charge of that machine. The result was that neither the politicians nor the people today have any influence in the process which is controlled in the background for everything from financing to policy.


This is the reason the Jews, through their control of the media and publishing, have promulgated “democracy” ceaselessly as a religion so holy that even to examine or question it constitutes blasphemy of the highest order. It has been so successful that there are precious few “democracies” today that are not effectively controlled by Jews in the background – our so-called “Deep State”. The US is widely-known as a Jewish state, but Canada, Germany, Sweden, Ukraine, the Netherlands, England, France, Italy, Australia, and all the others are not better. Even Japan is factually a Jewish colony.


The Color of Revolutions


Our revolutionary picture is muddy and clouded because we have had several other categories of Jew-induced revolutions, some of which coincided with the removal of a monarch (notably the French Revolution) while others were for a vast social upheaval and the replacement of any government with a Communist elite (Russia, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Spain). There is yet another entire category which we can loosely call “Color Revolutions” which were meant to replace existing (non-Jewish) governments with new ones that would be controlled by Jews. One of the greatest such attempts was the violence in China in 1989, the so-called “Tiananmen Square Incident”, which was entirely a (failed) organised attempt by Worldwide Jewry at a Color Revolution in China. If you are interested to know more, I believe this is recognised as the definitive article on the subject. (6) Ukraine was another (successful one), and there were many more such attempts.


There are other categories too. The American Revolution was unrelated to slavery but was really a “War of Financial Disobedience” inflicted on the US by the European Jewish bankers, primarily Rothschild. There are others, as well as wars instigated, Presidential assassinations committed, and other mortal sins, all from the same source and for similar political  reasons.


The truth is that in all the past revolutionary movements there is plain evidence of a common design. This was true of the two series of European revolutions meant to depose existing monarchies, of the long series of Communist revolutions meant to replace the existing social orders, of the series of so-called “Color Revolutions” meant to replace existing governments with new regimes under Jewish control. To this we could add the 50 or so so-called ‘revolutions’ where the European Jewish bankers in the City of London replaced functioning legitimate governments with brutal dictatorships (Latin America, Africa), for both financial and political gain, in all cases using the US CIA and military as the Bankers Private Army. Today, they destroy countries to “make the world safe for democracy”, but first they needed to destroy countries to make the world safe for the Jews.


Prior to and following WWI, there was a long series of serious revolutionary outbreaks in Portugal, Prussia, Bavaria, Hungary, Holland, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Turkey, and many more. In all of these instances, the same “foreign influence” was primarily responsible but history seems to  have deleted not only the instigators but the events themselves.


Benjamin Disraeli, in his book “Coningsby”, written in 1844, wrote “that mighty Revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany, and which will be, in fact, a second and greater Reformation, and of which so little is yet known in England, is developing entirely under the auspices of Jews.” And of course, the two Jews primarily behind that ‘reformation’ were Ferdinand Lassalle and Karl Marx. “Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to use as a bait to attract the masses of the people so as to crush those in authority.”

 本杰明·迪斯雷利(Benjamin Disraeli)在其写于1844年的《科宁斯比》(Coningsby)一书中写道:“目前正在德国准备的伟大革命,事实上,这将是第二次更伟大的改革,而在英国,人们对其知之甚少,完全是在犹太人的支持下进行的。”当然,主要支持“改革”的两个犹太人是费迪南德·拉萨尔和卡尔·马克思。“政治自由是一种理念,但不是事实。人们必须知道如何利用这种理念作为诱饵,吸引群众,从而粉碎当权者。”

Winston Churchill, Britain’s future Prime Minister, railed against “the schemes of the International Jews” as follows:

 英国未来首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)对“国际犹太人的阴谋”进行了如下指责:

“This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer Mrs. (Nesta) Webster has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” (7)

 “犹太人中的这种运动并不新鲜。从魏肖普时代到卡尔·马克思时代,再到托洛茨基(俄罗斯)、贝拉·昆(匈牙利)、罗莎·卢森堡(德国)和艾玛·戈德曼(美国)这一世界范围的阴谋,旨在推翻文明,并在停滞的发展、嫉妒的恶意和不可能的平等的基础上重建社会,一直在稳步增长。正如现代作家(内斯塔·韦伯斯特夫人)所展示的那样,它在法国大革命的悲剧中扮演了一个明显的角色。它是十九世纪每一次颠覆运动的主要动力;现在,这群来自欧洲和美洲大城市地下世界的杰出人物终于抓住了俄罗斯人民的头发,成为了这个巨大帝国无可争议的主人。” (7)

Many books have been written on this topic from the late 1800s to the middle and late 1900s, but these books are no longer in vogue, are not referenced or cited by anyone, and probably not read by academics anywhere, their attention having been directed to more “approved” topics. Thus, the knowledge falls out of the world’s consciousness. Some people today try to tell us, but few listen. Carroll Quigley uncovered and revealed part of the plot, but the printing plates to his books were destroyed and publishers forbidden to resurrect them.


Henry Ford and The Protocols


Henry Ford’s long series of essays titled “The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem”, (8) written in the early 1920s, tried to bring public attention to the matter of Jewish-instigated revolutions and much more, his writings being of perhaps even more importance today. Benjamin Freedman, who had been an advisor to five US Presidents, wrote some articles that revealed much of the buried history of the Jews. (9) (10). An exceptionally-informed book titled “The Cause of World Unrest” was written by  Howell Arthur Gwynne, the Editor of the London Morning Post from 1911 to 1937, one I have used in part as a reference for this article and which is eminently worth reading. (11)

 亨利·福特(Henry Ford)题为“国际犹太人-世界首要问题”的长篇论文系列(8)写于20世纪20年代初,试图引起公众对犹太人煽动的革命的关注,甚至更多,他的作品在今天可能更为重要。曾担任五位美国总统顾问的本杰明·弗里德曼(Benjamin Freedman)写了一些文章,揭示了犹太人被埋葬的历史。(9) (10). 一本名为《世界动荡的原因》的书是由豪厄尔·阿瑟·格温(英语:Howell Arthur Gwynne)写的,他是1911年至1937年《伦敦晨报》的编辑,我在这篇文章中部分引用了这本书,非常值得一读。(11)

Gwynne wrote:


“Lately there has been published both in America and England a translation of a work entitled “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” It is difficult to say whether or not it is a genuine document. But today, after our experience of the War, the Peace Conference, and the doings of the Jews in Russia, it has received everywhere a great deal of earnest study and consideration. Many of its prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes and, because of this, we are justified in giving to it a greater credence than could have been possible ten years ago. Jewish writers and newspapers have denied with indignation the authenticity of the protocols. But even if indisputable proof were adduced tomorrow that they are a forgery, there would still be asked the same question which the protocols have provoked and are provoking every day. Have the Jews a foreign policy of their own with a definite end in view? It would be difficult to deny to that section of Jewry which is best described as political, a definite national policy.”


“And if we consider the internal evidence fairly it amounts to this: that the document predicts a world revolution, and a world revolution carried out by a Jewish organization, and that the revolution now in progress — the Bolshevist Revolution — is in fact carried on mainly by Jews, and is an attempt at a world revolution. There we must leave it. If our readers believe that such a prophecy could have been made without foreknowledge by some anti-Semitic fanatic, then, of course, they will not accept the document as genuine. If, on the other hand, they believe that such a hypothesis is untenable, then there is only the alternative that the document is genuine.”


Gwynne writes further: “Time and again they have been used with most barefaced effrontery as a means of producing results which they themselves never desired.” This much is certainly true. There is no question the Jews in the City of London wanted to cause the breakup of Yugoslavia, and that they used the auspices of Harvard University’s “Albert Einstein Institution”, Gene Sharp being the facilitator. Sharp’s Otpor Manual, a pathetically-fictitious instruction for “non-violent struggle” that culminated in one of the most violent episodes in our Earth’s recent history, beginning with the destruction of Serbia but ending with countless hundreds of thousands of deaths and one of the greatest programs of ethnic cleansing we have ever seen. When we think of the breakup of Yugoslavia, the deaths and migrations, there is no one who wanted that or foresaw the result, except for the Jews who initiated it. Talking today to those young people in Serbia who so eagerly adopted Sharp’s Satanic mission, none wanted the result that was actually achieved, and in fact were horrified to witness what they had unleashed. They were, as are university students everywhere, merely unwitting and manipulated tools in someone else’s grand scheme.


Gwynne again: “We are seeing today how the exploitation of the people can be achieved with comparative ease because the people throughout the civilised world is enfranchised and there is no one to stand between the exploiters and the exploited. If we look back in history, we shall find that the disappearance of this intermediate influence has not been altogether fortuitous. . . [There are] threads of a conspiracy engineered by people whose main object has been to destroy utterly anything – kings, governments, or institutions – which might stand between them and the people they would exploit.”


“The famous protocols may or may not be genuine, but even the most skeptical must admit that they are the abstract of a philosophy which may be devilish, but which is certainly coherent, and that in many important points they not only anticipate, but explain, some of the ills from which the world is at present suffering.” I would add that the US government and military studied this document extensively at the time (around 1920) and pronounced it genuine.


The World’s Revolutions


This is an enormous topic which would require a library to do it justice. I will simply touch on some of the revolutions and revolutionary attempts, and which can do no more than provide some indication of the vastness, on the content and intent of those plans. I will omit the so-called “Russian Revolution” from this discussion because it deserves its own exposition and, more menacingly, illustrates the enormous savage brutality of the instigators. I say ‘so-called’ Russian Revolution because it was in no sense Russian but instead was entirely a Jewish Revolution against Russia. It may not have escaped the notice of readers that another such ‘revolution’ is in the planning today – and by the same people.


We already know about Iraq and Libya with their now totally Jewish-controlled governments and central banks, and we see what is happening in Syria, Yemen and other nearby nations. The main obstacles still preventing worldwide control are China, Russia and Iran, so it is not a surprise that all current media venom is directed against these three countries which must either be taken over or destroyed. Revolutions would appear to be a non-starter. The Jews tried to launch a “Jasmine Revolution” in China a few years ago, with the only result being then-US Ambassador Jon Huntsman putting his tail between his legs and running for cover from an angry mob in downtown Beijing. Indeed, popular domestic support for the leaders is very high with at least 80% in Russia and 90%-95% in China and Iran. This leaves World War Three as the only possible solution, one that would hopefully destroy these three nations in the process, leaving the field clear for a new World Government.

 我们已经知道伊拉克和利比亚现在完全由犹太人控制的政府和中央银行,我们看到叙利亚、也门和其他周边国家正在发生什么。仍然阻碍全球控制的主要障碍是中国、俄罗斯和伊朗,因此,目前所有媒体的毒液都是针对这三个国家的,必须加以接管或予以摧毁,这并不奇怪。革命似乎不会启动。几年前,犹太人试图在中国发动一场“茉莉花革命”,唯一的结果是当时的美国大使洪博培(Jon Huntsman)把尾巴夹在两腿之间,在北京市中心的一个愤怒的暴徒面前跑向掩护。事实上,国内民众对领导人的支持率非常高,至少80%在俄罗斯,90%-95%在中国和伊朗。这使得第三次世界大战成为唯一可能的解决方案,希望在这一过程中摧毁这三个国家,为新的世界政府留下了空间。

“Let Them Eat Cake” – The French Revolution


Lord Acton, in his Essays on the French Revolution, wrote “The appalling thing is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked, but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.”

 阿克顿勋爵(Lord Acton)在其关于法国大革命的文章中写道:“令人震惊的不是骚乱,而是设计。通过所有的火灾和烟雾,我们看到了精心组织的证据。管理者们仍然刻意隐藏和蒙面,但毫无疑问,他们从一开始就存在。”

My recollection from High School of this part of history is that the peasants revolted against Royalty and the elite class, for various wrongs that included lack of food bordering on starvation – the most notable propaganda representing which, would be the above comment attributed to Marie Antoinette – and the callous lack of concern thereof.

 我在高中时对这段历史的回忆是,农民反抗皇室和精英阶层,因为他们犯下了各种错误,包括饥饿边缘的食物短缺-最值得注意的宣传是玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)的上述评论-以及对此事的冷漠。

The above quote supposedly would reflect Queen Marie Antoinette’s obliviousness to the condition of the people but, while it has been commonly attributed to her, there is no record of these words ever having been uttered by her. They appear in Jean-Jacques Rousseau‘s “Confessions”, his autobiography, whose first six books were written in 1765, when Marie Antoinette was nine years of age. (Rousseau was Jewish). It is worth noting that these words were never cited by opponents of the monarchy at the time of the French Revolution, but seemed to acquire great symbolic importance in subsequent histories when pro-revolutionary historians sought to demonstrate the obliviousness and selfishness of the French upper-classes at that time.


However, the French Revolution itself produces serious evidence of not having been a spontaneous event in any sense, but instead having been conspired, planned, and executed by various parties entirely for their own ends. It doesn’t require much cynicism to observe that this really seems, at least superficially, a case of blaming the victims for the crime. There now appears a significant portion of history telling us that the Masonic Lodges and various Jewish groups – both international and in France – actively planned this revolution.


According to the emerging historical evidence, the food shortages in France at the time were intentionally created to trigger the Revolution. The claims are made, and they appear substantial, that grains and other food stocks were purchased by those with money and removed from the market – stored and hidden – to deliberately lead the population to the brink of starvation and thereby promoting a widespread revolt. A group of Jewish bankers bought up and put into storage the entire grain crop of France, and refused to let it onto the market at any price. The people literally had no bread to eat. Hence, our revolution. As Henry Ford wrote in one of his articles: “For five generations the world has lived in a false light supposed to be shed by the French Revolution. It is now known that that revolution was not the Revolution of the French People, but the disorders of a minority who sought to impose upon the French People the very Plan which is now being considered.


It was the French People who ultimately put down the so-called French Revolution. [But] France, as a result of that upheaval of a well-organized minority, has been bound by Jewish control ever since.”


The Little Engine That Couldn’t – Emma Goldman and the Failed US Revolution


Goldman emigrated from Russia as a teen-ager and soon began promulgating various models of society based primarily on the two pillars of political anarchy and promiscuous sex. Her widespread and excessively vocal promotion of these ideals earned Goldman the label of being one of the two most dangerous anarchists in America. Goldman’s actual purpose was to foment a Communist revolution in the US, following the pattern these people had laid with their revolutions in Russia, Hungary, Germany, and other countries. But, in the end, Goldman didn’t accomplish as much anarchy as she might have done, mostly because she discovered she was more interested in sex than politics. (12)


Goldman and her lover Berkman (a kind of political Bonnie and Clyde) conspired to kill then-US President William McKinley. (13) (14) The police were never able to link Goldman directly to McKinley’s murder, though the assassin had frequently met with her and claimed to have acted under her instructions. It wasn’t only a US President who was targeted by Goldman and her group. They attempted to kill several other public figures, their plan to bomb John D. Rockefeller’s mansion in New York City failing only because the bomb exploded prematurely, killing a dozen or so anarchists while destroying much of Goldman’s home in the process. One of Goldman’s anarchists named Carlo Valdinoci blew up the front of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer’s home in Washington, D.C., also blowing himself up in the process when the bomb exploded too early. (15) And some other good tries. (16) (17)

 高盛和她的情人伯克曼(一种政治上的邦妮和克莱德)密谋杀害当时的美国总统威廉·麦金利。(13) (14)警方始终无法将高盛与麦金利的谋杀案直接联系起来,尽管刺客经常与她会面,并声称是按照她的指示行事的。高盛及其集团的目标不仅仅是一位美国总统。他们还试图杀害其他几名公众人物,他们计划炸毁约翰·D·洛克菲勒(John D.Rockefeller)在纽约市的豪宅,但失败的原因仅仅是炸弹过早爆炸,炸死了十几名无政府主义者,同时摧毁了高盛的大部分住宅。高盛的一名无政府主义者卡洛·巴尔迪诺西炸毁了司法部长米切尔·帕尔默位于华盛顿特区的家的正面,在爆炸过程中,炸弹过早爆炸,他也引爆了自己。(15)还有其他一些好的尝试。(16) (17)

The US was at the time panicking over the Russian and other European Revolutions and was not blind to the fact that so many Jewish Communists were migrating to the US – many under pressure from the Jewish lobby which was already powerful enough to demand that only the nationality of these immigrants be recorded and not the fact that they were either Jews or Communists. In any case, the fear of these communists was the starting point of McCarthyism in the US. It is true that McCarthy went too far, but America had very good reasons to have a dread fear of the Communists and their incipient domestic Communist Revolution. But the unforgivable deception was that all this fear and hatred of what were in fact Jewish Communists – mostly from Russia – was subverted and turned onto Russia itself and the USSR, instead of remaining with the primarily Jewish Communists who were responsible for the entire mess of upheavals in Europe for a period of 20 or 30 years.


One article titled, “Fear of Dissent: The Case Against the “Reds”, by the US Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, clearly outlines the dangers being faced to US society, morals and religion, seeking to replace them with the same perverted “values” as done by Bela Kun in Hungary. He states pointedly that “communism in this country was an organization of thousands of aliens who were direct allies of Trotsky”, without mentioning that Trotsky was Jewish and that all these “direct allies” were also Jewish. In the end, everything was blamed on “Russia”, although Russia as a country was innocent of the Bolshevik Revolution imposed upon it by Trotsky and his band of Jewish revolutionaries shipped there from the USA.

 一篇文章的标题是,美国司法部长A·米切尔·帕尔默(A.Mitchell Palmer)的《对异议的恐惧:反对“红军”的案例》清楚地概述了美国社会、道德和宗教面临的危险,试图用贝拉·昆(Bela Kun)在匈牙利所做的同样变态的“价值观”取代它们。他尖锐地指出,“这个国家的共产主义是一个由数千人组成的组织。”外国人是托洛茨基的直接盟友”,但没有提到托洛茨基是犹太人,所有这些“直接盟友”也都是犹太人。最后,一切都归咎于“俄罗斯”,尽管俄罗斯作为一个国家,对托洛茨克及其犹太革命者从美国运到那里的布尔什维克革命是无辜的。

Other American Revolutions


Andrew Jackson was no sooner elected President than he was the target of an assassination attempt by a gunman named Richard Lawrence, who confessed to the police that that he had been “in touch with the powers in Europe”. Despite the obvious danger to his life, Jackson refused to renew the bank’s charter and the US national debt went to zero for the first and last time in the nation’s history. But in retaliation, the Bank’s president Nicholas Biddle, an agent for the Paris-based Jacob Rothschild, immediately cut off all funding to the US government and plunged the country into a deep depression. Simultaneously, the same bankers plunged the US into a war with Mexico, greatly exacerbating the economic hardship and once again offering the US president an opportunity to clarify his thinking. (18)

 安德鲁·杰克逊刚当选总统就成为一名名叫理查德·劳伦斯(Richard Lawrence)的持枪歹徒企图暗杀的目标,他向警方供认,他“与欧洲大国保持联系”。尽管面临着明显的生命危险,杰克逊拒绝续签银行章程,美国国债在美国历史上首次也是最后一次降为零。但作为报复,该银行行长尼古拉斯·比德尔Nicholas Biddle是总部位于巴黎的雅各布·罗斯柴尔德Jacob Rothschild)的代理人,他立即切断了对美国政府的所有资助,使该国陷入深度萧条。与此同时这些银行家让美国陷入了与墨西哥的战争极大地加剧了经济困境并再次为美国总统提供了澄清其想法的机会。(18)

The bankers’ incitement of wars of clarification in America included the US civil war which, contrary to popular belief, was not about slavery but about political and financial control of the US. There is more than ample evidence that the severe divisions within the country which led to the American civil war were deliberately inflicted upon the US by these same bankers, who were fulfilling their warning delivered more than ten years earlier that disobedience would be punished by the crafting and imposition of a civil war. Their plan, which succeeded admirably, was “to exploit the question of slavery and thus to dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic”, thereby throwing the new nation into a bitter civil war with the intent of ending with two weak and easily-controlled republics instead of one strong one.


Germany’s Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck claimed the European bankers were responsible for the American Civil War, stating “The division of the United States was decided by the high financial powers of Europe”, and van Helsing wrote “The reasons leading to this civil war were almost completely due to the Rothschild agents”, one of whom was George Bickly who persuaded the Confederate States of the advantages of secession from the Union, thereby precipitating the American civil war. All American history texts attribute the civil war to slavery disputes, constituting one of the greatest lies and historical revisions existing in any nation.

 德国总理奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Von Bismarck)声称,欧洲银行家应对美国内战负责,称“美国的分裂是由欧洲的金融大国决定的”,而范·赫尔辛写道,“导致这场内战的原因几乎完全是罗斯柴尔德的代理人”,其中一位是乔治·比克利,他说服了邦联各州脱离联邦的好处,从而引发了美国内战。所有美国历史教科书都将内战归因于奴隶制争端,这是任何国家存在的最大谎言和历史修正案之一。

In any case, the bankers did succeed in their incitement to violence, and the Civil War was unleashed on the US, with the London bankers backing the Union and the French bankers backing the South. Everyone made a fortune and by 1861 the US was $100 million in debt. At this time, Abraham Lincoln became the new President and snubbed the bankers by issuing US government currency popularly known as Greenbacks to pay Union Army bills without incurring debt to the Rothschilds.


At the time, the Rothschild-controlled Times of London wrote: “If that mischievous policy, which had its origins in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”




This history has been mostly deleted and few even in Canada are aware of the Jewish Communists’ “program of violence and hypocrisy” in Canada, where the [Communist] movement was very closely connected with the powerful revolutionary organisations in the US. Toronto and  Winnipeg (cities with heavy Jewish populations) had many Bolshevik societies, of which the members were almost entirely Russian Jews. They organised extensive riots in many cities, aligning their revolutionary intent with unrelated protests by war veterans. They created sufficient violence that the protests eventually had to be terminated by considerable force from the Canadian RCMP. Their program was based on a demand for the overthrow of what they called the “damnable trinity of Religion (Christianity), Government, and Capitalism.” (19) (20)

 这段历史大多已被删除,即使在加拿大,也很少有人知道犹太共产主义者在加拿大的“暴力和虚伪计划”,在那里,(共产主义)运动与美国强大的革命组织密切相关。多伦多和温尼伯(犹太人人口众多的城市)有许多布尔什维克社会,其中的成员几乎全部是俄罗斯犹太人。他们在许多城市组织了大规模骚乱,将他们的革命意图与退伍军人的无关抗议活动联系起来。他们制造了足够的暴力,抗议活动最终不得不由加拿大皇家骑警以相当大的力量终止。他们的计划是基于推翻他们所谓的“宗教(基督教)、政府和资本主义的可恶三位一体”的要求(19) (20)

England and World Revolution


“Before a revolution can take place in any country, much preparatory work must be done. A revolutionary situation must first be created, and if the natural conditions of society do not tend in this direction, efforts must be made to force them into the right channel for revolution. This is the purpose of the revolutionary Socialists and Syndicalists in this country. Our revolutionaries, working in conjunction with foreign revolutionaries, who are mainly International Jews, have to find ways and means of creating in Great Britain an industrial crisis of such a magnitude that a revolution will be practically inevitable. This is the immediate problem of the revolutionary movement.” It is notable that much of the direction of these Communist revolutions appears to have come from the Netherlands – which has always been a Jewish colony.


After the Russian Revolution, the Jewish Press displayed an alarming affection for Communist ideology in England, and openly encouraged “a dangerous campaign” of Bolshevik propaganda. “It was admitted by Trotsky and by Dr. Hermann Gorter, author of ‘The World Revolution’, that their plans for a worldwide revolution could not be successful so long as there was a united British Empire. This was also the opinion of Karl Marx. The problem of the international organizers of revolution consists of (a) how to destroy Britain’s industrial prosperity, and (b) how to break up the British Empire.” And of course, the two World Wars accomplished precisely this. In the first war, England lost a full 40% of her Empire, and the second war completed the process with the Empire gone and England facing bankruptcy.


England was spared because of the incestuous relationship between the British Royal Family and the Rothschilds (primarily), who became partners in looting the world – primarily India and China, with Britain’s Royal Family (Queen Victoria, most notably), sharing in the wholesale looting of India and the profits from the opium travesties of Rothschild and Sassoon. Ireland and Scotland also both had periods where the Jews tried to put their Bolshevik theories into practice, but failed.




The Jewish Communists had a strange fixation on Ireland as a focal point for revolution. Marx wrote: “Ireland is the stronghold of English landed aristocracy. The exploitation of this country is not only the main source of the national wealth, it forms likewise England’s greatest mora] strength. It represents, in fact, the domination of England over Ireland. Ireland, therefore, is the great expedient, by means of which the English aristocracy maintains its domination in England itself. On the other hand, withdraw the English Army and police from Ireland tomorrow and you will straightway have an agrarian revolution in Ireland. The fall of the English aristocracy in Ireland, however, needs must imply and inevitably leads to their overthrow in England. Through this the primal condition for the proletarian revolution in England would be fulfilled.”


“For no country is this more true than for Ireland. If Ireland should become independent, Great Britain would be struck to the very foundations. Now, therefore, it is the duty of all British Communists to demand the complete independence of Ireland, and to take all the measures required to bring it about, and for the entire Third International this is of the utmost importance. Again, England is the rock on which Capitalism is firmly rooted, the bulwark of world Capitalism, the hope of all counter-revolution and all reaction. But Ireland is the Achilles’s heel of England. For the revolution on the European continent, therefore for the world revolution, it is a vital question that British Capital should be hit there.” And, of course, Jewish money was pouring into Ireland to encourage a political rebellion that could cause the breakup of Great Britain. The Irish have suffered so much at the hands of the Jews, beginning with the near-depopulation of Ireland due to Jewish white slave-trading – a topic they are now desperately trying to discredit as an “anti-Semitic meme”.




Aside from attempts at a Communist revolution in Scotland, there is the most unusual fact of “Scottish Masonry” which seems to rear its head in the most unusual places, inevitably in connection with Jewish crimes. One such was the creation of the HSBC bank, somehow “created in Scotland” but entirely owned and managed by Jews. David Sassoon was the first Chairman of the Board, the bank created solely to launder the Jews’ drug money – a specialty it still proudly carries today. Another such is Jardine and Matheson, seemingly being ‘Scottish Jews’ and heavily involved in the opium trade which even the Jewish encyclopedias tell us was “entirely a Jewish business”.

 除了试图在苏格兰进行共产主义革命之外,还有一个最不寻常的事实,即“苏格兰砖石”似乎在最不寻常地方抬头,不可避免地与犹太人犯罪有关。其中一个例子是汇丰银行的创建,该银行不知何故“在苏格兰创建”,但完全由犹太人拥有和管理。大卫·萨松(David Sassoon)是该银行董事会的第一任主席,该银行成立的初衷是清洗犹太人的贩毒资金,这一专长至今仍引以为豪。另一个例子是Jardine和Matheson,他们似乎是“苏格兰犹太人”,大量参与鸦片贸易,甚至犹太百科全书都告诉我们,鸦片贸易“完全是犹太人的生意”。

The Austrian Revolution


A Jewish lawyer in Budapest, Ernst Bettelheim, obtained funding from the Comintern to set up an Austrian Communist Party. Bettelheim and his followers planned to seize control of the main nerve centers of Austria’s government, while Bela Kun sent his Communist Hungarian army to the Austrian border (only two hours’ march from Vienna), ready to invade to support their comrades. However, the night before the planned revolution in June of 1919, the Austrian police arrested all of the Austrian Communist leadership except for Bettelheim. They didn’t go down without a fight; a group of about 4000 Communists (mostly Jews) assembled to free the leaders, but withered and ran under police fire. That was the end of the Austrian Communist revolution, essentially strangled at birth. Vienna’s Jews were also at the forefront of the earlier Austrian revolution of 1848, when they had planned massive changes to the social and political structure of the country, as well as to the wealth of Austrian Jews.

 布达佩斯的一名犹太律师恩斯特·贝特尔海姆(Ernst Bettelheim)从共产国际获得资金,成立了奥地利共产党。贝特尔海姆和他的追随者计划夺取奥地利政府主要神经中枢的控制权,而贝拉·昆则将他的匈牙利共产党军队派往奥地利边境(距离维也纳只有两个小时的路程),准备入侵支持他们的同志。然而,1919年6月计划革命的前一天晚上,奥地利警方逮捕了除贝特尔海姆外的所有奥地利共产党领导人。他们不是没有战斗就倒下的;大约4000名共产主义者(主要是犹太人)聚集在一起解放领导人,但在警察的炮火下,这些人逐渐衰败。这是奥地利共产主义革命的结束,基本上在出生时就被扼杀了。维也纳的犹太人也站在1848年奥地利革命的最前沿,当时他们计划对国家的社会和政治结构以及奥地利犹太人的财富进行大规模变革。

The Hungarian Revolution


There is a part of Hungary’s history that seems to receive little attention, and that is the takeover of the country by the Jewish Communists led by Bela Kun who had been heavily involved with the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia.


In November 1918, Bela Kun, with several hundred other Jewish Hungarian Communists, and with huge financing from the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia, returned to Hungary and formed the Hungarian Communist Party. Kun got himself into power in 1919 by feigning a coalition, but then immediately betrayed it and proclaimed a dictatorship of the proletariat with himself as dictator. One of his first decrees was to nationalise almost all private property and to announce that private commerce would be punished with the death penalty. He immediately began by confiscating and nationalising all industry and land, and attacking religion while making great efforts to undermine and in fact to destroy all public morality as well as concepts of God and religion.


Following a popular anti-communist coup attempt a month later, Kun organized a response in the form of a Red Terror, carried out by secret police and mostly Jewish units. Red Tribunals arbitrarily condemned many hundreds prominent Hungarians to death. The Hungarian Jew Georg Lukacs wrote a “History and Class Consciousness” in which he wrote, “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution”.

 在一个月后的一次反共产主义政变中,昆组织了一次红色恐怖袭击,由秘密警察和大部分犹太部队实施。红色法庭任意判处数百名著名匈牙利人死刑。匈牙利犹太人乔治·卢卡奇(Georg Lukacs)在《历史与阶级意识》中写道:“我认为社会的革命破坏是唯一的解决办法”。

“As Deputy commissar for culture in Bela Kun’s regime, Lukacs put his self-described demonic ideas into action in what came to be known as cultural terrorism.” As part of this terrorism, he instituted a radical sex education program in Hungarian schools. Children were instructed in free love, sexual intercourse, the archaic nature of middle-class family codes, the outdatedness of monogamy and the irrelevance of religion, which deprives man of all pleasures. Women too were called to rebel against the sexual mores of the time by engaging in open promiscuity. Lucacs’ purpose in promoting licentiousness among women and children was to destroy the family, the core institution of Christianity and western culture”. These “Communists” knew if they could destroy the West’s traditional sexual morals, they would have taken a giant step toward destroying Western culture itself – and that would appear to have been the definite aim.


According to author and historian Brenton Sanderson, “the Jews involved in these communist regimes were engaged in actions opposed to the traditional peoples and culture of these societies, while typically maintaining their own ethnic commitments.” In other words, the destruction of society, morals and religion was reserved for the Gentiles while the Jews remained as before.

 根据作家兼历史学家布伦顿·桑德森(Brenton Sanderson)的说法,“参与这些共产主义政权的犹太人从事了与这些社会的传统民族和文化相反的行动,同时通常维护自己的种族承诺。”换言之,社会、道德和宗教的破坏是为外邦人保留的,而犹太人则一如既往。

Bela Kun was certainly one of the more despicable Jewish “revolutionists” to have ever appeared anywhere. Fortunately for Hungary, Kun’s Communist regime lost all support when the Romanian army marched into Hungary and occupied Budapest. Kun’s regime collapsed and was removed from power after this, and Kun and his Communist followers fled to Austria, then to Russia, looting numerous art treasures and the entire gold stocks of Hungary’s National Bank when they left. Among the Hungarian population, all these events led to a deep feeling of dislike against the Jews since most members of Kun’s government were Jews. The feelings were so strong they resulted in a wave of reprisals in which many Jewish Communists were executed.


It would be easy, as I believe is too often done, to blame these reprisals on feelings of “anti-Semitism”, but both evidence and logic would indicate the purges were directed against evil and savage oppressors rather than being based on race or religion. I am unaware of evidence that the resentment was against the Jews for being Jews but rather against specific people for the attempted destruction of their country, society, morals and religion.


I once referenced this in another article and was bitterly attacked by the entire Hasbara tribe, one person claiming that Hungary had only “a few months of mild unrest”. Sadly, the Hungarians suffered about two full years of the most intense social attacks, from every quarter, that few countries have experienced.


A former Hungarian Prime Minister, M. Huszar, the editor of the Nenzeti Ujsag, emphatically declared that “Bolshevism in Hungary could be explained alone by the fact that its moving force was the tenacious and secret solidarity of the Jews“. It is worthy of note that Gwynne identified the Khazarian Jews as instigators of the turmoil in Hungary: “A particular race of Jews, the Khozar (Khazar), took a prominent part in this movement. Bela Kun, the leader of the Hungarian Bolsheviks, was a Jew, and nearly all his ministers, like Friedlander, Wertheim, Dorscak, and Kohn, were also Jews.


The campaign led by the Bolsheviks against Hungary was “extraordinarily malevolent and widespread”. “Bela Kun’s Jews, imported from Russia, carried out appalling atrocities during their tenure of power and, on his expulsion, there were some sporadic massacres organized by infuriated Hungarian officers, whose womenfolk had been shamefully maltreated. But the Government did, and is doing, all in its power to check any such excesses. Notwithstanding that fact, the pro-Bolshevik papers in Europe, including those in England, were deluged with lurid accounts of atrocities committed by the anti-Bolshevik Hungarians”. The atrocity tales, like all such stories the Jews promulgate so frequently, were all proven to be false.

 布尔什维克领导的反对匈牙利的运动“极其邪恶和广泛”。“从俄罗斯进口的Bela Kun的犹太人在其执政期间犯下了骇人听闻的暴行,在他被驱逐出境后,愤怒的匈牙利官员组织了一些零星的屠杀,他们的妇女受到了可耻的虐待。但政府过去和现在都在尽其所能制止任何此类暴行g事实上,欧洲的亲布尔什维克报纸,包括英国的报纸,充斥着反布尔什未克匈牙利人所犯暴行的骇人听闻的报道”。暴行故事,就像犹太人经常发布的所有此类故事一样,都被证明是虚假的。

Upheavals in Germany


With the end of World War I, Communist-inspired power seizures were seen all over Germany. Most significant of these were the Spartacist Berlin rising, and the establishment of a Soviet republic in Bavaria. The history books tell us there was a minor event in Germany where a “dissident group” took over the Reichstag, but it is not widely known that the persons involved, led by Rosa Luxembourg, were all Communist Jews. Rosa Luxembourg was a much nastier Revolutionary than typically portrayed. It is true their coup was short-lived and they were evicted and killed after only a few days, but that may indicate only that they overestimated their strength and support and overplayed their hand.


This “revolution” – in reality, a Lenin-style coup d’etat – petered out fairly quickly, although about 1200 people died during a week of street fighting. Luxemburg and Liebknecht went into hiding with a third comrade, Wilhelm Pieck. It was not long before the army tracked them down. Luxemburg and Liebknecht were killed shortly thereafter. A second Communist-inspired coup in Bavaria had far greater success. It began with the seizure of power by one Kurt Eisner. As usual, force was necessary: “a movement of war-tired and anti-Prussian peasant soldiers brought the local leader of the U.S.P., Kurt Eisner, into power” in November of 1918 (Franz Borkenau, World Communism). Elections held in January showed that Eisner’s radical Independent had minimal popular support. Pressure was on Eisner to resign, and it appears that he would have done, were he not assassinated first.

 这场“革命”-实际上是列宁式的政变-很快就消失了,尽管在一周的街头战斗中约有1200人死亡。卢森堡和利布克内赫特与第三位同志威廉·皮克一起躲藏起来。不久军队就追踪到了他们。卢森堡和利布克内赫特随后不久被杀害。巴伐利亚的第二次共产党发动的政变取得了更大的成功。它始于库尔特·艾斯纳(Kurt Eisner)夺权。和往常一样,武力是必要的:“一场厌倦战争的反普鲁士农民士兵运动使美国共产党的地方领导人库尔特·艾斯纳于1918年11月上台”(弗兰兹·博克诺,世界共产主义)。1月份举行的选举显示,艾斯纳的激进独立党获得的民众支持率最低。艾斯纳面临着辞职的压力,如果他不是先被暗杀的话,他似乎会辞职。

The Jewish Bolsheviks were involved in Germany from the start. Lenin “dispatched a team of his most able revolutionaries to infiltrate Germany: Karl Radek, one of the most powerful men in the Comintern; Nikolai Bukharin, second-in-command of the Comintern; Christian Rakovsky, a Bulgarian who was a signatory at the founding of the Comintern; and a mysterious man called Ignatov, who probably was Alexander Shpigelglas, an official of the Cheka’s Foreign Department who had a record of assassinations during the Terror..” Independent Soviet Republics were to be set up all over Germany, and these showed all the signs of the Jews’ world-revolution policy – the disintegration of the State, the subversion of authority, the destruction of society, morals and religion.


The Spanish Civil War – 1936-1939


Nationalist General Francisco Franco led a rebellion against the government in Spain. The country was deeply divided, with Socialists, Communists, and liberals fighting for the government, with Nationalists, conservatives, and the Catholic Church favoring Franco. The war became a proxy war between Nationalism and Globalism. Germany, Portugal and Italy provided military aid to Franco while the Communist Soviets sent arms to the Spanish government.


The Comintern sent volunteers to fight for the Spanish regime. As usual, the Jewish Communist fighters carried out sickening atrocities against civilians, such as setting fire to the wives and children of Nationalist officers after dousing them with petrol. The Communists were so determined to stamp out Christianity that they raped nuns, tortured priests, and set fire to churches with the worshippers locked inside.


Portuguese Revolution


Here, again, there is overwhelming evidence that the force at the back of the Revolution was European Jewish Freemasonry. Dr. Friedrich Wichtl, in his book Weltfreimatterei, Welt Revolution, Welt-republik, says: “Some readers may ask us which were then those circles which contributed the most to the downfall of the Portuguese Royal family? They are the leading families of the Castros, the Costas, Cohens, Pereiras, Ferreiras, Teixeiras, Fonsecas, etc. They have many widespread branches besides Portugal, also in Spain, Holland, England, etc., and in America, where they occupy prominent positions. They are all related to each other, they are all united by the mutual ties of [Jewish] Freemasonry and . . . the Alliance Israelite Universelle.” The violent anti-Christian character of the Republic, particularly in its early days, is too well-known to need recapitulation.

 这里,再次有压倒性的证据表明,革命背后的力量是欧洲犹太共济会。Friedrich Wichtl博士在他的书《Weltfreimaterei,Welt Revolution,Welt republik》中,说:“一些读者可能会问我们,当时哪些圈子对葡萄牙皇室的垮台贡献最大?他们是卡斯特罗家族、科斯塔斯家族、科恩家族、佩雷拉斯家族、费雷拉家族、泰西拉斯家族、丰塞卡斯家族等的主要家族。除了葡萄牙之外,他们在西班牙、荷兰、英国等国以及在美国都有许多广泛的分支机构在那里他们占据着显要的位置。他们都是相互关联的,都是由犹太共济会和。以色列宇宙联盟。“共和国的暴力反基督教性质,特别是在建国初期,众所周知,不需要重演。

The Turkish Revolution


The Turkish Revolution was the real death-knell of the Turkish Empire and was, emphatically, almost entirely the work of a Masonic-Jewish conspiracy. The following quotation from the well-known French Masonic review Acacia (October, 1908, No. 70) explains succinctly what was going on: A secret Young Turk Committee was founded, and the whole movement was directed from Salonika, as the town which has the greatest percentage of Jewish population in Europe – 70,000 Jews out of a total population of 110,000 – was specially qualified for this purpose. There were at the time many Jewish Freemason lodges in Salonika under the protection of European diplomacy. The Sultan was defenseless against them, and he could not prevent his own downfall. The Jews in Constantinople were closely linked with those in Moscow and Budapest, and terrorism and intimidation of every kind followed.


Wikipedia and many history books now term this event the “Turkish War of Independence”, with sufficient slanted historical facts to bury forever the truth of what really happened. But it is clear from the facts of the events that the purpose was the creation of a Judeo-Turkish State which would subjugate the many other populations in the Turkish Empire.


The Mongolian Revolution


Thus, the Jewish Communist revolutions failed in Hungary, Austria, and Germany. They also failed in Russia itself. in Finland and the Baltic countries, separatists defeated Communists and set up independent non-Communist governments. But escaping world notice was the establishment of the world’s second Communist dictatorship in the independent country of Mongolia.


Unlike the haphazard power seizures in Europe, the imposition of Jewish Bolshevik power upon Mongolia was carefully planned. First, a small number of Mongols were trained in Communist theory and practice in Moscow and Irkutsk. These Communist Mongols set up the First Congress of the Mongolian People’s Party in Kyakhta, just north of the Mongolian border, and proclaimed a Provisional Revolution Government. Then the Mongolian Communists formed a minuscule Mongolian army, and in 1921 this tiny force marched into Mongolia. The Red Army followed close behind, which guaranteed victory to what would have otherwise been the movement of a few hundred malcontents. The Red Bolshevik Army was now in Mongolia, and used standard techniques to seize total power under the guise of national self-determination. The Mongolian People’s Republic would be the first Soviet satellite state. It would not be the last.


The incipient Chinese Communist Revolution



The Russian Bolsheviks were intensely interested in China, and Lenin and Trotsky saw China as a place where they could inflict another blow as they had done to Mother Russia. In order to advance their interests, they sent Gregory Voitinsky to China to make contact with leftist intellectuals, especially Chen Duxiu. The actual process of forming the infant Communist Party can be mostly attributed to Voitinsky’s influence.

 俄罗斯布尔什维克人对中国非常感兴趣,列宁和托洛茨基认为中国是一个可以像他们对俄罗斯母亲所做的那样,给他们带来另一次打击的地方。为了增进他们的利益,他们派格雷戈里·沃丁斯基(Gregory Voitinsky)到中国与左翼知识分子,特别是陈独秀(Chen Duxiu)进行接触。组建新生共产党的实际过程主要归功于沃廷斯基的影响。

China did indeed have its own revolution, but in the end it was commanded by its own people who meant to save China rather than destroy it. Happily, they succeeded. What Voitinsky proposed to Mao was essentially the same program that had been followed by the Jews in Russia – which was the extermination of the entire middle class, the educated, the wealthy, the commercial class, leaving only a small (Jewish-controlled) elite and hundreds of millions of hapless peasants.


The reason that the Chinese brand of “Communism” is so different from all others was that Mao rejected more or less in totality the savagery of the Jews. His only point of agreement was in a desire to eliminate much of the class structure, which was the cause of China’s “cultural revolution” and Mao sending educated professors to work on farms. Ever since the failure of the Jews’ version of Communism in China, they have incessantly portrayed Mao as an evil monster, failing to note that his only “crimes” were in following the prescriptions of those same Jews.


Of particular note are the decades-old accusations of Mao killing millions of Chinese, when Mao actually never killed anyone. The Jews later inflicted several worldwide food embargoes on China, then attributed the resultant deaths from famine as indicative of Mao’s inhumanity. Propaganda is easy when you control the media.


One of the acts of that “revolution” was the expulsion of all Jews from China, something that can hardly be criticised when we consider the unconscionable damage and humiliation these same Jews had inflicted on the country. Many tens of thousands of Jews were expelled immediately by Mao after assuming power, these expulsions unrelated to the fact that the victims were ethnic Jews. Instead, it was primarily related to their devastation of China by their exclusive franchise for importing opium into China under the protection of the British military. And subsequently with their using their opium profits to buy up most of Shanghai and many other cities, as well as using those same profits to help finance the Japanese invasion of China.


The Jews may no doubt have felt “persecuted”, but that serves only to trivialise one of the greatest crimes against humanity every inflicted on a country – the persistent evisceration of the social fabric of an entire nation by the forced imposition of a deadly addictive drug – in this case entirely by Jews.


As a closing note on this point, many Jewish websites extol the wealth and virtues of the Sassoons, the Kadoories, the Hartungs and more, without caring to specify the criminally evil source of their great wealth.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫先生的 他的文章已被翻译成32种语言,发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级行政职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾任上海复旦大学客座教授,向高级EMBA班介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)新集《当中国打喷嚏时》(When China Sneeezes)的特约作者之一。(第章。2-对付恶魔).

His full archive can be seen at

他的完整文库可以在以下找到  +


He can be contacted at:





(1) It’s Time to Trash Democracy — Part 1 – The Origin

(1) 是时候抛弃民主了——第一部分——起源

(2) Arthur Koestler; The Thirteenth Tribe

(2) 亚瑟·库斯特勒(Arthur Koestler);第十三部落

(3) Arthur Koestler; The Thirteenth Tribe

(3) 亚瑟·库斯特勒(Arthur Koestler);第十三部落

(4) The Truth about Khazars (Facts are Facts)

(4) 卡扎尔的真相(事实就是事实)

(5) Jewish Responsibility for Both World Wars: A Speech by Benjamin Freedman 1961

(5) 犹太人对两次世界大战的责任:本杰明·弗里德曼1961年的演讲

(6) Tiananmen Square: The Failure of an American-instigated 1989 Color Revolution

(6) 天安门广场:1989年美国色彩革命的失败

(7) Cause of World Unrest – 1920

(7) 1920年世界动乱的起因

(8) The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem

(8) 国际犹太人——世界首要问题

(9) Benjamin H. Freedman – 1961 Speech

(9) 本杰明·弗里德曼(Benjamin H.Freedman)——1961年演讲


(10) 独裁主义——隐藏的泰兰尼

(11) The Cause of World Unrest

(11) 世界动荡的原因

(12) The Pleasures of Depopulating the Earth

(12) 地球人口减少的乐趣






(18) Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank

(18) 让我们面对金融危机:首先,我们需要一个中央银行

(19) The cause of World unrest

(19) 世界动荡的原因

(20) None Dare Call it Conspiracy

(20) 没有人敢称之为阴谋

Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022